APMonitor Local Options

Main.DbsVariable History

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June 08, 2017, at 08:44 PM by -
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%width=30px%Attach:fv.png %width=30px%Attach:mv.png %width=30px%Attach:sv.png %width=30px%Attach:cv.png[[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]]
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png[[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]]
June 08, 2017, at 05:50 PM by -
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(:title APMonitor Options:)
(:title APMonitor Local Options:)
June 08, 2017, at 05:47 PM by -
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%width=30px%Attach:fv.png %width=30px%Attach:mv.png %width=30px%Attach:sv.png %width=30px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] | [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] 
%width=30px%Attach:fv.png %width=30px%Attach:mv.png %width=30px%Attach:sv.png %width=30px%Attach:cv.png[[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | %width=30px%Attach:apm.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]]
June 08, 2017, at 05:45 PM by -
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%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] | [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]]
%width=30px%Attach:fv.png %width=30px%Attach:mv.png %width=30px%Attach:sv.png %width=30px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] | [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]]
June 08, 2017, at 05:43 PM by -
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%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]]
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] | [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] 
June 08, 2017, at 05:42 PM by -
Changed lines 5-7 from:
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  Below is a list of links for configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables. There are also [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] that configure and report application level information.
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png [[Main/DbsVariable|Local Options]] | [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]]

Below is a list of links for configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables. There are also [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] that configure and report application level information.
June 08, 2017, at 05:25 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  Below is a list of links for configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  Below is a list of links for configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables. There are also [[Main/DbsGlobal|Global Options]] that configure and report application level information.
June 08, 2017, at 05:21 PM by -
Deleted lines 6-27:
An option can be changed from a MATLAB or Python script. Below is a command to set an option to turn on a controlled variable named ''CV1'' in a Nonlinear Control application with [[Main/OptionStatus|CV1.STATUS]]=1.


Output options can also be read after the solution with the command to access a ''tag'' from the database. If the tag does not exist, a value of -99999 is returned. In this case, the user wants to know the new value ([[Main/OptionNewval|NEWVAL]]) of a manipulated variable that should be implemented into the process.

 new_mv2 = apm_tag(s,a,'mv2.newval')

In this case, the argument ''s='https://byu.apmonitor.com' '' is the server address and ''a='myApp' '' is the application name. When running a local server, the server address should be changed to ''s='' '' or ''s='https://localhost' ''.

%width=50px%Attach:fv.png When a parameter is declared as a Fixed Value (FV), it automatically receives the following properties: CRITICAL, DMAX, DMAXHI, DMAXLO, FSTATUS, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, NEWVAL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PSTATUS, STATUS, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO.  Constraints are also added to the problem to implement DMAX, DMAXHI, and DMAXLO. These properties and other properties are required to configure an FV that can either act as a measured or unmeasured process disturbance or as a single controller degree of freedom to drive controlled variables (CVs) to targets when STATUS is ON. The FV values can be adjusted by either the user or the optimizer but are restricted to one value over the data horizon.

%width=50px%Attach:mv.png When a parameter is declared as a Manipulated Variable or MV (adjustable at each time step), it automatically receives the following properties: AWS, COST, CRITICAL, DCOST, DMAX, DMAXHI, DMAXLO, DPRED, FSTATUS, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, MV_STEP_HOR, NEWVAL, NXTVAL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PRED, PSTATUS, REQONCTRL, STATUS, TIER, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO.  Equations are also added to the problem to implement the necessary constraints and objective terms. These properties are required to configure an MV that can either act as a measured or unmeasured process disturbance or a controller degree of freedom to drive controlled variables (CVs) to targets when STATUS is ON.

%width=50px%Attach:sv.png When a variable is declared as a State Variable (SV), it automatically receives the following properties: FSTATUS, LOWER, MEAS, MODEL, PRED, UPPER. State variables to not enter into the objective function but are mostly are quantities such as inferentials or other predictions that are viewed in the web interface.

