Estimate Kinetic Parameters from Dynamic Data

Main.KineticModeling History

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June 21, 2020, at 04:41 AM by -
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!!!! Case Study on Dynamic Parameter Estimation
!!!! Dynamic Parameter Estimation

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May 11, 2015, at 01:19 PM by -
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-> Attach:f-test_equation.gif
-> Attach:f-test_equation.png
April 11, 2013, at 05:51 AM by -
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April 11, 2013, at 05:49 AM by -
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Nonlinear confidence intervals can also be visualized as a function of 2 parameters. In this case, both parameters are simultaneously varied to find the confidence region. The confidence interval is determined with an F-test that specifies an upper limit to the deviation from the optimal solution

-> Attach:f-test_equation.gif

with p=2 (number of parameters), n=number of measurements, theta=[parameter 1, parameter 2] (parameters), theta'^*^' as the optimal parameters, SSE as the sum of squared errors, and the F statistic that has 3 arguments (alpha=confidence level, degrees of freedom 1, and degrees of freedom 2). For many problems, this creates a multi-dimensional nonlinear confidence region. In the case of 2 parameters, the nonlinear confidence region is a 2-dimensional space. Below is an example that shows the confidence region for the dye fading experiment confidence region for forward and reverse activation energies.

-> Attach:dye_2d_confidence_region.png

The optimal parameter values are in the 95% confidence region. This plot demonstrates that the 2D confidence region is not necessarily symmetric.
March 12, 2013, at 07:43 AM by -
Changed line 42 from:
* [[ | Confidence Intervals with Multiple Dynamic Data Sets in Python (zip)]]
* [[ | Confidence Intervals with Multiple Dynamic Data Sets in Python (zip)]]
March 12, 2013, at 07:17 AM by -
Changed lines 22-23 from:
* [[ | Fitting Multiple Dynamic Data Sets in Python (zip)]]
Added lines 29-30:
!!!! Nonlinear Confidence Intervals
Added lines 36-42:


!!!! Multiple Data Sets

* [[ | Fitting Multiple Dynamic Data Sets in Python (zip)]]
* [[ | Confidence Intervals with Multiple Dynamic Data Sets in Python (zip)]]
March 10, 2013, at 03:26 AM by -
Added line 31:
March 10, 2013, at 03:22 AM by -
Deleted line 21:
* [[ | Nonlinear Confidence Intervals in MATLAB and Python (zip)]]
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* [[ | Nonlinear Confidence Intervals in Excel, MATLAB, and Python (zip)]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
March 08, 2013, at 08:41 PM by -
Added lines 23-24:
* [[ | Fitting Multiple Dynamic Data Sets in Python (zip)]]
March 05, 2013, at 01:00 AM by -
Changed line 22 from:
* [[ | Nonlinear Confidence Intervals (zip)]]
* [[ | Nonlinear Confidence Intervals in MATLAB and Python (zip)]]
March 01, 2013, at 12:39 AM by -
Changed line 21 from:
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment Files (zip)]]
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment Files in MATLAB and Python (zip)]]
February 01, 2013, at 03:16 AM by -
Added line 22:
* [[ | Nonlinear Confidence Intervals (zip)]]
January 11, 2013, at 02:22 PM by -
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December 22, 2012, at 01:10 PM by -
Changed lines 21-25 from:
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment Files (zip)]]
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment Files (zip)]]

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
December 22, 2012, at 12:07 AM by -
Changed line 18 from:
An engineer collected time-varying data for a non-isothermal run and needs you to estimate the kinetic parameters. The temperature ranged from  about 60 - 140 degF. In order to appropriately size the reactor vessel, they need the kinetic parameters with the associated 95% confidence intervals.
An engineer collected time-varying data for a non-isothermal run and needs you to estimate the kinetic parameters. The temperature ranged from  about 60 - 140 degF. In order to appropriately size the reactor vessel, engineers need the kinetic parameters with the associated 95% confidence intervals.
December 22, 2012, at 12:00 AM by -
Changed lines 20-21 from:
* [[Attach:dye_fading_experiment.pdf | Dye Fading Experiment (pdf)]]
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment (zip)]]
* [[Attach:dye_fading_experiment.pdf | Dye Fading Experiment Information (pdf)]]
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment Files (zip)]]
December 21, 2012, at 11:59 PM by -
Changed lines 16-18 from:
Reaction 1 is very fast and can be assumed to be instantaneous when the phenolphthalein (Ph) is added to a hydroxide solution. We are considering using phenolphthalein as an indicator to determine the residence time of several large CSTR reactors in a pilot plant. Please determine the kinetic parameters for reaction 2 with respect to phenolphthalein associated with the fading of phenolphthalein in sodium hydroxide solutions (reaction order, k, and Ea).

An engineer collected time-varying data for a non-isothermal run and needs you to estimate the kinetic parameters. The temperature ranged from  about 60 - 140 degF. In order to appropriately size the reactor vessel, they need the heat of reaction within a 95% confidence level.
Reaction 1 is very fast and can be assumed to be instantaneous when the phenolphthalein (Ph) is added to a hydroxide solution. We are considering using phenolphthalein as an indicator to determine the residence time of several large CSTR reactors in a pilot plant. Please determine the kinetic parameters for reaction 2 with respect to phenolphthalein associated with the fading of phenolphthalein in sodium hydroxide solutions (reaction orders, A1, A2, Ea1, and Ea2).

An engineer collected time-varying data for a non-isothermal run and needs you to estimate the kinetic parameters. The temperature ranged from  about 60 - 140 degF. In order to appropriately size the reactor vessel, they need the kinetic parameters with the associated 95% confidence intervals.
December 21, 2012, at 11:56 PM by -
Changed lines 20-21 from:
* [[Attach:dye_fading_experiment.pdf | Dye Fading Experiment]]
* [[Attach:dye_fading_experiment.pdf | Dye Fading Experiment (pdf)]]
* [[ | Dye Fading Experiment (zip)
December 21, 2012, at 11:54 PM by -
Changed line 20 from:
* [[Attach:dye_fading_experiment.pdf | Dye Fading Experiment]]
December 21, 2012, at 11:52 PM by -
Added lines 1-20:
(:title Estimate Kinetic Parameters from Dynamic Data:)
(:keywords nonlinear, optimization, engineering optimization, dynamic estimation, interior point, active set, differential, algebraic, modeling language, university course:)
(:description Case study on dynamic reconciliation for kinetic modeling using optimization techniques in engineering:)

!!!! Case Study on Dynamic Parameter Estimation

The reaction of phenolphthalein with a base solution follows the 2 reaction sequence given below.

* Reaction 1:
** Irreversible reaction, fast reaction dynamics
** Ph + 2 OH- => Ph(2-) + 2 H2O
* Reaction 2:
** Reversible, slow reaction dynamics
** Ph(2-) + OH- <=> PhOH(3-)

Reaction 1 is very fast and can be assumed to be instantaneous when the phenolphthalein (Ph) is added to a hydroxide solution. We are considering using phenolphthalein as an indicator to determine the residence time of several large CSTR reactors in a pilot plant. Please determine the kinetic parameters for reaction 2 with respect to phenolphthalein associated with the fading of phenolphthalein in sodium hydroxide solutions (reaction order, k, and Ea).

An engineer collected time-varying data for a non-isothermal run and needs you to estimate the kinetic parameters. The temperature ranged from  about 60 - 140 degF. In order to appropriately size the reactor vessel, they need the heat of reaction within a 95% confidence level.
