ChE 436: Temperature Control Lab
Featured in CACHE News, December 2014.
MATLAB / Arduino Temperature Control Lab
This lab is an application of feedback control for a temperature control device. Complete instructions are available below in the temperature control lab description. The lab can be run on personal computers or on workstations in the UO Lab. Kits are available for temporary use and should remain in the UO Lab. The lab files are intended for MATLAB 2013B and earlier. For the latest versions, see the new Temperature Control Lab.
- Temperature Control Lab Description
- Temperature Control Lab Files (SISO)
- Temperature Control Lab Grading Sheet (2 page Executive Summary)

Students have an opportunity to use this lab throughout the semester to learn principles of system dynamics and control. In particular, this lab reinforces:
- The difference between manual and automatic control
- Step tests to generate dynamic data
- Fitting dynamic data to build a simple First Order Plus Deadtime (FOPDT) model
- Obtaining parameters for a PID control from standard tuning rules
- Tuning the PID controller to improve performance
- Stability analysis
- Dynamic modeling with first principles
- Dynamic data reconciliation
- Model Predictive Control

The three important elements for a control loop are the measurement device (thermistor temperature sensor), an actuator (voltage to the transistor), and capability to perform computerized control (USB interface). At maximum output the transistor dissipates 3.1 W of power with a voltage of 8.9 V and current of 0.35 A. The heat generated by the transistor transfers by radiation, convection, and conduction to the temperature sensor.