Hock Schittkowski

Apps.HockSchittkowski History

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November 17, 2021, at 09:45 PM by -
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Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the (:html:)<a href="/online/view_pass.php">Online Web-based Interface</a>(:htmlend:)


Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the (:html:)<a href="/online/view_pass.php">Online Web-based Interface</a>(:htmlend:) or with Python Gekko.

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$$ \mathrm{s.t.} \, x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 \ge 25$$


$$ \mathrm{subject\;to} \quad x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 \ge 25$$

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$$ s.t. x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 \ge 25$$


$$ \mathrm{s.t.} \, x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 \ge 25$$

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Example: Hock & Schittkowski Problem #71


Hock & Schittkowski Problem #71

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$$ \min x_1 x_4 (x_1 + x_2 + x_3) + x_3 $$

$$ s.t. x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 \ge 25$$

$$\quad x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 + x_4^2 = 40$$

$$\quad 1 \le x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 \le 5$$

$$\quad x_0 = (1,5,5,1)$$

April 22, 2014, at 07:56 PM by -
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Corrections and modifications to the Hock-Schittkowski benchmark test set are posted online here along with AMPL and FMCMAP formats. Many thanks to Stephan Seidl (working with Klaus Schittkowski) for making this available.


Corrections and modifications to the Hock-Schittkowski benchmark test set are posted online here along with AMPL and FMCMAP formats. Many thanks to Stephan Seidl for making this available.

April 14, 2014, at 12:55 PM by -
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Corrections and modifications to the Hock-Schittkowski benchmark test set are posted online here along with AMPL and FMCMAP formats. Many thanks to Stephan Seidl (working with Klaus Schittkowski) for making this available.

May 26, 2010, at 12:08 PM by -
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Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the (:html:)<a href="/online/view_pass.php">Online Web-based Interface</a>(:htmlend:)


Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the (:html:)<a href="/online/view_pass.php">Online Web-based Interface</a>(:htmlend:)

May 26, 2010, at 12:04 PM by -
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Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the online submission platform.


Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the (:html:)<a href="/online/view_pass.php">Online Web-based Interface</a>(:htmlend:)

November 03, 2008, at 02:43 AM by -
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Example: Hock & Schittkowski Test Problem #71


Example: Hock & Schittkowski Problem #71

November 03, 2008, at 02:41 AM by -
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Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the online submission platform.


Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the online submission platform.

November 03, 2008, at 02:39 AM by -
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Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization.

Hock & Schittkowski Test Problem #71


Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization. Models may be submitted through the online submission platform.

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Example: Hock & Schittkowski Test Problem #71

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Individual Files

November 03, 2008, at 02:35 AM by -
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Hock & Schittkowski Test Problem #71

November 03, 2008, at 02:33 AM by -
Added lines 3-11:

Models presented below are a test suite of optimization problems collected by Hock and Schittkowski. They are part of the test suite used to verify modifications to the APMonitor software. Users may also find this collection useful to compare APMonitor syntax to other modeling languages, for solver benchmarking, or as example problems in optimization.

Hock & Schittkowski Test Problem #71

Complete Collection

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November 02, 2008, at 12:19 AM by -
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November 01, 2008, at 11:00 PM by -
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Equivalent AMPL models can be found at: https://www.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/hs/index.html

October 27, 2008, at 01:12 PM by -
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October 23, 2008, at 11:12 AM by -
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Hock & Schittkowski Models

Equivalent AMPL models can be found at: https://www.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/hs/index.html

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