Lecture Notes 27
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Lecture 27 - Block Diagrams
Lecture 27 pulls together elements from the course to construct an overall block diagram of a process. In this lecture, we use these elements to derive individual transfer functions and piece them together into an overall signal flow of the process.
Lecture 27 - Controller Transfer Functions and Block Diagrams
Lecture 27 demonstrates the application of Transfer Functions for process controllers. A Transfer Function relates an input to output response of a system. In this case the input is the Error (SP-PV) and the response is the Controller Output (CO).
Lecture 27 also pulls together elements from the course to construct an overall block diagram of a process. In this lecture, we use these elements to derive individual transfer functions and piece them together into an overall signal flow of the process.
- Course reading for next class: 11.2 (PDC)
- Assignment due by the start of Lecture #28: 11.11
- Homework help for PDC 11.11: Problem 11.11 Assistance
Relate each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.
Relate each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.
Relate each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.
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Lecture 27 - Block Diagrams
Lecture 27 pulls together elements from the course to construct an overall block diagram of a process. In this lecture, we use these elements to derive individual transfer functions and piece them together into an overall signal flow of the process.
- Course reading for next class: 11.2 (PDC)
- Assignment due by the start of Lecture #28: 11.11
- Homework help for PDC 11.11: Problem 11.11 Assistance
Relate each problem in the context of the overall course objectives.