import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint from gekko import GEKKO # Steady State Initial Condition u_ss = 280.0 # Feed Temperature (K) Tf = 350 # Feed Concentration (mol/m^3) Caf = 1 # Steady State Initial Conditions for the States Ca_ss = 1 T_ss = 304 x0 = np.empty(2) x0[0] = Ca_ss x0[1] = T_ss #%% GEKKO linear MPC m = GEKKO(remote=True) m.time = [0,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5] # initial conditions Tc0 = 280 T0 = 304 Ca0 = 1.0 tau = m.Const(value = 0.5) Kp = m.Const(value = 1) m.Tc = m.MV(value = Tc0,lb=250,ub=350) m.T = m.CV(value = T_ss) m.Equation(tau * m.T.dt() == -(m.T - T0) + Kp * (m.Tc - Tc0)) #MV tuning m.Tc.STATUS = 1 m.Tc.FSTATUS = 0 m.Tc.DMAX = 100 m.Tc.DMAXHI = 5 # constrain movement up m.Tc.DMAXLO = -100 # quick action down #CV tuning m.T.STATUS = 1 m.T.FSTATUS = 1 m.T.SP = 330 m.T.TR_INIT = 2 m.T.TAU = 1.0 m.options.CV_TYPE = 2 m.options.IMODE = 6 m.options.SOLVER = 3 #%% define CSTR model def cstr(x,t,u,Tf,Caf): # Inputs (3): # Temperature of cooling jacket (K) Tc = u # Tf = Feed Temperature (K) # Caf = Feed Concentration (mol/m^3) # States (2): # Concentration of A in CSTR (mol/m^3) Ca = x[0] # Temperature in CSTR (K) T = x[1] # Parameters: # Volumetric Flowrate (m^3/sec) q = 100 # Volume of CSTR (m^3) V = 100 # Density of A-B Mixture (kg/m^3) rho = 1000 # Heat capacity of A-B Mixture (J/kg-K) Cp = 0.239 # Heat of reaction for A->B (J/mol) mdelH = 5e4 # E - Activation energy in the Arrhenius Equation (J/mol) # R - Universal Gas Constant = 8.31451 J/mol-K EoverR = 8750 # Pre-exponential factor (1/sec) k0 = 7.2e10 # U - Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m^2-K) # A - Area - this value is specific for the U calculation (m^2) UA = 5e4 # reaction rate rA = k0*np.exp(-EoverR/T)*Ca # Calculate concentration derivative dCadt = q/V*(Caf - Ca) - rA # Calculate temperature derivative dTdt = q/V*(Tf - T) \ + mdelH/(rho*Cp)*rA \ + UA/V/rho/Cp*(Tc-T) # Return xdot: xdot = np.zeros(2) xdot[0] = dCadt xdot[1] = dTdt return xdot # Time Interval (min) t = np.linspace(0,10,501) # Store results for plotting Ca = np.ones(len(t)) * Ca_ss T = np.ones(len(t)) * T_ss Tsp = np.ones(len(t)) * T_ss u = np.ones(len(t)) * u_ss # Set point steps Tsp[0:100] = 330.0 Tsp[100:200] = 350.0 Tsp[200:300] = 370.0 Tsp[300:] = 390.0 # Create plot plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) plt.ion() # Simulate CSTR for i in range(len(t)-1): # simulate one time period (0.05 sec each loop) ts = [t[i],t[i+1]] y = odeint(cstr,x0,ts,args=(u[i],Tf,Caf)) # retrieve measurements Ca[i+1] = y[-1][0] T[i+1] = y[-1][1] # insert measurement m.T.MEAS = T[i+1] # update setpoint m.T.SP = Tsp[i+1] # solve MPC m.solve(disp=True) # change to a fixed starting point for trajectory m.T.TR_INIT = 2 # retrieve new Tc value u[i+1] = m.Tc.NEWVAL # update initial conditions x0[0] = Ca[i+1] x0[1] = T[i+1] #%% Plot the results plt.clf() plt.subplot(3,1,1) plt.plot(t[0:i],u[0:i],'b--',lw=3) plt.ylabel('Cooling T (K)') plt.legend(['Jacket Temperature'],loc='best') plt.subplot(3,1,2) plt.plot(t[0:i],Ca[0:i],'r-',lw=3) plt.ylabel('Ca (mol/L)') plt.legend(['Reactor Concentration'],loc='best') plt.subplot(3,1,3) plt.plot(t[0:i],Tsp[0:i],'k-',lw=3,label=r'$T_{sp}$') plt.plot(t[0:i],T[0:i],'b.-',lw=3,label=r'$T_{meas}$') plt.ylabel('T (K)') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(['Reactor Temperature'],loc='best') plt.draw() plt.pause(0.01)