from gekko import GEKKO import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m1 = GEKKO(remote=False) m2 = GEKKO(remote=False) m = m1 # known parameters # number of biweeks in a year nb = 26 ny = 3 # number of years biweeks = np.zeros((nb,ny*nb+1)) biweeks[0][0] = 1 for i in range(nb): for j in range(ny): biweeks[i][j*nb+i+1] = 1 # write csv data file tm = np.linspace(0,78,79) # case data cases = np.array([180,180,271,423,465,523,649,624,556,420,\ 423,488,441,268,260,163,83,60,41,48,65,82,\ 145,122,194,237,318,450,671,1387,1617,2058,\ 3099,3340,2965,1873,1641,1122,884,591,427,282,\ 174,127,84,97,68,88,79,58,85,75,121,174,209,458,\ 742,929,1027,1411,1885,2110,1764,2001,2154,1843,\ 1427,970,726,416,218,160,160,188,224,298,436,482,468]) data = np.vstack((tm,cases)) data = data.T np.savetxt('measles_biweek_2.csv',data,delimiter=',',header='time,cases') #load data from csv m.time, cases_meas = np.loadtxt('measles_biweek_2.csv', \ delimiter=',',skiprows=1,unpack=True) m.Vr = m.Param(value = 0) # Variables m.N = m.FV(value = 3.2e6) = m.FV(value = 7.8e-4) m.rep_frac = m.FV(value = 0.45) # beta values (unknown parameters in the model) m.beta = [m.FV(value=1, lb=0.1, ub=5) for i in range(nb)] # predicted values m.S = m.SV(value = 0.06*m.N.value, lb=0,ub=m.N) m.I = m.SV(value = 0.001*m.N.value, lb=0,ub=m.N) m.V = m.Var(value = 2e5) # measured values m.cases = m.CV(value = cases_meas, lb=0) # turn on feedback status for CASES m.cases.FSTATUS = 1 # weight on prior model predictions m.cases.WMODEL = 0 # meas_gap = deadband that represents level of # accuracy / measurement noise db = 100 m.cases.MEAS_GAP = db for i in range(nb): m.beta[i].STATUS=1 m.gamma = m.FV(value=0.07) m.gamma.STATUS = 1 m.gamma.LOWER = 0.05 m.gamma.UPPER = 0.5 m.biweek=[None]*nb for i in range(nb): m.biweek[i] = m.Param(value=biweeks[i]) # Intermediate m.Rs = m.Intermediate(m.S*m.I/m.N) # Equations sum_biweek = sum([m.biweek[i]*m.beta[i]*m.Rs for i in range(nb)]) m.Equation(m.S.dt()== -sum_biweek +*m.N - m.Vr) m.Equation(m.I.dt()== sum_biweek - m.gamma*m.I) m.Equation(m.cases == m.rep_frac*sum_biweek) m.Equation(m.V.dt()==-m.Vr) # options m.options.SOLVER = 1 m.options.NODES=3 # imode = 5, dynamic estimation m.options.IMODE = 5 # ev_type = 1 (L1-norm) or 2 (squared error) m.options.EV_TYPE = 1 # solve model and print solver output m.solve() [print('beta['+str(i+1)+'] = '+str(m.beta[i][0])) \ for i in range(nb)] print('gamma = '+str(m.gamma.value[0])) # export data # stack time and avg as column vectors my_data = np.vstack((m.time,np.asarray(m.beta),m.gamma)) # transpose data my_data = my_data.T # save text file with comma delimiter beta_str = '' for i in range(nb): beta_str = beta_str + ',beta[' + str(i+1) + ']' header_name = 'time,gamma' + beta_str ##np.savetxt('solution_data.csv',my_data,delimiter=',',\ ## header = header_name, comments='') np.savetxt('solution_data_EVTYPE_'+str(m.options.EV_TYPE)+\ '_gamma'+str(m.gamma.STATUS)+'.csv',\ my_data,delimiter=',',header = header_name) plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(16,8)) plt.suptitle('Estimation') plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.plot(m.time,m.cases, label='Cases (model)') plt.plot(m.time,cases_meas, label='Cases (measured)') if m.options.EV_TYPE==1: plt.plot(m.time,cases_meas+db/2, 'k-.',\ lw=0.5, label=r'$Cases_{db-hi}$') plt.plot(m.time,cases_meas-db/2, 'k-.',\ lw=0.5, label=r'$Cases_{db-lo}$') plt.fill_between(m.time,cases_meas-db/2,\ cases_meas+db/2,color='gold',alpha=.5) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Cases') plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.plot(m.time,m.S,'r--') plt.ylabel('S') plt.subplot(2,2,3) [plt.plot(m.time,m.beta[i], label='_nolegend_')\ for i in