TCLab G - Nonlinear MPC
Main.TCLabG History
Show minor edits - Show changes to markup
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp1[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp1[0:i],'k-',lw=2,label=r'$T_1 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp2[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp2[0:i],'g-',lw=2,label=r'$T_2 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_2$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',lw=3,label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',lw=3,label=r'$Q_2$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',lw=2,label=r'$T_1 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'g-',lw=2,label=r'$T_2 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_2$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',lw=3,label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',lw=3,label=r'$Q_2$')
Virtual TCLab on Google Colab
T1sp[3:] = 40.0 T2sp[40:] = 30.0 T1sp[80:] = 32.0 T2sp[120:] = 35.0 T1sp[160:] = 45.0
Tsp1[3:] = 40.0 Tsp2[40:] = 30.0 Tsp1[80:] = 32.0 Tsp2[120:] = 35.0 Tsp1[160:] = 45.0
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp1[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 Setpoint$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp1[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp2[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 Setpoint$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp2[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 Setpoint$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 SP$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 Setpoint$')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 SP$')
url = ''
url = ''
Training data is generated from the script in TCLab B or use one of the data files below.
url = ''
url = ''
- Initialize Model as Estimator
- Initialize Model
- Make sure serial connection still closes when there's an error
# Disconnect from Arduino a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) print('Error: Shutting down') a.close() raise
(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:toggle hide gekko_labGNN button show="Lab G: Python TCLab MIMO MPC with Neural Network Model":) (:div id=gekko_labGNN:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from gekko import GEKKO import tclab import time
- -------------------------------------
- connect to Arduino
- -------------------------------------
a = tclab.TCLab()
- -------------------------------------
- import data
- -------------------------------------
url = '' data = pd.read_csv(url)
- -------------------------------------
- scale data
- -------------------------------------
s = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,1)) sc_train = s.fit_transform(data)
- partition into inputs and outputs
xs = sc_train[:,0:2] # 2 heaters ys = sc_train[:,2:4] # 2 temperatures
- -------------------------------------
- build neural network
- -------------------------------------
nin = 2 # inputs n1 = 2 # hidden layer 1 (linear) n2 = 2 # hidden layer 2 (nonlinear) n3 = 2 # hidden layer 3 (linear) nout = 2 # outputs
- Initialize gekko models
train = GEKKO() mpc = GEKKO(remote=False) model = [train,mpc]
for m in model:
# use APOPT solver m.options.SOLVER = 1 # input(s) if m==train: # parameter for training m.inpt = [m.Param() for i in range(nin)] else: # variable for MPC m.inpt = [m.Var() for i in range(nin)] # layer 1 (linear) m.w1 = m.Array(m.FV, (nout,nin,n1)) m.l1 = [[m.Intermediate(sum([m.w1[k,j,i]*m.inpt[j] for j in range(nin)])) for i in range(n1)] for k in range(nout)] # layer 2 (tanh) m.w2 = m.Array(m.FV, (nout,n1,n2)) m.l2 = [[m.Intermediate(sum([m.tanh(m.w2[k,j,i]*m.l1[k][j]) for j in range(n1)])) for i in range(n2)] for k in range(nout)] # layer 3 (linear) m.w3 = m.Array(m.FV, (nout,n2,n3)) m.l3 = [[m.Intermediate(sum([m.w3[k,j,i]*m.l2[k][j] for j in range(n2)])) for i in range(n3)] for k in range(nout)] # outputs m.outpt = [m.CV() for i in range(nout)] m.Equations([m.outpt[k]==sum([m.l3[k][i] for i in range(n3)]) for k in range(nout)]) # flatten matrices m.w1 = m.w1.flatten() m.w2 = m.w2.flatten() m.w3 = m.w3.flatten()
- -------------------------------------
