TCLab H - Adaptive MPC with MHE

The TCLab is a hands-on application of machine learning and advanced temperature control with two heaters and two temperature sensors. The labs reinforce principles of model development, estimation, and advanced control methods. This is the eighth exercise and it involves adaptive model predictive control with parameters that are updated with a Moving Horizon Estimator (MHE). This model predictive controller uses the MHE parameters and a nonlinear MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) model of the TCLab input to output response to control temperatures to a set point.

Lab Problem Statement

Solution for Combined MHE and MPC

Physics-based Machine Learning with MPC

Empirical Machine Learning with MPC

See also:

Advanced Control Lab Overview

Lab A - Single Heater Modeling
Lab B - Dual Heater Modeling
Lab C - Parameter Estimation
Lab D - Empirical Model Estimation
Lab E - Hybrid Model Estimation
Lab F - Linear Model Predictive Control
Lab G - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Lab H - Moving Horizon Estimation with MPC

Virtual TCLab on Google Colab

Lab A | Lab B | Lab C | Lab D | Lab E | Lab F | Lab G | Lab H

GEKKO Documentation

TCLab Documentation

TCLab Files on GitHub

Basic (PID) Control Lab

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