
Main.Variables History

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August 16, 2024, at 12:38 AM by -
Deleted lines 0-1:
!! Variables
Changed lines 23-24 from:
   v2 = 2 * p1        ! initializes to 3.0
  v3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
   v2 = 2 * v1        ! initializes to 3.0
  v3 = exp(v2) * v1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
Changed lines 25-26 from:
   x < 5              ! initializes to 1.0 (default) with upper bound 5
   x < 5              ! initializes to 1.0 (default)
with upper bound 5
Changed lines 28-30 from:
   z = 1.8 < 2.3 >=0  ! initializes to 1.8 with upper and lower bounds
   z = 1.8 < 2.3 >=0  ! initializes to 1.8
                     !  with upper bound 2.3
                      !  and lower bound 0
Changed lines 20-28 from:
 Model example
    v0                 ! no initial value, default = 1
    v1 = 1.5         ! initializes to 1.5
    v2 = 2 * p1       ! initializes to 3.0
  v3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
    my_variable = 1   ! initializes to 1.0
   End Variables
 End Model
  v0               ! no initial value, default = 1
= 1.5          ! initializes to 1.5
  v2 = 2 * p1       ! initializes to 3.0
  v3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
   x < 5             ! initializes to 1.0 (default) with upper bound 5
  y = 2              ! initializes to 2.0
  z = 1.8 < 2.3 >=0  ! initializes to 1.8 with upper and lower bounds
 End Variables
June 16, 2015, at 06:42 PM by -
Deleted lines 28-31:
Global variable name for variable ''v0'' in model ''example'' and file ''test.apm'' solved in a steady-state ''ss'' simulation.

June 16, 2015, at 06:41 PM by -
Changed line 17 from:
(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 width=100% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
June 16, 2015, at 06:40 PM by -
Changed line 22 from:
     v0                ! no initial value provided - default = 1
     v0                ! no initial value, default = 1
September 25, 2008, at 08:10 PM by -
Changed line 30 from:
Global variable name for variable ''v0'' in model ''example'' and file ''test'' solved in a steady-state ''ss'' simulation.
Global variable name for variable ''v0'' in model ''example'' and file ''test.apm'' solved in a steady-state ''ss'' simulation.
September 25, 2008, at 08:10 PM by -
Changed lines 30-31 from:
 Global variable name for variable ''v0'' in model ''example'' and file ''test'' solved in a steady-state ''ss'' simulation.
Global variable name for variable ''v0'' in model ''example'' and file ''test'' solved in a steady-state ''ss'' simulation.
September 25, 2008, at 08:09 PM by -
Added lines 11-14:
!!! Global Name

Variables are identified by the simulation mode, file name, model or object name, and variable name.  These names are separated by a period to form a global name.  These global names are used in configuration files to identify the variable.

Changed line 19 from:
 ! Example variable declarations
 ! Example variable declarations in test.apm
Added lines 29-31:
 Global variable name for variable ''v0'' in model ''example'' and file ''test'' solved in a steady-state ''ss'' simulation.
September 25, 2008, at 07:15 PM by -
Changed line 15 from:
 ! Example model that demonstrates parameter declarations
 ! Example variable declarations
Changed lines 18-22 from:
     p0                ! no initial value provided - default = 1
    p1 = 1.5          ! initializes to 1.5
    p2 = 2 * p1        ! initializes to 3.0
    p3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
    my_parameter = 1  ! initializes to 1.0
     v0                ! no initial value provided - default = 1
    v1 = 1.5          ! initializes to 1.5
    v2 = 2 * p1        ! initializes to 3.0
    v3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
    my_variable = 1  ! initializes to 1.0
September 25, 2008, at 07:15 PM by -
Changed line 17 from:
Changed line 23 from:
   End Parameters
   End Variables
September 25, 2008, at 04:40 PM by -
Added lines 10-11:

!!! Example
September 25, 2008, at 04:39 PM by -
Changed lines 11-13 from:

(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0 :)
(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
Deleted lines 12-13:
(:table class='markup horiz' align='left':)
(:cell  class='markup1':)
Deleted line 23:
September 25, 2008, at 04:39 PM by -
Deleted lines 28-43:

!!! General Usage

(:table align='center':)
(:cellnr  class='markup1':)
[-'''What to type'''-]
(:cell  class='markup2':)
[-'''What it looks like'''-]

!!![[#lists]] Scope
(:markup class=horiz:)
All variables have global scope.  This facilitates the exchange of information between models but can also lead to name conflicts.  Variables that are part of objects have the object name pre-pended.  In order to use an object's variable in an equation, a connection must be made to a user-defined variable.

