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Main.T0 History

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April 19, 2012, at 06:55 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:
There are 6 modes of operation for the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor software.  Each produces a solution file upon successful execution.  When the solver fails to obtain a feasible solution, no solution file is created.
There are 7 modes of operation for the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor software.  Each produces a solution file upon successful execution.  When the solver fails to obtain a feasible solution, no solution file is created.
Added line 11:
# sqs.t0 - Sequential simulation
October 03, 2008, at 04:19 PM by -
Changed line 21 from:
# T0 files (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
# T0 files
Changed line 24 from:
** ''mode''.t0
** ''mode''.t0 (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
October 03, 2008, at 04:14 PM by -
Changed lines 20-23 from:
* APM file
* rto.t0
* ss.t0
* mode specific t0 file
# APM file
# T0 files (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
** rto.t0
** ss.t0
** ''mode''.t0
October 03, 2008, at 04:13 PM by -
Changed line 20 from:
* APM File
* APM file
October 03, 2008, at 04:13 PM by -
Changed lines 16-23 from:
Specifications as calculated or fixed are set by the asterik following a variable name  (variable.name *).  The specification can be switched to ''calculated'' by adding an asterik.  The specification can be switched to ''fixed'' by removing the asterik.  The solution files ''ss.t0'' and ''rto.t0'' are used to specify default values and specifications.  The values and specifications in these files over-write the default values giving in the ''APM'' file.
Specifications as calculated or fixed are set by the asterik following a variable name  (variable.name *).  The specification can be switched to ''calculated'' by adding an asterik.  The specification can be switched to ''fixed'' by removing the asterik.  The solution files ''ss.t0'' and ''rto.t0'' are used to specify default values and specifications for dynamic problems.  The values and specifications in these files over-write the default values giving in the ''APM'' file.  Values and specifications in the mode specific ''t0'' file over-write all others.

!!! Order for Specifications and Default Values

* APM File
* rto.t0
* ss.t0
* mode specific t0 file
October 03, 2008, at 04:10 PM by -
Changed lines 12-29 from:
Once the model is initialized with default values from the APM file, the program then looks for default values in the ''rto.t0'' file and ''ss.t0'' file.  If these files are used to initialize a dynamic problem, the steady-state values are propogated along the time horizon.  As a final step, the program attempts to read the warm-start file for that specific mode.  The mode indicates the warm-restart file name (ss.t0, mpu.t0, rto.t0, sim.t0, est.t0, or ctl.t0).
Once the model is initialized with default values from the APM file, the program then looks for default values in the ''rto.t0'' file and ''ss.t0'' file.  If these files are used to initialize a dynamic problem, the steady-state values are propogated along the time horizon.  As a final step, the program attempts to read the warm-start file for that specific mode.  The mode indicates the warm-restart file name (ss.t0, mpu.t0, rto.t0, sim.t0, est.t0, or ctl.t0).

!!! Specifications

Specifications as calculated or fixed are set by the asterik following a variable name  (variable.name *).  The specification can be switched to ''calculated'' by adding an asterik.  The specification can be switched to ''fixed'' by removing the asterik.  The solution files ''ss.t0'' and ''rto.t0'' are used to specify default values and specifications.  The values and specifications in these files over-write the default values giving in the ''APM'' file.


!! Example File - ss.t0

(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
  Value          Units      Name (*=DOF)
 5.00000000E+00            ss.test.lags.u1 
 2.00000000E+00            ss.test.lags.u2 
 5.00000000E+00            ss.test.lags.x1 *
 2.50000000E+00            ss.test.lags.u3 *
October 01, 2008, at 05:11 PM by -
Added lines 11-12:

Once the model is initialized with default values from the APM file, the program then looks for default values in the ''rto.t0'' file and ''ss.t0'' file.  If these files are used to initialize a dynamic problem, the steady-state values are propogated along the time horizon.  As a final step, the program attempts to read the warm-start file for that specific mode.  The mode indicates the warm-restart file name (ss.t0, mpu.t0, rto.t0, sim.t0, est.t0, or ctl.t0). 
October 01, 2008, at 05:08 PM by -
Added lines 1-10:
!! T0 - Solution File

There are 6 modes of operation for the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor software.  Each produces a solution file upon successful execution.  When the solver fails to obtain a feasible solution, no solution file is created.

# ss.t0 - Steady-state simulation
# mpu.t0 - Model parameter update
# rto.t0 - Real-time optimization
# sim.t0 - Dynamic simulation
# est.t0 - Moving horizon estimation
# ctl.t0 - Nonlinear control
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