
Main.Files History

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July 18, 2018, at 04:57 PM by -
Changed lines 13-14 from:
Information is accessed in a specific order.  File reads can be skipped when various DBS file parameters are adjusted such as ''NLC.COLDSTART'', ''NLC.DBS_READ'', and ''NLC.CSV_READ''.  The DBS file configuration parameters starting with ''NLC.'' are always read regardless of the ''NLC.DBS_READ'' parameter status.  These configuration parameters have default values in the case that ''problem.dbs'' is not present.
Information is accessed in a specific order.  File reads can be skipped when various DBS file parameters are adjusted such as ''APM.COLDSTART'', ''APM.DBS_READ'', and ''APM.CSV_READ''.  The DBS file configuration parameters starting with ''APM.'' are always read regardless of the ''APM.DBS_READ'' parameter status.  These configuration parameters have default values in the case that ''problem.dbs'' is not present.
Changed lines 19-20 from:
** ''mode''.t0 (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
# DBS file (skipped when NLC.DBS_READ=0, except header parameters)
** ''mode''.t0 (skipped when APM.COLDSTART=1)
# DBS file (skipped when APM.DBS_READ=0, except header parameters)
Changed line 23 from:
** measurements.dbs (source is Replay.csv when NLC.REPLAY>=1)
** measurements.dbs (source is Replay.csv when APM.REPLAY>=1)
Changed line 25 from:
# CSV file (skipped when NLC.CSV_READ=0)
# CSV file (skipped when APM.CSV_READ=0)
Changed line 23 from:
** measurements.dbs
** measurements.dbs (source is Replay.csv when NLC.REPLAY>=1)
October 03, 2008, at 04:19 PM by -
Changed line 16 from:
# T0 files (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
# T0 files
Changed line 19 from:
** ''mode''.t0
** ''mode''.t0 (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
September 30, 2008, at 04:53 PM by -
Changed lines 13-16 from:
Information is accessed in a specific order.  The first file that is accessed is the APM file.  The model parser extracts all default values set in the APM file and assigns that value over all data sets or over the time horizon.

Once the model is initialized with default
values, the program then looks for default values in the ''rto.t0'' file and ''ss.t0'' file.  If these files are used to initialize a dynamic problem, the steady-state values are propogated along the time horizon.
Information is accessed in a specific order.  File reads can be skipped when various DBS file parameters are adjusted such as ''NLC.COLDSTART'', ''NLC.DBS_READ'', and ''NLC.CSV_READ''.  The DBS file configuration parameters starting with ''NLC.'' are always read regardless of the ''NLC.DBS_READ'' parameter status.  These configuration parameters have default values in the case that ''problem.dbs'' is not present.
Changed lines 16-23 from:
# T0 files
** RTO.T0
** SS.T0
# DBS file
# CSV file

Thus, if a variable value is set
# T0 files (skipped when NLC.COLDSTART=1)
** rto.t0
** ss.t0
# DBS file (skipped when NLC.DBS_READ=0, except header parameters)
** defaults.dbs
** ''problem''.dbs
** measurements.dbs
** overrides.dbs
# CSV file (skipped when NLC.CSV_READ=0)

The first file that is accessed is the APM file.  The model parser extracts all default values set in the APM file and assigns that value over all data sets or over the time horizon.

Once the model is initialized with default values, the program then looks for default values in the ''rto.t0'' file and ''ss.t0'' file.  If these files are used to initialize a dynamic problem, the steady-state values are propogated along the time horizon.  As a final step, the program attempts to read the warm-start file for that specific mode.  The mode indicates the warm-restart file name (ss.t0, mpu.t0, rto.t0, sim.t0, est.t0, or ctl.t0). 

The DBS files are read next, starting with ''defaults.dbs'' and finishing with ''overrides.dbs''.  Most of the problem configuration information is stored in ''problem.dbs''.  This file is re-written every cycle and contains all of the information set by other DBS files or values that are adjusted by validity limit checks.

The DBS file contains information that is relevant to the current conditions.  The CSV file contains information about previous or future values.  The CSV file contains rows of data that represent a time-series or data sets used in parameter estimation. 

September 30, 2008, at 04:33 PM by -
Changed lines 13-14 from:
Information is accessed in a specific order.  The first file that is accessed is the APM file.  The model parser extracts all default values set in the APM file and assigns that value over all data sets or over the time horizon.  If a
Information is accessed in a specific order.  The first file that is accessed is the APM file.  The model parser extracts all default values set in the APM file and assigns that value over all data sets or over the time horizon.

Once the model is initialized with default values, the program then looks for default values in the ''rto.t0'' file and ''ss.t0'' file.  If these files are used to initialize a dynamic problem, the steady-state values are propogated along the time horizon.

Changed lines 19-21 from:
## RTO.T0
## SS.T0
** RTO.T0
** SS.T0
September 30, 2008, at 04:30 PM by -
Added lines 1-23:
!! System Files

The %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor modeling language has five core files that it uses to configure problem data, extract model information, and store previous results.  The only file required to run a problem is the main model file with extension ''.apm''.  All of the files are editable by any text editor.

* APM: Model File (required)
* INFO: Information File (optional)
* DBS: Database File (optional)
* T0: Solution File for Warm Re-starts (optional)
* CSV: Data File (optional)

!!! Order of Data Access

Information is accessed in a specific order.  The first file that is accessed is the APM file.  The model parser extracts all default values set in the APM file and assigns that value over all data sets or over the time horizon.  If a

# APM file
# T0 files
## RTO.T0
## SS.T0
# DBS file
# CSV file

Thus, if a variable value is set
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