DMAXLO - APMonitor Option

Main.OptionDmaxlo History

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June 08, 2017, at 10:31 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png  %width=50px%Attach:mv.png 
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png  %width=50px%Attach:mv.png [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] 
Added lines 13-14:

See also [[Main/OptionDmax|DMAX]], [[Main/OptionDmaxhi|DMAXHI]]
June 01, 2017, at 06:22 AM by -
Added lines 1-12:
(:title DMAXLO - APMonitor Option:)
(:keywords DMAXLO, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:)
(:description Delta MV negative maximum step per horizon interval:)

%width=50px%Attach:fv.png  %width=50px%Attach:mv.png 

 Type: Floating Point, Input
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Description: Delta MV negative maximum step per
              horizon interval

Applies a hard constraint that prevents the MV from being changed by more than the specified value in one time step, but this constraint only applies to decreases in the MV value. This can be used to prevent large jumps in the MV value in the case where that is either undesirable or infeasible.
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