Quiz: Solve Equations with Python
1. What is the solution to the following linear system of equations?
$$A x = b$$
where A is a matrix and b is a vector (both known) with vector x unknown.
A. `A=bx^T`
- Incorrect.
B. `x=A^{-1}b`
- Correct.
C. `x=A^Tb`
- Incorrect.
D. `x=b`
- Incorrect.
2. What is a possible function to solve `x=A^{-1}b` in Python?
A. numpy.array()
- Incorrect. The array function builds a Numpy array.
B. numpy.solve()
- Incorrect. The solve function is in the linear algebra linalg package that is contained in numpy.
C. numpy.linalg.solve()
- Correct. Another potential strategy to solve the linear equations is with numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(A),b).
D. None of the above
- Incorrect.
3. It is important to distinguish between linear and nonlinear equations to know which solution strategy to use. Select the equation that is nonlinear.
A. `10^2x+(15y+3)=10`
- Incorrect.
B. `2x+3y=\sqrt{5}`
- Incorrect.
C. `5x^2+3y+2=0`
- Correct.