- fit parameter weights
- -------------------------------------
m = train for i in range(nin):
for i in range(nout):
m.outpt[i].value = ys[:,i] m.outpt[i].FSTATUS = 1
for i in range(len(m.w1)):
m.w1[i].FSTATUS=1 m.w1[i].STATUS=1 m.w1[i].MEAS=1.0
for i in range(len(m.w2)):
m.w2[i].STATUS=1 m.w2[i].FSTATUS=1 m.w2[i].MEAS=0.5
for i in range(len(m.w3)):
m.w3[i].FSTATUS=1 m.w3[i].STATUS=1 m.w3[i].MEAS=1.0
m.options.IMODE = 2 m.options.EV_TYPE = 2
- solve for weights to minimize loss (objective)
- -------------------------------------
- Create Model Predictive Controller
- -------------------------------------
m = mpc
- 60 second time horizon, steps of 3 sec
m.time = np.linspace(0,60,21)
- load neural network parameters
for i in range(len(m.w1)):
m.w1[i].MEAS=train.w1[i].NEWVAL m.w1[i].FSTATUS = 1
for i in range(len(m.w2)):
m.w2[i].MEAS=train.w2[i].NEWVAL m.w2[i].FSTATUS = 1
for i in range(len(m.w3)):
m.w3[i].MEAS=train.w3[i].NEWVAL m.w3[i].FSTATUS = 1
- MVs and CVs
Q1 = m.MV(value=0) Q2 = m.MV(value=0) TC1 = m.CV(value=a.T1) TC2 = m.CV(value=a.T2)
- scaled inputs to neural network
m.Equation(m.inpt[0] == Q1 * s.scale_[0] + s.min_[0]) m.Equation(m.inpt[1] == Q2 * s.scale_[1] + s.min_[1])
- define Temperature output
Q0 = 0 # initial heater T0 = 23 # ambient temperature
- scaled steady state ouput
T1_ss = m.Var(value=T0) T2_ss = m.Var(value=T0) m.Equation(T1_ss == (m.outpt[0]-s.min_[2])/s.scale_[2]) m.Equation(T2_ss == (m.outpt[1]-s.min_[3])/s.scale_[3])
- time constants
tauA = m.Param(value=80) tauB = m.Param(value=20) TH1 = m.Var(a.T1) TH2 = m.Var(a.T2)
- additional model equation for dynamics
m.Equation(tauA*TH1.dt()==-TH1+T1_ss) m.Equation(tauA*TH2.dt()==-TH2+T2_ss) m.Equation(tauB*TC1.dt()==-TC1+TH1) m.Equation(tauB*TC2.dt()==-TC2+TH2)
- Manipulated variable tuning
Q1.STATUS = 1 # use to control temperature Q1.FSTATUS = 0 # no feedback measurement Q1.LOWER = 0.0 Q1.UPPER = 100.0 Q1.DMAX = 40.0 Q1.COST = 0.0 Q1.DCOST = 0.0
Q2.STATUS = 1 # use to control temperature Q2.FSTATUS = 0 # no feedback measurement Q2.LOWER = 0.0 Q2.UPPER = 100.0 Q2.DMAX = 40.0 Q2.COST = 0.0 Q2.DCOST = 0.0
- Controlled variable tuning
TC1.STATUS = 1 # minimize error with setpoint range TC1.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement TC1.TR_INIT = 1 # reference trajectory TC1.TAU = 10 # time constant for response
TC2.STATUS = 1 # minimize error with setpoint range TC2.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement TC2.TR_INIT = 1 # reference trajectory TC2.TAU = 10 # time constant for response
- Global Options
m.options.IMODE = 6 # MPC m.options.CV_TYPE = 1 # Objective type m.options.NODES = 3 # Collocation nodes m.options.SOLVER = 3 # 1=APOPT, 3=IPOPT
- -------------------------------------
- Initialize model and data storage
- -------------------------------------
- Get Version
- Turn LED on
print('LED On') a.LED(100)
- Run time in minutes
run_time = 10.0
- Number of cycles with 3 second intervals
loops = int(20.0*run_time) tm = np.zeros(loops)
- Temperature (K)
T1 = np.ones(loops) * a.T1 # temperature (degC) T1sp = np.ones(loops) * 35.0 # set point (degC) T2 = np.ones(loops) * a.T2 # temperature (degC) T2sp = np.ones(loops) * 23.0 # set point (degC)
- Set point changes
T1sp[3:] = 40.0 T2sp[40:] = 30.0 T1sp[80:] = 32.0 T2sp[120:] = 35.0 T1sp[160:] = 45.0
- heater values
Q1s = np.ones(loops) * 0.0 Q2s = np.ones(loops) * 0.0
- Create plot
plt.figure() plt.ion()
- Main Loop
start_time = time.time() prev_time = start_time try:
for i in range(1,loops): # Sleep time sleep_max = 3.0 sleep = sleep_max - (time.time() - prev_time) if sleep>=0.01: time.sleep(sleep) else: time.sleep(0.01) # Record time and change in time t = time.time() dt = t - prev_time prev_time = t tm[i] = t - start_time # Read temperatures in Kelvin T1[i] = a.T1 T2[i] = a.T2 ############################### ### MPC CONTROLLER ### ############################### TC1.MEAS = T1[i] TC2.MEAS = T2[i] # input setpoint with deadband +/- DT DT = 0.1 TC1.SPHI = T1sp[i] + DT TC1.SPLO = T1sp[i] - DT TC2.SPHI = T2sp[i] + DT TC2.SPLO = T2sp[i] - DT # solve MPC m.solve(disp=False) # test for successful solution if (m.options.APPSTATUS==1): # retrieve the first Q value Q1s[i] = Q1.NEWVAL Q2s[i] = Q2.NEWVAL else: # not successful, set heater to zero Q1s[i] = 0 Q2s[i] = 0 # Write output (0-100) a.Q1(Q1s[i]) a.Q2(Q2s[i]) # Plot plt.clf() ax=plt.subplot(3,1,1) ax.grid() plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1[0:i],'ro',MarkerSize=3,label=r'$T_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 Setpoint$') plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)') plt.legend(loc='best') ax=plt.subplot(3,1,2) ax.grid() plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2[0:i],'ro',MarkerSize=3,label=r'$T_2$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 Setpoint$') plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)') plt.legend(loc='best') ax=plt.subplot(3,1,3) ax.grid() plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_2$') plt.ylabel('Heaters') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.draw() plt.pause(0.05) # Turn off heaters a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) print('Shutting down')
- Allow user to end loop with Ctrl-C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Disconnect from Arduino a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) print('Shutting down') a.close()
import tclab
import random
- get gekko package with:
- pip install gekko
- get tclab package with:
- pip install tclab
from tclab import TCLab
a = TCLab()
- Final time
tf = 10 # min
- number of data points (every 3 seconds)
n = tf * 20 + 1
- Percent Heater (0-100%)
Q1s = np.zeros(n) Q2s = np.zeros(n)
- Temperatures (degC)
T1m = a.T1 * np.ones(n) T2m = a.T2 * np.ones(n)
- Temperature setpoints
T1sp = T1m[0] * np.ones(n) T2sp = T2m[0] * np.ones(n)
- Heater set point steps about every 150 sec
a = tclab.TCLab()
- Get Version
- Turn LED on
print('LED On') a.LED(100)
- Run time in minutes
run_time = 10.0
- Number of cycles with 3 second intervals
loops = int(20.0*run_time) tm = np.zeros(loops)
- Temperature (K)
T1 = np.ones(loops) * a.T1 # temperature (degC) Tsp1 = np.ones(loops) * 35.0 # set point (degC) T2 = np.ones(loops) * a.T2 # temperature (degC) Tsp2 = np.ones(loops) * 23.0 # set point (degC)
- Set point changes
- heater values
Q1s = np.ones(loops) * 0.0 Q2s = np.ones(loops) * 0.0
- use remote=True for MacOS
- remote=True for MacOS
- Control horizon, non-uniform time steps
m.time = [0,3,6,10,14,18,22,27,32,38,45,55,65, 75,90,110,130,150]
- Parameters from Estimation
K1 = m.FV(value=0.607) K2 = m.FV(value=0.293) K3 = m.FV(value=0.24) tau12 = m.FV(value=192) tau3 = m.FV(value=15)
- don't update parameters with optimizer
K1.STATUS = 0 K2.STATUS = 0 K3.STATUS = 0 tau12.STATUS = 0 tau3.STATUS = 0
- Measured inputs
- 60 second time horizon, steps of 3 sec
m.time = np.linspace(0,60,21)
- Parameters
U = m.FV(value=10,name='u') tau = m.FV(value=5,name='tau') alpha1 = m.FV(value=0.01) # W / % heater alpha2 = m.FV(value=0.0075) # W / % heater
Kp = m.Param(value=0.5) tau = m.Param(value=50.0) zeta = m.Param(value=1.5)
- Manipulated variables
Q1.STATUS = 1 # manipulated Q1.FSTATUS = 0 # measured Q1.DMAX = 20.0 Q1.DCOST = 0.1 Q1.UPPER = 100.0
Q1.STATUS = 1 # use to control temperature Q1.FSTATUS = 0 # no feedback measurement
Q1.UPPER = 100.0 Q1.DMAX = 40.0 Q1.COST = 0.0 Q1.DCOST = 0.0
Q2.STATUS = 1 # manipulated Q2.FSTATUS = 0 # measured Q2.DMAX = 30.0 Q2.DCOST = 0.1 Q2.UPPER = 100.0
