Data Regression with Python
Main.PythonDataRegression History
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- load data
- data
- define GEKKO model
- regression
a = m.FV(value=0) b = m.FV(value=0) c = m.FV(value=0,lb=-100,ub=100)
a = m.FV(value=0); a.STATUS=1 b = m.FV(value=0); b.STATUS=1 c = m.FV(value=0,lb=-100,ub=100); c.STATUS=1
- load data
- parameter and variable options
a.STATUS = 1 # available to optimizer b.STATUS = 1 # to minimize objective c.STATUS = 1
- equation
- define model
- objective
- application options
m.options.IMODE = 2 # regression mode
m.options.IMODE = 2
m = GEKKO()
m = GEKKO() # remote=False for local mode
- solve
m.solve() # remote=False for local solve
There is additional information on regression in the Data Science online course.
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While this exercise demonstrates only one independent parameter and one dependent variable, any number of independent or dependent terms can be included. See Energy Price regression with three independent variables as an example.
from numpy import * x = array([0,1,2,3,4,5]) y = array([0,0.8,0.9,0.1,-0.8,-1])
import numpy as np x = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5]) y = np.array([0,0.8,0.9,0.1,-0.8,-1])
from scipy.interpolate import * p1 = polyfit(x,y,1) p2 = polyfit(x,y,2) p3 = polyfit(x,y,3)
p1 = np.polyfit(x,y,1) p2 = np.polyfit(x,y,2) p3 = np.polyfit(x,y,3)
from matplotlib.pyplot import * plot(x,y,'o') xp = linspace(-2,6,100) plot(xp,polyval(p1,xp),'r-') plot(xp,polyval(p2,xp),'b--') plot(xp,polyval(p3,xp),'m:')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(x,y,'o') xp = np.linspace(-2,6,100) plt.plot(xp,np.polyval(p1,xp),'r-') plt.plot(xp,np.polyval(p2,xp),'b--') plt.plot(xp,np.polyval(p3,xp),'m:')
SSresid = sum(pow(yresid,2)) SStotal = len(y) * var(y)
SSresid = np.sum(yresid**2) SStotal = len(y) * np.var(y)
from scipy.stats import *
from scipy.stats import linregress
(:toggle hide regression button show="Linear and Polynomial Regression Source Code":) (:div id=regression:) (:source lang=python:) from numpy import * x = array([0,1,2,3,4,5]) y = array([0,0.8,0.9,0.1,-0.8,-1]) print(x) print(y)
from scipy.interpolate import * p1 = polyfit(x,y,1) p2 = polyfit(x,y,2) p3 = polyfit(x,y,3) print(p1) print(p2) print(p3)
from matplotlib.pyplot import * plot(x,y,'o') xp = linspace(-2,6,100) plot(xp,polyval(p1,xp),'r-') plot(xp,polyval(p2,xp),'b--') plot(xp,polyval(p3,xp),'m:') yfit = p1[0] * x + p1[1] yresid= y - yfit SSresid = sum(pow(yresid,2)) SStotal = len(y) * var(y) rsq = 1 - SSresid/SStotal print(yfit) print(y) print(rsq)
from scipy.stats import * slope,intercept,r_value,p_value,std_err = linregress(x,y) print(pow(r_value,2)) print(p_value) show() (:sourceend:) (:divend:)
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Regression with GEKKO
Regression with Python (GEKKO or Scipy)
Regression with Python SciPy Optimize
Python Data Regression
A frequent activity for scientists and engineers is to develop correlations from data. By importing the data into Python, data analysis such as statistics, trending, or calculations can be made to synthesize the information into relevant and actionable information. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a linear or polynomial functions that best approximate the data trend, plot the results, and perform a basic statistical analysis. A script file of the Python source code with sample data is below.
Python Data Regression
Correlations from data are obtained by adjusting parameters of a model to best fit the measured outcomes. The analysis may include statistics, data visualization, or other calculations to synthesize the information into relevant and actionable information. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a linear, polynomial, or nonlinear functions that best approximate the data and analyze the result. Script files of the Python source code with sample data are available below.