%width=50px%Attach:cv.png When a variable is declared as a Controlled Variable (CV), it automatically receives the following properties: BIAS, COST, CRITICAL, FSTATUS, FDELAY, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, MEAS_GAP, MODEL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PRED, PSTATUS, SP, SPHI, SPLO, STATUS, TAU, TIER, TR_INIT, TR_OPEN, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO, WMEAS, WMODEL, WSP, WSPHI, WSPLO. Equations are also added to the problem to implement the necessary constraints and objective terms. Controlled variables enter into the objective function for optimizer and control functions (IMODE=3, 6, and 9) when STATUS is ON. Controlled variables are reconciled to data by including error terms for model prediction alignment to measurements in the objective function for parameter and state estimation problems (IMODE=2, 5, 8) when FSTATUS is > 0.

The following is a list of global options that may be set to configure an APMonitor application.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''APM'' type parameters.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description. While this list is exhaustive, there are typically only a few of these that are used most commonly for [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/EstimatorTuning|estimation]] and [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/ControllerTuning|control]].


Added lines 49-68:

An option can be changed from a MATLAB or Python script. Below is a command to set an option to turn on a controlled variable named ''CV1'' in a Nonlinear Control application with [[Main/OptionStatus|CV1.STATUS]]=1.


Output options can also be read after the solution with the command to access a ''tag'' from the database. If the tag does not exist, a value of -99999 is returned. In this case, the user wants to know the new value ([[Main/OptionNewval|NEWVAL]]) of a manipulated variable that should be implemented into the process.

 new_mv2 = apm_tag(s,a,'mv2.newval')

In this case, the argument ''s='https://byu.apmonitor.com' '' is the server address and ''a='myApp' '' is the application name. When running a local server, the server address should be changed to ''s='' '' or ''s='https://localhost' ''.

%width=50px%Attach:fv.png When a parameter is declared as a Fixed Value (FV), it automatically receives the following properties: CRITICAL, DMAX, DMAXHI, DMAXLO, FSTATUS, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, NEWVAL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PSTATUS, STATUS, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO.  Constraints are also added to the problem to implement DMAX, DMAXHI, and DMAXLO. These properties and other properties are required to configure an FV that can either act as a measured or unmeasured process disturbance or as a single controller degree of freedom to drive controlled variables (CVs) to targets when STATUS is ON. The FV values can be adjusted by either the user or the optimizer but are restricted to one value over the data horizon.

%width=50px%Attach:mv.png When a parameter is declared as a Manipulated Variable or MV (adjustable at each time step), it automatically receives the following properties: AWS, COST, CRITICAL, DCOST, DMAX, DMAXHI, DMAXLO, DPRED, FSTATUS, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, MV_STEP_HOR, NEWVAL, NXTVAL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PRED, PSTATUS, REQONCTRL, STATUS, TIER, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO.  Equations are also added to the problem to implement the necessary constraints and objective terms. These properties are required to configure an MV that can either act as a measured or unmeasured process disturbance or a controller degree of freedom to drive controlled variables (CVs) to targets when STATUS is ON.

%width=50px%Attach:sv.png When a variable is declared as a State Variable (SV), it automatically receives the following properties: FSTATUS, LOWER, MEAS, MODEL, PRED, UPPER. State variables to not enter into the objective function but are mostly are quantities such as inferentials or other predictions that are viewed in the web interface.

%width=50px%Attach:cv.png When a variable is declared as a Controlled Variable (CV), it automatically receives the following properties: BIAS, COST, CRITICAL, FSTATUS, FDELAY, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, MEAS_GAP, MODEL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PRED, PSTATUS, SP, SPHI, SPLO, STATUS, TAU, TIER, TR_INIT, TR_OPEN, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO, WMEAS, WMODEL, WSP, WSPHI, WSPLO. Equations are also added to the problem to implement the necessary constraints and objective terms. Controlled variables enter into the objective function for optimizer and control functions (IMODE=3, 6, and 9) when STATUS is ON. Controlled variables are reconciled to data by including error terms for model prediction alignment to measurements in the objective function for parameter and state estimation problems (IMODE=2, 5, 8) when FSTATUS is > 0.

