Lecture Notes 22

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June 21, 2020, at 04:56 AM by -
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!!!! Homework

# Course reading for next class: None
# Assignment due by the start of Lecture #23: 6.2, 6.7 from PDC

* %list list-page% [[Attach:Problem6.7_data.zip | Problem 6.7 Data]]

Homework hints are given [[Main/CourseHomework | here]].  On 6.7 I've changed the problem on part b.

PDC 6.7b
# Get time-domain solution for P_m(t) in terms of K, zeta, and tau.
# Use solver in Excel to perform least squares fit using K, zeta, and tau as variables.
# Plot to see goodness of fit.

Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem.  This will help you think about each problem in the context of the [[Main/CourseCompetencies | overall course objectives]].
September 16, 2013, at 04:51 PM by -
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* %list list-page% [[https://youtu.be/Z44Lsd5O_Xc | Lecture 22 - YouTube]]
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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Z44Lsd5O_Xc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
September 06, 2013, at 02:50 PM by -
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Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem.  This will help you think about each problem in the context of the [[Main/CourseCompetencies | overall course objectives]].
Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem.  This will help you think about each problem in the context of the [[Main/CourseCompetencies | overall course objectives]].


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October 11, 2012, at 02:45 PM by -
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* %list list-page% [[https://youtu.be/Z44Lsd5O_Xc | Lecture 22 - YouTube]]
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Lecture 22 covers the development, analysis, and solution of more complex systems.  An important tool in the analysis of complex systems is the Root-Locus Diagram.  It graphically demonstrates the location of pole roots and how those change with increasing controller gain (Kc).
Lecture 22 covers the development, analysis, and solution of more complex systems.  An important tool in the analysis of complex systems is a plot of the poles and zeros on Real-Imaginary axes.  Later, we'll show them graphically on a Root-Locus plot to see how they change with increasing controller gain (Kc).
Changed lines 18-23 from:
Homework hints are given [[Main/CourseHomework | here]] .
Homework hints are given [[Main/CourseHomework | here]].  On 6.7 I've changed the problem on part b.

PDC 6.7b
# Get time-domain solution for P_m(t) in terms of K, zeta, and tau.
# Use solver in Excel to perform least squares fit using K, zeta, and tau as variables.
# Plot to see goodness of fit
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* %list list-page% [[Attach:Problem6.7_data.pdf | Problem 6.7 Data]]
* %list list-page% [[Attach:Problem6.7_data.zip | Problem 6.7 Data]]
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!!! Lecture 22 - More Complex Systems

Lecture 22 covers the development, analysis, and solution of more complex systems.  An important tool in the analysis of complex systems is the Root-Locus Diagram.  It graphically demonstrates the location of pole roots and how those change with increasing controller gain (Kc).

* %list list-page% [[Attach:Lecture22_notes.pdf | Lecture 22 Notes]]

* %list list-page% [[Attach:Lecture22_handout.pdf | Lecture 22 Handout]]

* %list list-page% [[Attach:Lecture22_mathcad.pdf | Lecture 22 MathCAD]]

!!!! Homework

# Course reading for next class: None
# Assignment due by the start of Lecture #23: 6.2, 6.7 from PDC

* %list list-page% [[Attach:Problem6.7_data.pdf | Problem 6.7 Data]]

Homework hints are given [[Main/CourseHomework | here]] .

Don't forget to write the purpose at the beginning of each homework problem.  This will help you think about each problem in the context of the [[Main/CourseCompetencies | overall course objectives]].
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