from gekko import GEKKO import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = GEKKO() tf = 40 m.time = np.linspace(0,tf,2*tf+1) step = np.zeros(2*tf+1) step[3:40] = 2.0 step[40:] = 5.0 # Controller model Kc = 15.0 # controller gain tauI = 2.0 # controller reset time tauD = 1.0 # derivative constant OP_0 = m.Const(value=0.0) # OP bias OP = m.Var(value=0.0) # controller output PV = m.Var(value=0.0) # process variable SP = m.Param(value=step) # set point Intgl = m.Var(value=0.0) # integral of the error err = m.Intermediate(SP-PV) # set point error m.Equation(Intgl.dt()==err) # integral of the error m.Equation(OP == OP_0 + Kc*err + (Kc/tauI)*Intgl - PV.dt()) # Process model Kp = 0.5 # process gain tauP = 10.0 # process time constant m.Equation(tauP*PV.dt() + PV == Kp*OP) m.options.IMODE=4 m.solve(disp=False) plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(m.time,OP.value,'b:',label='OP') plt.ylabel('Output') plt.legend() plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(m.time,SP.value,'k-',label='SP') plt.plot(m.time,PV.value,'r--',label='PV') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.ylabel('Process') plt.legend()