The following is a list of global options that may be set to configure an APMonitor application.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''APM'' type parameters.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description. While this list is exhaustive, there are typically only a few of these that are used most commonly for [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/EstimatorTuning|estimation]] and [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/ControllerTuning|control]].
June 02, 2017, at 06:07 AM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  The following is a list of configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  Below is a list of links for configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.

An option can be changed from a MATLAB or Python script. Below is a command to set an option to turn on a controlled variable named ''CV1'' in a Nonlinear Control application with [[Main/OptionStatus|CV1.STATUS]]=1.


Output options can also be read after the solution with the command to access a ''tag'' from the database. If the tag does not exist, a value of -99999 is returned. In this case, the user wants to know the new value ([[Main/OptionNewval|NEWVAL]]) of a manipulated variable that should be implemented into the process.

 new_mv2 = apm_tag(s,a,'mv2.newval')

In this case, the argument ''s='https://byu.apmonitor.com' '' is the server address and ''a='myApp' '' is the application name. When running a local server, the server address should be changed to ''s='' '' or ''s='https://localhost' ''
Changed lines 25-26 from:
Each link includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, a description, and a more complete explanation.
The following is a list of global options that may be set to configure an APMonitor application.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''APM'' type parameters.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description. While this list is exhaustive, there are typically only a few of these that are used most commonly for [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/EstimatorTuning|estimation]] and [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/ControllerTuning|control]].


Added line 72:
June 01, 2017, at 09:12 PM by -
Added lines 6-7:

%width=50px%Attach:fv.png When a parameter is declared as a Fixed Value (FV), it automatically receives the following properties: CRITICAL, DMAX, DMAXHI, DMAXLO, FSTATUS, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, NEWVAL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PSTATUS, STATUS, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO.  Constraints are also added to the problem to implement DMAX, DMAXHI, and DMAXLO. These properties and other properties are required to configure an FV that can either act as a measured or unmeasured process disturbance or as a single controller degree of freedom to drive controlled variables (CVs) to targets when STATUS is ON. The FV values can be adjusted by either the user or the optimizer but are restricted to one value over the data horizon.
June 01, 2017, at 09:08 PM by -
Changed lines 5-13 from:
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  The following is a list of configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description.
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  The following is a list of configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.

%width=50px%Attach:mv.png When a parameter is declared as a Manipulated Variable or MV (adjustable at each time step)
, it automatically receives the following properties: AWS, COST, CRITICAL, DCOST, DMAX, DMAXHI, DMAXLO, DPRED, FSTATUS, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, MV_STEP_HOR, NEWVAL, NXTVAL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PRED, PSTATUS, REQONCTRL, STATUS, TIER, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO.  Equations are also added to the problem to implement the necessary constraints and objective terms. These properties are required to configure an MV that can either act as a measured or unmeasured process disturbance or a controller degree of freedom to drive controlled variables (CVs) to targets when STATUS is ON.

%width=50px%Attach:sv.png When a variable is declared as a State Variable (SV), it automatically receives the following properties: FSTATUS, LOWER, MEAS, MODEL, PRED, UPPER. State variables to not enter into the objective function but are mostly are quantities such as inferentials or other predictions that are viewed in the web interface.

%width=50px%Attach:cv.png When a variable is declared as a Controlled Variable (CV), it automatically receives the following properties: BIAS, COST, CRITICAL, FSTATUS, FDELAY, LOWER, LSTVAL, MEAS, MEAS_GAP, MODEL, OSTATUS, OSTATUSCHG, PRED, PSTATUS, SP, SPHI, SPLO, STATUS, TAU, TIER, TR_INIT, TR_OPEN, UPPER, VDVL, VLACTION, VLHI, VLLO, WMEAS, WMODEL, WSP, WSPHI, WSPLO. Equations are also added to the problem to implement the necessary constraints and objective terms. Controlled variables enter into the objective function for optimizer and control functions (IMODE=3, 6, and 9) when STATUS is ON. Controlled variables are reconciled to data by including error terms for model prediction alignment to measurements in the objective function for parameter and state estimation problems (IMODE=2, 5, 8) when FSTATUS is > 0.