Q2.STATUS = 1 # use to control temperature Q2.FSTATUS = 0 # no feedback measurement
- State variables
TH1 = m.SV(value=T1m[0]) TH2 = m.SV(value=T2m[0])
- Measurements for model alignment
TC1 = m.CV(value=T1m[0]) TC1.STATUS = 1 # minimize error
Q2.UPPER = 100.0 Q2.DMAX = 40.0 Q2.COST = 0.0 Q2.DCOST = 0.0
- Controlled variable
TC1 = m.CV(value=T1[0]) TC1.STATUS = 1 # minimize error with setpoint range
TC1.TAU = 10 # response speed (time constant) TC1.TR_INIT = 2 # reference trajectory
TC2 = m.CV(value=T2m[0]) TC2.STATUS = 1 # minimize error
TC1.TR_INIT = 1 # reference trajectory TC1.TAU = 10 # time constant for response
- Controlled variable
TC2 = m.CV(value=T2[0]) TC2.STATUS = 1 # minimize error with setpoint range
TC2.TAU = 10 # response speed (time constant) TC2.TR_INIT = 2 # reference trajectory
Ta = m.Param(value=23.0) # degC
TC2.TR_INIT = 1 # reference trajectory TC2.TAU = 10 # time constant for response
- State variables
TH1 = m.SV(value=T1[0]) TH2 = m.SV(value=T2[0])
Ta = m.Param(value=23.0+273.15) # K mass = m.Param(value=4.0/1000.0) # kg Cp = m.Param(value=0.5*1000.0) # J/kg-K A = m.Param(value=10.0/100.0**2) # Area not between heaters in m^2 As = m.Param(value=2.0/100.0**2) # Area between heaters in m^2 eps = m.Param(value=0.9) # Emissivity sigma = m.Const(5.67e-8) # Stefan-Boltzmann
- Heater temperatures
T1i = m.Intermediate(TH1+273.15) T2i = m.Intermediate(TH2+273.15)
DT = m.Intermediate(TH2-TH1)
- Empirical correlations
m.Equation(tau12 * TH1.dt() + (TH1-Ta) == K1*Q1 + K3*DT) m.Equation(tau12 * TH2.dt() + (TH2-Ta) == K2*Q2 - K3*DT) m.Equation(tau3 * TC1.dt() + TC1 == TH1) m.Equation(tau3 * TC2.dt() + TC2 == TH2)
Q_C12 = m.Intermediate(U*As*(T2i-T1i)) # Convective Q_R12 = m.Intermediate(eps*sigma*As*(T2i**4-T1i**4)) # Radiative
- Semi-fundamental correlations (energy balances)
m.Equation(TH1.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T1i) + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T1i**4) + Q_C12 + Q_R12 + alpha1*Q1))
m.Equation(TH2.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T2i) + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T2i**4) - Q_C12 - Q_R12 + alpha2*Q2))
- Empirical correlations (lag equations to emulate conduction)
m.Equation(tau * TC1.dt() == -TC1 + TH1) m.Equation(tau * TC2.dt() == -TC2 + TH2)
m.options.IMODE = 6 # MHE m.options.EV_TYPE = 1 # Objective type
m.options.IMODE = 6 # MPC m.options.CV_TYPE = 1 # Objective type
m.options.SOLVER = 3 # IPOPT m.options.COLDSTART = 1 # COLDSTART on first cycle
m.options.SOLVER = 3 # 1=APOPT, 3=IPOPT
tm = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(1,n):
for i in range(1,loops):
# Read temperatures in Celsius T1m[i] = a.T1 T2m[i] = a.T2 # Insert measurements TC1.MEAS = T1m[i] TC2.MEAS = T2m[i] # Adjust setpoints TC1.SPHI = T1sp[i] + 0.1 TC1.SPLO = T1sp[i] - 0.1 TC2.SPHI = T2sp[i] + 0.1 TC2.SPLO = T2sp[i] - 0.1
# Read temperatures in Kelvin T1[i] = a.T1 T2[i] = a.T2 ############################### ### MPC CONTROLLER ### ############################### TC1.MEAS = T1[i] TC2.MEAS = T2[i] # input setpoint with deadband +/- DT DT = 0.1 TC1.SPHI = Tsp1[i] + DT TC1.SPLO = Tsp1[i] - DT TC2.SPHI = Tsp2[i] + DT TC2.SPLO = Tsp2[i] - DT # solve MPC m.solve(disp=False) # test for successful solution if (m.options.APPSTATUS==1): # retrieve the first Q value Q1s[i] = Q1.NEWVAL Q2s[i] = Q2.NEWVAL else: # not successful, set heater to zero Q1s[i] = 0 Q2s[i] = 0
# Predict Parameters and Temperatures with MHE # use remote=False for local solve m.solve() if m.options.APPSTATUS == 1: # Retrieve new values Q1s[i] = Q1.NEWVAL Q2s[i] = Q2.NEWVAL else: # Solution failed Q1s[i] = 0.0 Q2s[i] = 0.0 # Write new heater values (0-100)
# Write output (0-100)
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1m[0:i],'ro',label=r'$T_1$ measured') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',label=r'$T_1$ setpoint') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2m[0:i],'bx',label=r'$T_2$ measured') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'k--',label=r'$T_2$ setpoint')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1[0:i],'ro',MarkerSize=3,label=r'$T_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp1[0:i],'k-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_1 Setpoint$')