a = x[0] b = x[1] c = x[2]
a,b,c = x
# calculate y y = calc_y(x) # calculate objective obj = 0.0 for i in range(len(ym)): obj = obj + ((y[i]-ym[i])/ym[i])**2 # return result return obj
return np.sum(((calc_y(x)-ym)/ym)**2)
x0[0] = 0.0 # a x0[1] = 0.0 # b x0[2] = 0.0 # c
Linear and Polynomial Regression
Linear and Polynomial Regression
Nonlinear Regression with APM Python
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Nonlinear Regression with Python SciPy Optimize

(:toggle hide python_minimize button show="Python SciPy Solution":) (:div id=python_minimize:)
Regression with GEKKO
(:toggle hide gekko button show="Python GEKKO Solution":) (:div id=gekko:)
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from gekko import GEKKO
- calculate y
def calc_y(x):
a = x[0] b = x[1] c = x[2] y = a + b/xm + c*np.log(xm) return y
- define objective
def objective(x):
# calculate y y = calc_y(x) # calculate objective obj = 0.0 for i in range(len(ym)): obj = obj + ((y[i]-ym[i])/ym[i])**2 # return result return obj
- initial guesses
x0 = np.zeros(3) x0[0] = 0.0 # a x0[1] = 0.0 # b x0[2] = 0.0 # c
- show initial objective
print('Initial SSE Objective: ' + str(objective(x0)))
- optimize
- bounds on variables
bnds100 = (-100.0, 100.0) no_bnds = (-1.0e10, 1.0e10) bnds = (no_bnds, no_bnds, bnds100) solution = minimize(objective,x0,method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds) x = solution.x y = calc_y(x)
- define GEKKO model
m = GEKKO()
- parameters and variables
a = m.FV(value=0) b = m.FV(value=0) c = m.FV(value=0,lb=-100,ub=100) x = m.Param(value=xm) ymeas = m.Param(value=ym) ypred = m.Var()
- parameter and variable options
a.STATUS = 1 # available to optimizer b.STATUS = 1 # to minimize objective c.STATUS = 1
- equation
m.Equation(ypred == a + b/x + c*m.log(x))
- objective
- application options
m.options.IMODE = 2 # regression mode
- solve
m.solve() # remote=False for local solve
print('Final SSE Objective: ' + str(objective(x)))
print('Final SSE Objective: ' + str(m.options.objfcnval))
print('a = ' + str(x[0])) print('b = ' + str(x[1])) print('c = ' + str(x[2]))
print('a = ' + str(a.value[0])) print('b = ' + str(b.value[0])) print('c = ' + str(c.value[0]))
plt.plot(xm,ym,'ro') plt.plot(xm,y,'bx');
plt.plot(x,ymeas,'ro') plt.plot(x,ypred,'bx');
Regression with Python SciPy Optimize

(:toggle hide python_minimize button show="Python SciPy Solution":) (:div id=python_minimize:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize
- load data
xm = np.array([18.3447,79.86538,85.09788,10.5211,44.4556, 69.567,8.960,86.197,66.857,16.875, 52.2697,93.917,24.35,5.118,25.126, 34.037,61.4445,42.704,39.531,29.988])
ym = np.array([5.072,7.1588,7.263,4.255,6.282, 6.9118,4.044,7.2595,6.898,4.8744, 6.5179,7.3434,5.4316,3.38,5.464, 5.90,6.80,6.193,6.070,5.737])
- calculate y
def calc_y(x):
a = x[0] b = x[1] c = x[2] y = a + b/xm + c*np.log(xm) return y
- define objective
def objective(x):
# calculate y y = calc_y(x) # calculate objective obj = 0.0 for i in range(len(ym)): obj = obj + ((y[i]-ym[i])/ym[i])**2 # return result return obj
- initial guesses
x0 = np.zeros(3) x0[0] = 0.0 # a x0[1] = 0.0 # b x0[2] = 0.0 # c
- show initial objective
print('Initial SSE Objective: ' + str(objective(x0)))
- optimize
- bounds on variables
bnds100 = (-100.0, 100.0) no_bnds = (-1.0e10, 1.0e10) bnds = (no_bnds, no_bnds, bnds100) solution = minimize(objective,x0,method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds) x = solution.x y = calc_y(x)
- show final objective
print('Final SSE Objective: ' + str(objective(x)))
- print solution
print('Solution') print('a = ' + str(x[0])) print('b = ' + str(x[1])) print('c = ' + str(x[2]))
- plot solution
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1) plt.plot(xm,ym,'ro') plt.plot(xm,y,'bx'); plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.legend(['Measured','Predicted'],loc='best') plt.savefig('results.png') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)
Regression with APM Python
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Excel and MATLAB
This regression tutorial can also be completed with Excel and Matlab. Click on the appropriate link for additional information.
