Quiz: Intro to Python

1. Which of the following is a correct way to name a variable and set its value to 5 in python? There may be more than one correct answer.

A. my_var = 5
Correct. This is an acceptable variable name.
B. my var = 5
Incorrect. Variable names cannot contain spaces.
C. myvar = 5
Correct. This is an acceptable variable name.
D. 5 = my_var
Incorrect. The variable name should be on the left with the assigned value on the right.
E. myvar: = 5
Incorrect. ':' Has a purpose in python so it can't be used in a variable name.
F. myvar! = 5
Incorrect. '!' Has a purpose in python so it can't be used in a variable name.

2. What is wrong with this 'if' statement that will keep it from working?

if y > 3
A. Incorrect symbol used for 'greater than'
Incorrect. It is actually the correct symbol for 'greater than'.
B. Incorrect 'if' statement syntax
Correct. There is a missing indentation and colon.
C. Incorrect order of 3 and y in the if statement
Incorrect. They are in the correct order as shown

3. Which is the simplest correct way to program the following equation in python?

$$y = 5x^4 + 2x^3 + 14x^2 + 3x + 7$$

A. y = 5x4 + 2x3 + 14x2 + 3x + 7
Incorrect. You will need to use the multiplication symbol in python as well as a symbol that will make an exponent.
B. y = 5x^4 + 2x^3 + 14x^2 + 3x + 7
Incorrect. You will need to use a multiplication symbol and the correct symbol for creating an exponent.
C. y = 5*x^4 + 2*x^3 + 14*x^2 + 3*x + 7
Incorrect. The correct symbol for making an exponent is **, not ^.
D. 5 = y = 5*x**4 + 2*x**3 + 14*x**2 + 3*x + 7
Correct. The variable name should be on the left with the assigned value on the right.
E. y = 5*x*x*x*x + 2*x*x*x + 14*x*x + 3*x + 7
Correct. This formula would work but takes longer to write than a simpler one.

4. What is the final value of z?

x = 3.897
y = 4.125
w = 8.796
z = x**2 + 3*y**3 + 2*w
z = z/z
A. 243.347
B. 1
C. 0

5. What is the final value of x?

y = 2
x = 3
#x = 4
z = 55
#y = 3
x = z + x + y
A. 60
Correct. Ignore the lines with the comment character.
B. 61
Incorrect. Ignore the lines with the comment character
C. 62
Incorrect. Ignore the lines with the comment character
D. 63
Incorrect. Ignore the lines with the comment character

6. Which of the following are valid functions in Python?

# A
def square_me(x)
   return x^2

# B
def square_me(x)
   return x**2

# C
function square_me(x)
   return x**2

# D
function square_me(x) :
   return x^2

# E
def square_me(x) :
   return x**2
Incorrect. There are 2 problems: no ":" and x^2 should be x**2
Incorrect. No, there needs to be a ":" at the end of the first line
Incorrect. The keyword is "def" not "function", and we need a ":"
Incorrect. The keyword is "def" not "function"

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