VLHI - APMonitor Option

Main.OptionVlhi History

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June 08, 2017, at 10:51 PM by -
Changed line 13 from:
See also [[Main/OptionVdvl|VDVL]], [[Main/OptionVlaction|VLACTION]], [[Main/OptionVlhi|VLHI]]
See also [[Main/OptionVdvl|VDVL]], [[Main/OptionVlaction|VLACTION]], [[Main/OptionVllo|VLLO]]
June 08, 2017, at 10:51 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png  %width=50px%Attach:mv.png  %width=50px%Attach:cv.png
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png  %width=50px%Attach:mv.png  %width=50px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]]
Added lines 12-13:

See also [[Main/OptionVdvl|VDVL]], [[Main/OptionVlaction|VLACTION]], [[Main/OptionVlhi|VLHI]]
June 01, 2017, at 06:40 AM by -
Added lines 1-11:
(:title VLHI - APMonitor Option:)
(:keywords VLHI, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:)
(:description Upper validity limit:)

%width=50px%Attach:fv.png  %width=50px%Attach:mv.png  %width=50px%Attach:cv.png

 Type: Floating Point, Input
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Description: Upper validity limit

VLHI is the upper validity limit for a measured value. Validity limits are one way to protect an application against bad measurements. This gross error detection relies on a combination of change values and absolute limits to determine when a measurement should be rejected. If VLHI is exceeded, the measured value is placed at VLHI or the maximum move allowed by VDVL when VLACTION=1. If VLACTION=0, there is no change in the measured value when a limit (VDVL, VLHI, VLLO) is exceeded.
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