import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random import json # get gekko package with: # pip install gekko from gekko import GEKKO # get tclab package with: # pip install tclab from tclab import TCLab # Connect to Arduino a = TCLab() # Make an MP4 animation? make_mp4 = False if make_mp4: import imageio # required to make animation import os try: os.mkdir('./figures') except: pass # Final time tf = 10 # min # number of data points (every 3 seconds) n = tf * 20 + 1 # Percent Heater (0-100%) Q1s = np.zeros(n) Q2s = np.zeros(n) # Temperatures (degC) T1m = a.T1 * np.ones(n) T2m = a.T2 * np.ones(n) # Temperature setpoints T1sp = T1m[0] * np.ones(n) T2sp = T2m[0] * np.ones(n) # Heater set point steps about every 150 sec T1sp[3:] = 40.0 T2sp[40:] = 30.0 T1sp[80:] = 32.0 T2sp[120:] = 35.0 T1sp[160:] = 45.0 ######################################################### # Initialize Models ######################################################### # with a local server when remote=True #s='' mhe = GEKKO(name='tclab-mhe',remote=False) mpc = GEKKO(name='tclab-mpc',remote=False) # create 2 models (MHE and MPC) in one loop for m in [mhe,mpc]: # Parameters with bounds m.K1 = m.FV(value=0.607,lb=0.1,ub=1.0) m.K2 = m.FV(value=0.293,lb=0.1,ub=1.0) m.K3 = m.FV(value=0.24,lb=0.1,ub=1.0) m.tau12 = m.FV(value=192,lb=100,ub=200) m.tau3 = m.FV(value=15,lb=10,ub=20) m.Ta = m.Param(value=23.0) # degC m.Q1 = m.MV(value=0,lb=0,ub=100,name='q1') m.Q2 = m.MV(value=0,lb=0,ub=100,name='q2') # Heater temperatures m.TH1 = m.SV(value=T1m[0]) m.TH2 = m.SV(value=T2m[0]) # Sensor temperatures m.TC1 = m.CV(value=T1m[0],name='tc1') m.TC2 = m.CV(value=T2m[0],name='tc2') # Temperature difference between two heaters m.DT = m.Intermediate(m.TH2-m.TH1) # Equations m.Equation(m.tau12*m.TH1.dt()+(m.TH1-m.Ta)==m.K1*m.Q1+m.K3*m.DT) m.Equation(m.tau12*m.TH2.dt()+(m.TH2-m.Ta)==m.K2*m.Q2-m.K3*m.DT) m.Equation(m.tau3*m.TC1.dt()+m.TC1==m.TH1) m.Equation(m.tau3*m.TC2.dt()+m.TC2==m.TH2) ################################################### # Configure MHE # 120 second time horizon, steps of 3 sec ntm = 40 mhe.time = np.linspace(0,ntm*3,ntm+1) # Measured inputs mhe.Q1.STATUS = 0 # not changed by mhe mhe.Q1.FSTATUS = 1 # measured mhe.Q2.STATUS = 0 # not changed by mhe mhe.Q2.FSTATUS = 1 # measured mhe.TC1.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement mhe.TC2.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement meas_gap = 2.0 mhe.TC1.MEAS_GAP = meas_gap # for CV_TYPE = 1 mhe.TC2.MEAS_GAP = meas_gap # for CV_TYPE = 1 mhe.options.IMODE = 5 # MHE Mode mhe.options.EV_TYPE = 1 # Estimator Objective type mhe.options.NODES = 3 # Collocation nodes mhe.options.ICD_CALC = 1 # Calculate initial conditions mhe.options.SOLVER = 3 # IPOPT mhe.options.COLDSTART = 0 # COLDSTART on first cycle ################################################### # Configure MPC # Control horizon, non-uniform time steps mpc.time = [0,3,6,10,14,18,22,27,32,38,45,55,65, \ 75,90,110,130,150] # update parameters from mhe mpc.K1.FSTATUS = 1 mpc.K2.FSTATUS = 1 mpc.K3.FSTATUS = 1 mpc.tau12.FSTATUS = 1 mpc.tau3.FSTATUS = 1 # Measured inputs mpc.Q1.STATUS = 1 # manipulated mpc.Q1.FSTATUS = 0 # not measured mpc.Q1.DMAX = 20.0 mpc.Q1.DCOST = 0.1 mpc.Q2.STATUS = 1 # manipulated mpc.Q2.FSTATUS = 0 # not measured mpc.Q2.DMAX = 30.0 mpc.Q2.DCOST = 0.1 mpc.TC1.STATUS = 1 # drive to setpoint mpc.TC1.