range(nb)] plt.plot(m.time,m.gamma,'c--', label=r'$\gamma$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel(r'$\beta, \gamma$') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.subplot(2,2,4) plt.plot(m.time,m.I,'g--') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('I') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2,wspace=0.4) name = 'cases_EVTYPE_'+ str(m.options.EV_TYPE) +\ '_gamma' + str(m.gamma.STATUS) + '.png' plt.savefig(name) ##-----------------------------------------------## ## Control ##-----------------------------------------------## m = m2 m.time = m1.time # Variables N = m.FV(value = 3.2e6) mu = m.FV(value = 7.8e-4) rep_frac = m.FV(value = 0.45) # beta values (unknown parameters in the model) beta = [m.FV(value = m1.beta[i].NEWVAL) for i in range(nb)] gamma = m.FV(value = m1.gamma.NEWVAL) cases = m.CV(value = cases_meas[0],lb=0) # predicted values S = m.SV(value=0.06*N, lb=0,ub=N) I = m.SV(value = 0.001*N, lb=0,ub=N) V = m.CV(value = 2e5) Vr = m.MV(value = 0) cases.STATUS = 1 cases.FSTATUS = 0 cases.TR_INIT = 0 cases.SPHI = 50 cases.SPLO = 0 cases_SPHI = np.full(len(m.time),cases.SPHI) cases_SPLO = np.full(len(m.time),cases.SPLO) Vr.STATUS = 1 Vr.UPPER = 1e4 Vr.LOWER = 0 Vr.COST = 1e-5 V.SPHI = 2e5 V.SPLO = 0 V.STATUS = 0 V.TR_INIT = 0 V_SPHI = np.full(len(m.time),V.SPHI) V_SPLO = np.full(len(m.time),V.SPLO) biweek=[None]*nb for i in range(nb): biweek[i] = m.Param(value=biweeks[i]) # Intermediates Rs = m.Intermediate(S*I/N) #Equations sum_biweek = sum([biweek[i]*beta[i]*Rs for i in range(nb)]) m.Equation(S.dt()== -sum_biweek + mu*N - Vr) m.Equation(I.dt()== sum_biweek - gamma*I) m.Equation(cases == rep_frac*sum_biweek) m.Equation(V.dt() == -Vr) # options m.options.SOLVER = 1 # imode = 6, dynamic control m.options.IMODE = 6 # ctrl_units = 5, time units are in years m.options.CTRL_UNITS = 5 m.options.CV_TYPE = 1 # solve model and print solver output m.solve() [print('beta['+str(i+1)+'] = '+str(beta[i][0]))\ for i in range(nb)] print('gamma = '+str(gamma.value[0])) # export data # stack time and avg as column vectors my_data = np.vstack((m.time,np.asarray(beta),V,Vr,gamma)) # transpose data my_data = my_data.T # save text file with comma delimiter beta_str = '' for i in range(nb): beta_str = beta_str + ',beta[' + str(i+1) + ']' header_name = 'time,gamma' + beta_str ##np.savetxt('solution_data.csv',my_data,delimiter=',',\ ## header = header_name, comments='') np.savetxt('solution_control_EVTYPE_'+str(m.options.EV_TYPE)+\ '_gamma'+str(gamma.STATUS)+'.csv',\ my_data,delimiter=',',header = header_name) plt.figure(num=2, figsize=(16,8)) plt.suptitle('Control') plt.subplot2grid((6,2),(0,0), rowspan=2) plt.plot(m.time,cases, label='Cases (model)') plt.plot(m.time,cases_SPHI, 'k-.', lw=0.5,\ label=r'$Cases _{SP-HI}$') plt.plot(m.time,cases_SPLO, 'k-.', lw=0.5,\ label=r'$Cases _{SP-LO}$') plt.fill_between(m.time,cases_SPLO,cases_SPHI,\ color='gold',alpha=.25) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Cases') plt.subplot2grid((6,2),(0,1), rowspan=3) plt.plot(m.time,S,'r--') plt.ylabel('S') plt.subplot2grid((6,2),(2,0), rowspan=2) [plt.plot(m.time,V, label='_nolegend_') for i in range(nb)] plt.plot(m.time,V_SPHI, 'k-.', lw=0.5,\ label=r'$V _{SP-HI}$') plt.plot(m.time,V_SPLO, 'k-.', lw=0.5,\ label=r'$V _{SP-LO}$') plt.fill_between(m.time,V_SPLO,V_SPHI,color='gold',alpha=.25) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel(r'$V$') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.subplot2grid((6,2),(3,1),rowspan=3) plt.plot(m.time,I,'g--') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('I') plt.subplot2grid((6,2),(4,0),rowspan=2) plt.plot(m.time,Vr, 'b--') plt.ylabel(r'$V_{r}$') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95,wspace=0.2) name = 'cases_EVTYPE_'+ str(m.options.EV_TYPE) + '_gamma'+\ str(gamma.STATUS) + '.png' plt.savefig(name)