APMonitor / GEKKO Support

There are several ways to get involved in the community of GEKKO users. The newest and most capable interface to APMonitor is the Python GEKKO package that is available with:

 pip install gekko

Gekko runs in Python or as a function call from MATLAB.

Generative AI is built into Gekko with the support module. Create a support agent with support.agent() and then ask any questions about Gekko.

from gekko import support
a = support.agent()
a.ask("Can you optimize the Rosenbrock function?")

Prior questions and answers are stored as context for follow-up questions.

Feature Request or Bug Report

To request an enhancement or report a bug, please consider submitting to the issue tracking in the GEKKO Github Repository.

APMonitor and GEKKO Tutorials

There are many APMonitor and GEKKO tutorials that are in the Dynamic Optimization Course, APMonitor Documentation, and GEKKO Documentation.

Gekko Support

As a first step, please search GEKKO topic tags on StackOverflow. If there isn't a solution, please consider posting a question with a Mimimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. If you give it a GEKKO tag with [gekko], the subscribed community will be alerted to your question.

APMonitor Support

An additional opportunity for support is from a discussion forum where questions can be posted or answered with the Google Group: apmonitor@googlegroups.com (Visit discussion group). If it is a MATLAB/Simulink enhancement or bug report, please send a message to the e-mail user group.

APMonitor User's Group is a discussion forum for new and experienced users of optimization and control software.  It is dedicated to sharing user experiences and submitting feature requests.  First time users are encouraged to work through a few tutorial examples.  APMonitor is designed with minimal overhead syntax so that constraints, variables, equations, and data structures are a natural expression of the actual problem.  This allows the user to focus more on their problem and less on the language.

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Visit this group

Software for differential algebraic systems

These tools are for solving Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems with differential or algebraic constraints. There are a number of places to get additional information about APMonitor.  There is the web-site at https://apmonitor.com with example problems in the online courses and documentation.
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