Quiz on Artificial Pancreas Case Study

1. What is the actuator for blood glucose control?

A. Glucose sensor
Incorrect. The sensor measures the glucose level but does not change it.
B. PID controller
Incorrect. The PID controller sends a signal to the actuator but it is not the actuator
C. Meal
Incorrect. Meals affect the amount of glucose in the blood but are considered as a disturbance, not the actuator
D. Insulin pump
Correct. The insulin pump is the actuator and increases flow when the blood glucose level is too high

2. What is the most important objective for an artificial pancreas?

A. Prevent the blood glucose level from getting too high
Incorrect. High blood glucose level is not good but low blood glucose level is even more dangerous
B. Prevent the blood glucose level from getting too low
Correct. The insulin lowers the blood glucose level. Without glucose, the body begins to shut down. Keeping the blood glucose level above the safe limit is the most important objective.
C. Save money by injecting less insulin
Incorrect. The health implications of poor blood glucose control are more important.
D. Avoid spikes in blood glucose at meals
Incorrect. It is natural for blood glucose level to spike at meal time, even for individuals without type-I diabetes.

3. Is blood glucose control concerned with disturbance rejection or servo control?

A. Disturbance rejection
Correct. No set point changes are anticipated with blood glucose regulation. There is a target blood glucose concentration that does not change.
B. Servo control
Incorrect. No set point changes are anticipated with blood glucose regulation. There is a target blood glucose concentration that does not change.
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