Each link includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, a description, and a more complete explanation
June 01, 2017, at 08:02 PM by -
Deleted lines 49-422:

!!! COST

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Cost weight: (+)=minimize, (-)=maximize



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Critical: 0=OFF, 1=ON'



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.00001
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta cost penalty for MV movement


!!! DMAX

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta MV maximum step per horizon interval



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta MV positive maximum step per horizon



 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta MV negative maximum step per horizon



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Delta prediction changes for each step'



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Feedback status: 1=ON, 0=OFF



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Feedback delay: 0=No Delay, >=1 horizon
              steps for delay



 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Lower bound



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Last value from previous solution


!!! MEAS

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Measured value



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Deadband for noise rejection of
              measurements in MHE



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Model predicted value



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 1 (for APM.MV_STEP_HOR)
                or 0 (for MV(#).MV_STEP_HOR)
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables
              0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: New value implemented by the estimator
              or controller (NEWVAL = MEAS when not
              in control)



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Next value that the estimator or controller
              would implement were it ON (APM.CTRLMODE=3)



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Percent of objective function contribution
              considering all SV and CV variables



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input and Output
 Description: Bit encoding for status messages



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Change in bit encoding for status messages


!!! PRED

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Prediction horizon



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 1
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Instrument status: 1=GOOD, 0=BAD



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Required for control mode to be
              ON (CTRLMODE=3): 1=ON, 0=OFF


!!! SP

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Set point for squared error model


!!! SPHI

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Set point high for linear error model


!!! SPLO

 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Set point low for linear error model



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Status: 1=ON, 0=OFF


!!! TAU

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 60.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Time constant for controlled variable



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Initial trajectory opening ratio
              (0=ref traj, 1=tunnel, 2=funnel)



 Type: Integer
 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Trajectory initialization
              1=re-center with restart
              2=re-center always



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Upper bound


!!! VDVL

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta validity limit


!!! VLHI

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Upper validity limit


!!! VLLO

 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Lower validity limit



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 20.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on
              measured value



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 2.0d0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on
              model value


!!! WSP

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on
              set point for squared error model



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on upper
              set point for linear error model



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on lower
              set point for linear error model

June 01, 2017, at 06:20 AM by -
Changed line 17 from:
* [[Main/OptionFstatus|FSTATUS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png
* [[Main/OptionFstatus|FSTATUS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
June 01, 2017, at 06:19 AM by -
Changed line 17 from:
* [[Main/OptionFstatus|FSTATUS]]
* [[Main/OptionFstatus|FSTATUS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png
June 01, 2017, at 05:30 AM by -
Changed lines 7-45 from:
* [[Main/OptionCost|COST]]

* SP
* TR
* TR

* [[Main/OptionAws|AWS]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionBias|BIAS]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionCost|COST]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionCritical|CRITICAL]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionDcost|DCOST]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionDmax|DMAX]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionDmaxhi|DMAXHI]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionDmaxlo|DMAXLO]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionDpred|DPRED]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png