plt.legend(loc=2) ax=plt.subplot(2,1,2)
plt.legend(loc='best') ax=plt.subplot(3,1,2)
plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',label=r'$Q_2$') plt.ylabel('Heaters') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2[0:i],'ro',MarkerSize=3,label=r'$T_2$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Tsp2[0:i],'g-',LineWidth=2,label=r'$T_2 Setpoint$') plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)')
ax=plt.subplot(3,1,3) ax.grid() plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',LineWidth=3,label=r'$Q_2$') plt.ylabel('Heaters') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best')
# Turn off heaters and close connection
# Turn off heaters
a.close() # Save figure plt.savefig('tclab_mpc.png')
print('Shutting down')
# Turn off heaters and close connection
# Disconnect from Arduino
print('Shutting down')
print('Shutting down') plt.savefig('tclab_mpc.png')
print('Error: Shutting down')
print('Error: Shutting down') plt.savefig('tclab_mpc.png')
(:title TCLab G - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control:)
(:title TCLab G - Nonlinear MPC:)
(:title TCLab G - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control:) (:keywords Arduino, Empirical, Hybrid, MPC, Regression, temperature, control, process control, course:) (:description Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Temperature Control with Arduino Temperature Sensors and Heaters in MATLAB and Python:)
The TCLab is a hands-on application of machine learning and advanced temperature control with two heaters and two temperature sensors. The labs reinforce principles of model development, estimation, and advanced control methods. This is the seventh exercise and it involves nonlinear model predictive control with an energy balance model that is augmented with empirical elements. The predictions were previously aligned to the measured values through an estimator. This model predictive controller uses those parameters and a nonlinear MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) model of the TCLab input to output response to control temperatures to a set point.
Lab Problem Statement
Data and Solutions
- Solution with MATLAB and Python
(:html:) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> (:htmlend:)

(:toggle hide gekko_labG button show="Lab G: Python TCLab MIMO MPC with Hybrid Model":) (:div id=gekko_labG:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random
- get gekko package with:
- pip install gekko
from gekko import GEKKO
- get tclab package with:
- pip install tclab
from tclab import TCLab
- Connect to Arduino
a = TCLab()
- Final time
tf = 10 # min
- number of data points (every 3 seconds)
n = tf * 20 + 1
- Percent Heater (0-100%)
Q1s = np.zeros(n) Q2s = np.zeros(n)
- Temperatures (degC)
T1m = a.T1 * np.ones(n) T2m = a.T2 * np.ones(n)
- Temperature setpoints
T1sp = T1m[0] * np.ones(n) T2sp = T2m[0] * np.ones(n)
- Heater set point steps about every 150 sec
T1sp[3:] = 40.0 T2sp[40:] = 30.0 T1sp[80:] = 32.0 T2sp[120:] = 35.0 T1sp[160:] = 45.0
- Initialize Model as Estimator
- use remote=True for MacOS
m = GEKKO(name='tclab-mpc',remote=False)
- Control horizon, non-uniform time steps
m.time = [0,3,6,10,14,18,22,27,32,38,45,55,65, 75,90,110,130,150]
- Parameters from Estimation
K1 = m.FV(value=0.607) K2 = m.FV(value=0.293) K3 = m.FV(value=0.24) tau12 = m.FV(value=192) tau3 = m.FV(value=15)
- don't update parameters with optimizer