September 25, 2008, at 04:38 PM by -
Changed lines 9-28 from:
All variables have global scope.  This facilitates the exchange of information between models but can also lead to name conflicts.  Variables that are part of objects have the object name pre-pended.  In order to use an object's variable in an equation, a connection must be made to a user-defined variable.
All variables have global scope.  This facilitates the exchange of information between models but can also lead to name conflicts.  Object variables have the object name pre-pended.  In order to use an object's variable in an equation, a connection must be made to a user-defined variable.

(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0 :)
(:table class='markup horiz' align='left':)
(:cell  class='markup1':)
 ! Example model that demonstrates parameter declarations
 Model example
    p0                ! no initial value provided - default = 1
    p1 = 1.5          ! initializes to 1.5
    p2 = 2 * p1        ! initializes to 3.0
    p3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
    my_parameter = 1  ! initializes to 1.0
  End Parameters
 End Model
September 25, 2008, at 04:34 PM by -
Changed line 14 from:
(:table class='markup horiz' align='center':)
(:table align='center':)
Deleted lines 19-40:

(:markup class=horiz:)
An empty line

starts a new paragraph.

(:markup class=horiz:)
A single newline
usually doesn't affect the layout. 
Use two backslashes\\
to break a line.
Use three backslashes\\\
for two line breaks.

(:markup class=horiz:)
A single backslash \
joins the next line \
to the previous one.
September 25, 2008, at 04:31 PM by -
Changed line 43 from:
!!![[#lists]] Lists
!!![[#lists]] Scope
Changed lines 45-48 from:
* lists are created by using asterisks
** more asterisks produce deeper lists
*** the list is terminated
by the first line that is not a list
All variables have global scope.  This facilitates the exchange of information between models but can also lead to name conflicts.  Variables that are part of objects have the object name pre-pended.  In order to use an object's variable in an equation, a connection must be made to a user-defined variable.
September 25, 2008, at 04:28 PM by -
Deleted lines 51-75:
!!! Example

(:table class='markup horiz' align='left':)
(:cell  class='markup1':)
[@! Example model that demonstrates parameter declarations
Model example
    p0                ! no initial value provided - default = 1
    p1 = 1.5          ! initializes to 1.5
    p2 = 2 * p1        ! initializes to 3.0
    p3 = exp(p2) * p1  ! initializes to exp(3.0) * 1.5
    my_parameter = 1  ! initializes to 1.0
  End Parameters
End Model@]

!!![[#lists]] Lists
(:markup class=horiz:)
* lists are created by using asterisks
** more asterisks produce deeper lists
*** the list is terminated
by the first line that is not a list
September 25, 2008, at 04:28 PM by -
Added lines 10-50:

!!! General Usage

(:table class='markup horiz' align='center':)
(:cellnr  class='markup1':)
[-'''What to type'''-]
(:cell  class='markup2':)
[-'''What it looks like'''-]

(:markup class=horiz:)
An empty line

starts a new paragraph.

(:markup class=horiz:)
A single newline
usually doesn't affect the layout. 
Use two backslashes\\
to break a line.
Use three backslashes\\\
for two line breaks.

(:markup class=horiz:)
A single backslash \
joins the next line \
to the previous one.

!!![[#lists]] Lists
(:markup class=horiz:)
* lists are created by using asterisks
** more asterisks produce deeper lists
*** the list is terminated
by the first line that is not a list

September 25, 2008, at 04:27 PM by -
Added line 13:
Deleted line 15:
Added line 26:
Deleted line 27:
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