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement mpc.TC1.TAU = 40 # response speed (time constant) mpc.TC1.TR_INIT = 1 # reference trajectory mpc.TC1.TR_OPEN = 0 mpc.TC2.STATUS = 1 # drive to setpoint mpc.TC2.FSTATUS = 1 # receive measurement mpc.TC2.TAU = 0 # response speed (time constant) mpc.TC2.TR_INIT = 0 # dead-band mpc.TC2.TR_OPEN = 1 # Global Options mpc.options.IMODE = 6 # MPC Mode mpc.options.CV_TYPE = 1 # Controller Objective type mpc.options.NODES = 3 # Collocation nodes mpc.options.SOLVER = 3 # IPOPT mpc.options.COLDSTART = 1 # COLDSTART on first cycle ########################################### # Create plot plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) plt.ion() # Main Loop start_time = time.time() prev_time = start_time tm = np.zeros(n) try: for i in range(1,n-1): # Sleep time sleep_max = 3.0 sleep = sleep_max - (time.time() - prev_time) if sleep>=0.01: time.sleep(sleep-0.01) else: time.sleep(0.01) # Record time and change in time t = time.time() dt = t - prev_time prev_time = t tm[i] = t - start_time # Turn on parameter estimation after 10 cycles if i==10: mhe.K1.STATUS = 1 mhe.K2.STATUS = 1 #mhe.K3.STATUS = 1 #mhe.tau12.STATUS = 1 #mhe.tau3.STATUS = 1 # Read temperatures in Celsius T1m[i] = a.T1 T2m[i] = a.T2 # Insert measurements to MHE mhe.TC1.MEAS = T1m[i] mhe.TC2.MEAS = T2m[i] mhe.Q1.MEAS = Q1s[i] mhe.Q2.MEAS = Q2s[i] # Update model parameters with MHE try: mhe.solve(disp=False) # Insert updated parameters to MPC mpc.K1.MEAS = mhe.K1.NEWVAL mpc.K2.MEAS = mhe.K2.NEWVAL mpc.K3.MEAS = mhe.K3.NEWVAL mpc.tau12.MEAS = mhe.tau12.NEWVAL mpc.tau3.MEAS = mhe.tau3.NEWVAL except: print('MHE solution failed, using prior values') # Insert temperature measurement for MPC mpc.TC1.MEAS = mhe.TC1.MODEL # or T1m[i] mpc.TC2.MEAS = mhe.TC2.MODEL # or T2m[i] # Adjust setpoints db1 = 1.0 # dead-band mpc.TC1.SPHI = T1sp[i] + db1 mpc.TC1.SPLO = T1sp[i] - db1 db2 = 0.5 mpc.TC2.SPHI = T2sp[i] + db2 mpc.TC2.SPLO = T2sp[i] - db2 # Adjust Heaters with MPC try: # Solve MPC mpc.solve(disp=False) # Retrieve new values Q1s[i+1] = mpc.Q1.NEWVAL Q2s[i+1] = mpc.Q2.NEWVAL # get additional solution information with open(m.path+'//results.json') as f: results = json.load(f) except: print('MPC solution failed, turn off heaters') Q1s[i+1] = 0.0 Q2s[i+1] = 0.0 # Write new heater values (0-100) a.Q1(Q1s[i]) a.Q2(Q2s[i]) # Plot plt.clf() j = max(0,i-ntm-1) ax=plt.subplot(3,1,1) ax.grid() ax.axvspan(tm[j], tm[i], alpha=0.2, color='purple') ax.axvspan(tm[i], tm[i]+mpc.time[-1], alpha=0.2, color='orange') plt.text(tm[i]+10,46.5,'Future: MPC') plt.text(tm[j]+1,46.5,'Past: MHE') ax.fill_between(tm[j:i+1],T1m[j:i+1]-meas_gap/2,\ T1m[j:i+1]+meas_gap/2,alpha=0.5,color='red') #plt.plot(tm[j:i+1],T1m[j:i+1]+meas_gap/2,'k-',\ # label=r'Meas Gap') #plt.plot(tm[j:i+1],T1m[j:i+1]-meas_gap/2,'k-',label=None) plt.plot(tm[0:i+1],T1m[0:i+1],'r.',label=r'$T_1$ measured') plt.plot(mhe.time-120+tm[i],mhe.TC1.value,'k-',\ lw=2,alpha=0.7,label=r'$T_1$ MHE model') plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,results['tc1.bcv'],'r-',\ label=r'$T_1$ predicted',lw=3) plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,results['tc1.tr_hi'],'k--',\ label=r'$T_1$ trajectory') plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,results['tc1.tr_lo'],'k--') plt.plot([tm[i],tm[i]],[15,50],'k-') circle1=plt.Circle((tm[i]+40,25),\ 10*mhe.K1.value[0],alpha=0.3,color='red') ax.add_artist(circle1) K1v = np.round(mhe.K1.value[0],3) plt.text(tm[i]+20,22,'K1='+str(K1v)) plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)') plt.legend(loc=3) plt.xlim(0, tm[i]+mpc.time[-1]) plt.ylim(15, 50) ax=plt.subplot(3,1,2) ax.grid() ax.axvspan(tm[j], tm[i], alpha=0.2, color='purple') ax.axvspan(tm[i], tm[i]+mpc.time[-1], alpha=0.2, color='orange') plt.text(tm[i]+10,46.5,'Future: MPC') plt.text(tm[j]+1,46.5,'Past: MHE') ax.fill_between(tm[j:i+1],T2m[j:i+1]-meas_gap/2,\ T2m[j:i+1]+meas_gap/2,alpha=0.5,color='blue') #plt.plot(tm[j:i+1],T2m[j:i+1]+meas_gap/2,'k-',\ # label=r'Meas Gap') #plt.plot(tm[j:i+1],T2m[j:i+1]-meas_gap/2,'k-',label=None) plt.plot(tm[0:i+1],T2m[0:i+1],'b.',label=r'$T_2$ measured') plt.plot(mhe.time-120+tm[i],mhe.TC2.value,'k-',\ lw=2,alpha=0.7,label=r'$T_2$ MHE model') plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,results['tc2.bcv'],'b-',\ label=r'$T_2$ predict',lw=3) plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,results['tc2.tr_hi'],'k--',\ label=r'$T_2$ range') plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,results['tc2.tr_lo'],'k--') plt.plot([tm[i],tm[i]],[15,50],'k-') circle2=plt.Circle((tm[i]+40,25),\ 10*mhe.K2.value[0],alpha=0.3,color='blue') ax.add_artist(circle2) K2v = np.round(mhe.K2.value[0],3) plt.text(tm[i]+20,22,'K2='+str(K2v)) plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)') plt.legend(loc=3) plt.xlim(0, tm[i]+mpc.time[-1]) plt.ylim(15, 50) ax=plt.subplot(3,1,3) ax.grid() ax.axvspan(tm[j], tm[i], alpha=0.2, color='purple') ax.axvspan(tm[i], tm[i]+mpc.time[-1], alpha=0.2, color='orange') plt.text(tm[i]-10,55,'Current Time',rotation=90) plt.plot([tm[i],tm[i]],[0,100],'k-',\ label='Current Time',lw=1) plt.plot(tm[0:i+1],Q1s[0:i+1],'r.-',\ label=r'$Q_1$ history',lw=2) plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,mpc.Q1.value,'r-',\ label=r'$Q_1$ plan',lw=3) plt.plot(tm[0:i+1],Q2s[0:i+1],'b.-',\ label=r'$Q_2$ history',lw=2) plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time,mpc.Q2.value,'b-', label=r'$Q_2$ plan',lw=3) plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time[1],mpc.Q1.value[1],color='red',\ marker='.',markersize=15) plt.plot(tm[i]+mpc.time[1],mpc.Q2.value[1],color='blue',\ marker='X',markersize=8) plt.ylabel('Heaters') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc=2) plt.xlim(0, tm[i]+mpc.time[-1]) plt.ylim(0, 100) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.05) if make_mp4: filename='./figures/plot_'+str(i+10000)+'.png' plt.savefig(filename) # Turn off heaters and close connection a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) a.close() # Save figure plt.savefig('tclab_mhe_mpc.png') # generate mp4 from png figures in batches of 350 if make_mp4: images = [] iset = 0 for i in range(1,n-1): filename='./figures/plot_'+str(i+10000)+'.png' images.append(imageio.imread(filename)) if ((i+1)%350)==0: imageio.mimsave('results_'+str(iset)+'.mp4', images) iset += 1 images = [] if images!=[]: imageio.mimsave('results_'+str(iset)+'.mp4', images) # Allow user to end loop with Ctrl-C except KeyboardInterrupt: # Turn off heaters and close connection a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) a.close() print('Shutting down') plt.savefig('tclab_mhe_mpc.png') # Make sure serial connection still closes when there's an error except: # Disconnect from Arduino a.Q1(0) a.Q2(0) a.close() print('Error: Shutting down') plt.savefig('tclab_mhe_mpc.png') raise