K1.STATUS = 0 K2.STATUS = 0 K3.STATUS = 0 tau12.STATUS = 0 tau3.STATUS = 0
- Measured inputs
Q1 = m.MV(value=0) Q1.STATUS = 1 # manipulated Q1.FSTATUS = 0 # measured Q1.DMAX = 20.0 Q1.DCOST = 0.1 Q1.UPPER = 100.0 Q1.LOWER = 0.0
Q2 = m.MV(value=0) Q2.STATUS = 1 # manipulated Q2.FSTATUS = 0 # measured Q2.DMAX = 30.0 Q2.DCOST = 0.1 Q2.UPPER = 100.0 Q2.LOWER = 0.0
- State variables
TH1 = m.SV(value=T1m[0]) TH2 = m.SV(value=T2m[0])
- Measurements for model alignment
TC1 = m.CV(value=T1m[0]) TC1.STATUS = 1 # minimize error TC1.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement TC1.TAU = 10 # response speed (time constant) TC1.TR_INIT = 2 # reference trajectory
TC2 = m.CV(value=T2m[0]) TC2.STATUS = 1 # minimize error TC2.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement TC2.TAU = 10 # response speed (time constant) TC2.TR_INIT = 2 # reference trajectory
Ta = m.Param(value=23.0) # degC
- Heat transfer between two heaters
DT = m.Intermediate(TH2-TH1)
- Empirical correlations
m.Equation(tau12 * TH1.dt() + (TH1-Ta) == K1*Q1 + K3*DT) m.Equation(tau12 * TH2.dt() + (TH2-Ta) == K2*Q2 - K3*DT) m.Equation(tau3 * TC1.dt() + TC1 == TH1) m.Equation(tau3 * TC2.dt() + TC2 == TH2)
- Global Options
m.options.IMODE = 6 # MHE m.options.EV_TYPE = 1 # Objective type m.options.NODES = 3 # Collocation nodes m.options.SOLVER = 3 # IPOPT m.options.COLDSTART = 1 # COLDSTART on first cycle
- Create plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) plt.ion()
- Main Loop
start_time = time.time() prev_time = start_time tm = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(1,n): # Sleep time sleep_max = 3.0 sleep = sleep_max - (time.time() - prev_time) if sleep>=0.01: time.sleep(sleep-0.01) else: time.sleep(0.01) # Record time and change in time t = time.time() dt = t - prev_time prev_time = t tm[i] = t - start_time # Read temperatures in Celsius T1m[i] = a.T1 T2m[i] = a.T2 # Insert measurements TC1.MEAS = T1m[i] TC2.MEAS = T2m[i] # Adjust setpoints TC1.SPHI = T1sp[i] + 0.1 TC1.SPLO = T1sp[i] - 0.1 TC2.SPHI = T2sp[i] + 0.1 TC2.SPLO = T2sp[i] - 0.1 # Predict Parameters and Temperatures with MHE # use remote=False for local solve m.solve() if m.options.APPSTATUS == 1: # Retrieve new values Q1s[i] = Q1.NEWVAL Q2s[i] = Q2.NEWVAL else: # Solution failed Q1s[i] = 0.0 Q2s[i] = 0.0 # Write new heater values (0-100) a.Q1(Q1s[i]) a.Q2(Q2s[i]) # Plot plt.clf() ax=plt.subplot(2,1,1) ax.grid() plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1m[0:i],'ro',label=r'$T_1$ measured') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T1sp[0:i],'k-',label=r'$T_1$ setpoint') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2m[0:i],'bx',label=r'$T_2$ measured') plt.plot(tm[0:i],T2sp[0:i],'k--',label=r'$T_2$ setpoint') plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)') plt.legend(loc=2) ax=plt.subplot(2,1,2) ax.grid() plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q1s[0:i],'r-',label=r'$Q_1$') plt.plot(tm[0:i],Q2s[0:i],'b:',label=r'$Q_2$') plt.ylabel('Heaters') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.draw() plt.pause(0.05) # Turn off heaters and close connection a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) a.close() # Save figure plt.savefig('tclab_mpc.png')
- Allow user to end loop with Ctrl-C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Turn off heaters and close connection a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) a.close() print('Shutting down') plt.savefig('tclab_mpc.png')
- Make sure serial connection still closes when there's an error
# Disconnect from Arduino a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) a.close() print('Error: Shutting down') plt.savefig('tclab_mpc.png') raise
(:sourceend:) (:divend:)
See also:
Advanced Control Lab Overview
GEKKO Documentation
TCLab Documentation
TCLab Files on GitHub
Basic (PID) Control Lab
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