Dynamic Optimization Applications

Apps.DynamicOptimization History

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March 26, 2023, at 01:33 PM by -
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* [[Apps/AircraftControl|Aircraft Control]]
March 26, 2023, at 04:31 AM by -
Added line 12:
* [[Apps/OilShalePyrolysis|Oil Shale Pyrolysis]]
March 26, 2023, at 03:04 AM by -
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* [[Apps/BatchReactor|Batch Reactor]]
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* [[Apps/BrysonDenhamProblem|Bryson-Denham Problem]]
August 26, 2016, at 05:54 PM by -
Added line 12:
Dynamic optimization course content is available at https://apmonitor.com/do. There are similar optimal control problem solutions listed under the [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/DynamicOptimizationBenchmarks|benchmarks]] and [[https://apmonitor.com/do/index.php/Main/MoreDynamicOptimizationBenchmarks|more benchmarks]] pages.
August 26, 2016, at 04:56 PM by -
Added line 9:
* [[Apps/BrachistochroneProblem|Brachistochrone]]
August 26, 2016, at 04:49 PM by -
Added lines 1-10:
(:title Dynamic Optimization Applications:)
(:keywords nonlinear, model predictive control, examples, dynamic optimization, dynamic programming, APMonitor:)
(:description Nonlinear Model Library - APMonitor:)

Dynamic optimization is a decision making process with differential and algebraic equation mathematical models to formulate smart policies on the basis of predictions of future outcomes. A broad range of tools and techniques are available for this type of analysis.

Below are a representative applications that are both simple in nature and fast to compute. The purpose of this compilation is to demonstrate how to set up, solve, and analyze the problems. Comment sections are available at the bottom of each page to discuss alternative strategies.

* [[Apps/RocketLaunch|Rocket Launch]]

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