APM.CTRLMODE - APMonitor Option
Main.OptionApmCtrlmode History
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Description: Control mode: 0=terminate, 1=simulate, 2=predict, 3=control
Description: Control mode 0=terminate 1=simulate 2=predict 3=control
(:title APM.CTRLMODE - APMonitor Option:) (:keywords APM.CTRLMODE, Optimization, Estimation, Option, Configure, Default, Description:) (:description Control mode: 0=terminate, 1=simulate, 2=predict, 3=control:)
Type: Integer, Output Default Value: 1 Description: Control mode: 0=terminate, 1=simulate, 2=predict, 3=control
The CTRLMODE is the actual controller mode implemented by the application and is an output after the application has completed each cycle. The requested control mode (REQCTRLMODE) is set as an input to the desired level of control but sometimes the CTRLMODE is not able to match the request because of a failed solution, a critical MV is OFF, or other checks with the application. A CTRLMODE level of 0 indicates that the program did not run due to a request to terminate. A CTRLMODE level of 1 (cold mode) indicates that the program was run as a simulator with all STATUS values turned off on FVs, MVs, and CVs. A CTRLMODE level of 2 (warm mode) indicates that the application calculates control actions but only after the second cycle. This mode is commonly used to observe anticipated control actions before the controller is activated to level 3. The CTRLMODE level of 3 means that the controller is ON and implementing changes to the process.