* [[Main/OptionFdelay|FDELAY]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionFstatus|FSTATUS]]
* [[Main/OptionLower|LOWER]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionLstval|LSTVAL]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionMeas|MEAS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionMeas_Gap|MEAS_GAP]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionModel|MODEL]] %width=15px%Attach:sv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionMv_Step_Hor|MV_STEP_HOR]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionNewval|NEWVAL]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionNxtval|NXTVAL]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionOstatus|OSTATUS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionOstatuschg|OSTATUSCHG]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionPred|PRED]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionPstatus|PSTATUS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionReqonctrl|REQONCTRL]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png
* [[Main/OptionSp|SP]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionSphi|SPHI]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionSplo|SPLO]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionStatus|STATUS]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionTau|TAU]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionTier|TIER]] %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionTr_Init|TR_INIT]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionTr_Open|TR_OPEN]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionUpper|UPPER]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:sv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionVdvl|VDVL]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionVlaction|VLACTION]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionVlhi|VLHI]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionVllo|VLLO]] %width=15px%Attach:fv.png %width=15px%Attach:mv.png %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionWmeas|WMEAS]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionWmodel|WMODEL]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionWsp|WSP]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionWsphi|WSPHI]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
* [[Main/OptionWsplo|WSPLO]] %width=15px%Attach:cv.png
May 31, 2017, at 04:12 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
* [[Main/OptionCost|COST]]
May 31, 2017, at 04:10 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
The following is a list of configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description.
%width=50px%Attach:fv.png %width=50px%Attach:mv.png %width=50px%Attach:sv.png %width=50px%Attach:cv.png  The following is a list of configuration options for parameters and variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description.
May 31, 2017, at 03:44 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:
(:title APMonitor Parameter and Variable Options:)
(:title APMonitor Options:)
May 31, 2017, at 03:44 PM by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:
!! DBS Parameters for Variables

The following is a list of parameters that may be found in the DBS file for variables listed in the INFO file.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and
variables.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and description.
(:title APMonitor Parameter and Variable Options:)
(:keywords FV, Fixed, MV, Manipulated, SV, State, CV, Controlled, Variable, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:)
(:description APMonitor options for FV, MV, SV, CV types are set from MATLAB or Python clients.:)

The following is a list of configuration options for parameters and
variables.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and a brief description.
May 31, 2017, at 03:41 PM by -
Changed lines 163-164 from:
 Description: Deadband for noise rejection of measurements in MHE
 Description: Deadband for noise rejection of 
measurements in MHE
Changed lines 180-181 from:
 Default Value: 1 (for APM.MV_STEP_HOR) or 0 (for MV(#).MV_STEP_HOR)
 Default Value: 1 (for APM.MV_STEP_HOR) 
or 0 (for MV(#).MV_STEP_HOR)
Changed lines 183-184 from:
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables
             0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default
Changed lines 193-194 from:
 Description: New value implemented by the estimator or controller (NEWVAL = MEAS when not in control)
 Description: New value implemented by the estimator
             or controller (NEWVAL = MEAS when not
in control)
Changed lines 204-205 from:
 Description: Next value that the estimator or controller would implement were it on
 Description: Next value that the estimator or controller
             would implement were it ON (APM.CTRLMODE=3)
Changed lines 214-215 from:
 Description: Percent of objective function contibution considering all SV and CV variables
 Description: Percent of objective function contribution
considering all SV and CV variables
Changed lines 260-261 from:
 Description: Required for control mode to be ON (3): 1=ON, 0=OFF
 Description: Required for control mode to be
              ON (CTRLMODE=
3): 1=ON, 0=OFF
Changed lines 306-307 from:
 Description: Time constant for controlled variable response
 Description: Time constant for controlled variable
Changed lines 316-317 from:
 Description: Initial trajectory opening ratio (0=ref traj, 1=tunnel, 2=funnel)
 Description: Initial trajectory opening ratio
             (0=ref traj, 1=tunnel, 2=funnel)
Changed lines 327-328 from:
 Description: Traj initialization (0=dead-band, 1=re-center with coldstart/out-of-service, 2=re-center always)
 Description: Trajectory initialization
              1=re-center with restart
Changed lines 375-376 from:
 Description: Objective function weight on measured value
 Description: Objective function weight on
             measured value
Changed lines 385-386 from:
 Description: Objective function weight on model value
 Description: Objective function weight on
             model value
Changed lines 395-396 from:
 Description: Objective function weight on set point for squared error model
 Description: Objective function weight on
             set point for squared error model
Changed lines 405-406 from:
 Description: Objective function weight on upper set point for linear error model
 Description: Objective function weight on upper
             set point for linear error model
Changed lines 415-416 from:
 Description: Objective function weight on lower set point for linear error model
 Description: Objective function weight on lower
             set point for linear error model
May 31, 2017, at 03:37 PM by -
Changed lines 88-89 from:
 Description: Delta MV positive maximum step per horizon interval
 Description: Delta MV positive maximum step per horizon
Changed lines 98-99 from:
 Description: Delta MV negative maximum step per horizon interval
 Description: Delta MV negative maximum step per horizon
Changed lines 126-127 from:
 Description: Feedback delay: 0=No Delay, >=1 horizon steps for delay
 Description: Feedback delay: 0=No Delay, >=1 horizon 
steps for delay
May 31, 2017, at 03:35 PM by -
Changed line 176 from:
 Default Value: 1 (for NLC.MV_STEP_HOR) or 0 (for MV(#).MV_STEP_HOR)
 Default Value: 1 (for APM.MV_STEP_HOR) or 0 (for MV(#).MV_STEP_HOR)
Changed line 178 from:
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses NLC.MV_STEP_HOR as default
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses APM.MV_STEP_HOR as default
October 25, 2013, at 08:50 PM by -
Changed lines 34-35 from:
October 01, 2008, at 04:52 PM by -
Added lines 395-396:

