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Quiz: Physics-based Modeling

1. Which of these is not a conserved quantity as a basis for a balance equation?

A. Momentum
B. Species
C. Force
D. Energy

2. In some large systems such as reservoirs or algae cultivation pools, evaporation plays a significant role. How would its effect best be classified?

A. Controller Output / Manipulated Variable
B. Disturbance
C. Process Variable / Controlled Variable

3. The mass balance for a vertical cylindrical tank assumes a constant cross-sectional area A:


with A=πr2 and radius r. The volume of liquid in the vertical cylinder is V=Ah. What is the form of the differential equation if the cylinder is placed horizontally?

A. ρAdhdt=˙min˙mout
B. πh2dhdt=˙min˙mout
C. ρdVdt=˙min˙mout

4. A simulation of the ice temperature variation over the dimensions of space and time is requested for a glacier. Following the 12 dynamic modeling steps, which of the following is not correct?

A. An energy balance is needed (Step 5).
B. Additional thermo relations such as solid heat capacity are needed (Step 6)
C. Spatial dependency indicates that an ordinary differential equation is needed (Step 4)
D. There are the same number of variables and equations (Step 7)
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