from gekko import GEKKO import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Build Model ############################ m = GEKKO() #define time space nt = 101 m.time = np.linspace(0,1.5,nt) #Parameters u = m.MV(value =0, lb = -1, ub = 1) u.STATUS = 1 u.DCOST = 0.0001 # slight penalty to discourage MV movement #Variables x1 = m.Var(value=0.5) x2 = m.Var(value = 0) myObj = m.Var() #Equations m.Equation(myObj.dt() == 0.5*x1**2) m.Equation(x1.dt() == u + x2) m.Equation(x2.dt() == -u) f = np.zeros(nt) f[-1] = 1 final = m.Param(value=f) # Four options for final constraints x1(tf)=0 and x2(tf)=0 option = 2 # best option = 3 (fix endpoints directly) if option == 1: # most likely to cause DOF issues because of many 0==0 equations m.Equation(final*x1 == 0) m.Equation(final*x2 == 0) elif option == 2: # inequality constraint approach is better but there are still # many inactive equations not at the endpoint m.Equation((final*x1)**2 <= 0) m.Equation((final*x2)**2 <= 0) elif option == 3: #requires GEKKO version >= 0.0.3a2 # fix the value just at the endpoint (best option) m.fix(x1,pos=nt-1,val=0) m.fix(x2,pos=nt-1,val=0) else: #penalty method ("soft constraint") that may influence the # optimal solution because there is just one combined objective # and it may interfere with minimizing myObj m.Obj(1000*(final*x1)**2) m.Obj(1000*(final*x2)**2) m.Obj(myObj*final) ######################################## #Set Global Options and Solve m.options.IMODE = 6 m.options.NODES = 3 m.options.MV_TYPE = 1 m.options.SOLVER = 1 # APOPT solver #Solve m.solve() # (remote=False) for local solution # Print objective value print('Objective (myObj): ' + str(myObj[-1])) ######################################## #Plot Results plt.figure() plt.plot(m.time, x1.value, 'y:', label = '$x_1$') plt.plot(m.time, x2.value, 'r--', label = '$x_2$') plt.plot(m.time, u.value, 'b-', label = 'u') plt.plot(m.time, myObj.value,'k-',label='Objective') plt.legend()