(:toggle hide python_minimize button show="Python SciPy Solution":) (:div id=python_minimize:)
xm = np.array([18.34470085,79.86537666,85.09787509,10.52110327,44.45558653, 69.56726251,8.959848679,86.196964,66.85655694,16.87490807, 52.26970696,93.91681982,24.34668842,5.117815482,25.12622222, 34.03722832,61.44454908,42.703577,39.53089298,29.98844942])
ym = np.array([5.072227705,7.15881537,7.262764628,4.254581322,6.281866658, 6.911787335,4.043809747,7.259528698,6.898089228,4.874417979, 6.517943774,7.343419502,5.431648634,3.384634319,5.464227719, 5.90043173,6.803895621,6.193263135,6.070397707,5.736792474])
xm = np.array([18.3447,79.86538,85.09788,10.5211,44.4556, 69.567,8.960,86.197,66.857,16.875, 52.2697,93.917,24.35,5.118,25.126, 34.037,61.4445,42.704,39.531,29.988])
ym = np.array([5.072,7.1588,7.263,4.255,6.282, 6.9118,4.044,7.2595,6.898,4.8744, 6.5179,7.3434,5.4316,3.38,5.464, 5.90,6.80,6.193,6.070,5.737])
Nonlinear Regression
Nonlinear Regression with APM Python
Nonlinear Regression with Python SciPy Optimize

(:source lang=python:) import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize
- load data
xm = np.array([18.34470085,79.86537666,85.09787509,10.52110327,44.45558653, 69.56726251,8.959848679,86.196964,66.85655694,16.87490807, 52.26970696,93.91681982,24.34668842,5.117815482,25.12622222, 34.03722832,61.44454908,42.703577,39.53089298,29.98844942])
ym = np.array([5.072227705,7.15881537,7.262764628,4.254581322,6.281866658, 6.911787335,4.043809747,7.259528698,6.898089228,4.874417979, 6.517943774,7.343419502,5.431648634,3.384634319,5.464227719, 5.90043173,6.803895621,6.193263135,6.070397707,5.736792474])
- calculate y
def calc_y(x):
a = x[0] b = x[1] c = x[2] y = a + b/xm + c*np.log(xm) return y
- define objective
def objective(x):
# calculate y y = calc_y(x) # calculate objective obj = 0.0 for i in range(len(ym)): obj = obj + ((y[i]-ym[i])/ym[i])**2 # return result return obj
- initial guesses
x0 = np.zeros(3) x0[0] = 0.0 # a x0[1] = 0.0 # b x0[2] = 0.0 # c
- show initial objective
print('Initial SSE Objective: ' + str(objective(x0)))
- optimize
- bounds on variables
bnds100 = (-100.0, 100.0) no_bnds = (-1.0e10, 1.0e10) bnds = (no_bnds, no_bnds, bnds100) solution = minimize(objective,x0,method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds) x = solution.x y = calc_y(x)
- show final objective
print('Final SSE Objective: ' + str(objective(x)))
- print solution
print('Solution') print('a = ' + str(x[0])) print('b = ' + str(x[1])) print('c = ' + str(x[2]))
- plot solution
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1) plt.plot(xm,ym,'ro') plt.plot(xm,y,'bx'); plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.legend(['Measured','Predicted'],loc='best') plt.savefig('results.png') (:sourceend:)
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Linear and Polynomial Regression
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Nonlinear Regression
This tutorial can also be completed with Excel and Matlab. Click on the appropriate link for additional information.
(:title Data Regression with Python:) (:keywords data regression, Python, numpy, spreadsheet, nonlinear, polynomial, linear regression, university course:) (:description Data Regression with Python - Problem-Solving Techniques for Chemical Engineers at Brigham Young University:)
Python Data Regression
A frequent activity for scientists and engineers is to develop correlations from data. By importing the data into Python, data analysis such as statistics, trending, or calculations can be made to synthesize the information into relevant and actionable information. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a linear or polynomial functions that best approximate the data trend, plot the results, and perform a basic statistical analysis. A script file of the Python source code with sample data is below.
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This tutorial can also be completed with Excel and Matlab. Click on the appropriate link for additional information.
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