Quiz: Python Loops and Lists

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May 17, 2022, at 01:54 AM by -
Deleted lines 97-154:

4. Which of the following are valid functions in Python?

(:source lang=python:)

  1. A

def square_me(x)

   return x^2
  1. B

def square_me(x)

   return x**2
  1. C

function square_me(x)

   return x**2
  1. D

function square_me(x) :

   return x^2
  1. E

def square_me(x) :

   return x**2


(:toggle hide q4a button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4a:)

Incorrect. There are 2 problems: no ":" and x^2 should be x**2


(:toggle hide q4b button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4b:)

Incorrect. No, there needs to be a ":" at the end of the first line


(:toggle hide q4c button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4c:)

Incorrect. The keyword is "def" not "function", and we need a ":"


(:toggle hide q4d button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4d:)

Incorrect. The keyword is "def" not "function"


(:toggle hide q4e button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4e:)



May 12, 2022, at 02:56 PM by -
Added lines 1-155:

(:title Quiz: Python Loops and Lists:) (:keywords quiz, test, Python, list, array, loop, introduction, course:) (:description Learning assessment on Introduction to Python with Loops and Lists.:)

1. A "for" loop is typically used when the number of loop cycles is known.

A. True
(:toggle hide q1a button show="Select":)

(:div id=q1a:)

Correct. Use a "for" loop to cycle through a specified number of times.


B. False
(:toggle hide q1b button show="Select":)

(:div id=q1b:)

Incorrect. Use a "while" loop when the number of cycles is based on a condition, not number of cycles.


2. To skip an individual cycle of a for loop, the following command is used:

A. break
(:toggle hide q2a button show="Select":)

(:div id=q2a:)

Incorrect. break terminates the loop


B. continue
(:toggle hide q2b button show="Select":)

(:div id=q2b:)

Correct. continue initiates the next cycle of the loop


C. cycle
(:toggle hide q2c button show="Select":)

(:div id=q2c:)

Incorrect. Use a "continue" statement


D. skip
(:toggle hide q2d button show="Select":)

(:div id=q2d:)

Incorrect. Use a "continue" statement


3. What will the following code print as a result for sum?

(:source lang=python:) sum = 0 for i in range(5):

   if i==3:
   sum = sum + i

print(sum) (:sourceend:)

A. 0
(:toggle hide q3a button show="Select":)

(:div id=q3a:)

Incorrect. Skip the 3 for 0+1+2+4 = 7


B. 3
(:toggle hide q3b button show="Select":)

(:div id=q3b:)

Incorrect. Skip the 3 for 0+1+2+4 = 7


C. 7
(:toggle hide q3c button show="Select":)

(:div id=q3c:)

Correct. Skip the 3 for 0+1+2+4 = 7


D. 10
(:toggle hide q3d button show="Select":)

(:div id=q3d:)

Incorrect. Skip the 3 for 0+1+2+4 = 7


4. Which of the following are valid functions in Python?

(:source lang=python:)

  1. A

def square_me(x)

   return x^2
  1. B

def square_me(x)

   return x**2
  1. C

function square_me(x)

   return x**2
  1. D

function square_me(x) :

   return x^2
  1. E

def square_me(x) :

   return x**2


(:toggle hide q4a button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4a:)

Incorrect. There are 2 problems: no ":" and x^2 should be x**2


(:toggle hide q4b button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4b:)

Incorrect. No, there needs to be a ":" at the end of the first line


(:toggle hide q4c button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4c:)

Incorrect. The keyword is "def" not "function", and we need a ":"


(:toggle hide q4d button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4d:)

Incorrect. The keyword is "def" not "function"


(:toggle hide q4e button show="Select":)

(:div id=q4e:)

