Objective Variables

Main.ObjectiveVariables History

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April 02, 2017, at 05:50 PM by -
Changed line 25 from:
This obtains the current objective function value. An objective may consist of multiple objectives that are maximized or minimized. They are all converted to minimization functions and added together.
This obtains the current objective function value with input arguments ''s=server'' and ''a=application name''. An objective may consist of multiple objectives that are maximized or minimized. They are all converted to minimization functions and added together.
April 02, 2017, at 05:50 PM by -
Changed lines 17-21 from:
The %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor objective is reported in the minimized form. Thus, a maximized objective with a result of +17 is reported as -17. This is retrieved as the parameter ''nlc.objfcnval'' in a programming script from the ''apm_tag'' function such as:
The %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor objective is reported in the minimized form. Thus, a maximized objective with a result of +17 is reported as -17.

!!! Retrieve Objective Function

The objective function
is retrieved as the parameter ''nlc.objfcnval'' in a programming script from the ''apm_tag'' function such as:
April 02, 2017, at 05:46 PM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:
The objective function is always minimized with %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor.  Objective function maximization is accomplished by defining a new variable that is the negative of the minimized objective.
The objective function is always minimized with %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor.  Maximizing an objective function is accomplished by minimizing the negative of the original objective.

 ! original objective
 maximize z

objective is modified by minimizing the negative of the original objective function.

 ! modified objective
 minimize -z

The %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor objective is reported in the minimized form. Thus, a maximized objective with a result of +17 is reported as -17. This is retrieved as the parameter ''nlc.objfcnval'' in a programming script from the ''apm_tag'' function such as:

 obj = apm_tag(s,a,'nlc.objfcnval')

This obtains the current objective function value. An objective may consist of multiple objectives that are maximized or minimized. They are all converted to minimization functions and added together
Changed lines 27-41 from:
 ! Example model with an objective function
 Model example
  p1 = 5
  End Parameters

    v1 > 6
  End Variables

    objective = (v1 -
  End Equations
 End Model
 ! Example model with an objective variable
  p1 = 5
   v1 > 6
  objective = (v1 - p1)^2
Changed lines 36-51 from:
 ! Equivalent model with a minimize objective statement
  p1 = 5
  v1 > 6
  minimize (v1 - p1)^2
 ! Equivalent model with a maximize objective statement
  p1 = 5
  v1 > 6
  maximize -(v1 - p1)^2
Deleted line 55:
June 16, 2015, at 06:45 PM by -
Deleted lines 0-1:
!! Objective Variables
June 16, 2015, at 06:45 PM by -
Changed line 13 from:
(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 width=100% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
September 25, 2008, at 07:44 PM by -
Changed lines 30-31 from:
Added line 36:
September 25, 2008, at 07:44 PM by -
Added lines 1-36:
!! Objective Variables

Objective variables are defined to construct an objective function.  The objective function is a summation of all variables that are designated as objective-type.  Variables are defined as objective function contributions by starting with '''obj'''.  Thus, the variables ''obj1'', ''objective'', ''object[1]'' would be included in the objective function summation.

Additionally, slack variables are included in the objective function.  These variables begin with the key letters '''slk''' and are defined with a lower bound of zero.

!!! Minimize vs. Maximize

The objective function is always minimized with %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor.  Objective function maximization is accomplished by defining a new variable that is the negative of the minimized objective.

!!! Example

(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
 ! Example model with an objective function
 Model example
    p1 = 5
  End Parameters

    v1 > 6
  End Variables

    objective = (v1 - p1)^2
  End Equations
 End Model

  p1 = 5
  v1 = 6
  objective = 1

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