October 01, 2008, at 04:52 PM by -
Changed line 3 from:
The following is a list of parameters that may be found in the DBS file for variables listed in the INFO file.
The following is a list of parameters that may be found in the DBS file for variables listed in the INFO file.  It is a complete list of the configuration parameters for ''FV, MV, SV, CV'' type parameters and variables.  Each section includes an indication of the variable type (Integer or Real), the default value, data flow, and description.
October 01, 2008, at 04:51 PM by -
Added lines 1-43:
!! DBS Parameters for Variables

The following is a list of parameters that may be found in the DBS file for variables listed in the INFO file.

* SP

October 01, 2008, at 04:49 PM by -
Added lines 1-351:

!!! COST

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Cost weight: (+)=minimize, (-)=maximize



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Critical: 0=OFF, 1=ON'



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.00001
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta cost penalty for MV movement


!!! DMAX

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta MV maximum step per horizon interval



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta MV positive maximum step per horizon interval



 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta MV negative maximum step per horizon interval



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Delta prediction changes for each step'



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Feedback status: 1=ON, 0=OFF



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Feedback delay: 0=No Delay, >=1 horizon steps for delay



 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Lower bound



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Last value from previous solution


!!! MEAS

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Measured value



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Deadband for noise rejection of measurements in MHE



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Model predicted value



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 1 (for NLC.MV_STEP_HOR) or 0 (for MV(#).MV_STEP_HOR)
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Step length for manipulated variables: 0 uses NLC.MV_STEP_HOR as default



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: New value implemented by the estimator or controller (NEWVAL = MEAS when not in control)



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Next value that the estimator or controller would implement were it on



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Percent of objective function contibution considering all SV and CV variables



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input and Output
 Description: Bit encoding for status messages



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Change in bit encoding for status messages


!!! PRED

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Output
 Description: Prediction horizon



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 1
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Instrument status: 1=GOOD, 0=BAD



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Required for control mode to be ON (3): 1=ON, 0=OFF


!!! SP

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 0.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Set point for squared error model


!!! SPHI

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Set point high for linear error model


!!! SPLO

 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Set point low for linear error model



 Type: Integer
 Default Value: 0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Status: 1=ON, 0=OFF


!!! TAU

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 60.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Time constant for controlled variable response



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Initial trajectory opening ratio (0=ref traj, 1=tunnel, 2=funnel)



 Type: Integer
 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Traj initialization (0=dead-band, 1=re-center with coldstart/out-of-service, 2=re-center always)



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Upper bound


!!! VDVL

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Delta validity limit


!!! VLHI

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Upper validity limit


!!! VLLO

 Type: Real
 Default Value: -1.0e20
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Lower validity limit



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 20.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on measured value



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 2.0d0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on model value


!!! WSP

 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on set point for squared error model



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on upper set point for linear error model



 Type: Real
 Default Value: 1.0
 Data Flow: Input
 Description: Objective function weight on lower set point for linear error model
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