import tclab import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle from keras.models import load_model # PID: 1 sec, MPC: 2 sec cycle_time = 2 tclab_hardware = False # switch to True if hardware available h5_file,s_x,s_y,window = pickle.load(open('lstm_control.pkl','rb')) model = load_model(h5_file) if tclab_hardware: mlab = tclab.TCLab # Physical hardware else: mlab = tclab.setup(connected=False,speedup=10) # Emulator # LSTM Controller def lstm(T1_m,Tsp1_m,T2_m,Tsp2_m): # Calculate error (necessary feature for LSTM input) err1 = Tsp1_m - T1_m err2 = Tsp2_m - T2_m # Format data for LSTM input X = np.vstack((Tsp1_m,err1,Tsp2_m,err2)).T Xs = s_x.transform(X) Xs = np.reshape(Xs, (1, Xs.shape[0], Xs.shape[1])) # Predict Q for controller and unscale Qc_s = model.predict(Xs) Qc = s_y.inverse_transform(Qc_s)[0] # Ensure Qc is between 0 and 100 Qc = np.clip(Qc,0.0,100.0) return Qc tf = 300 # final time (sec) n = int(tf/cycle_time) # cycles tm=[]; T1=[]; T2=[]; Q1=[]; Q2=[] # storage lab = mlab() i = 0 for t in tclab.clock(tf, cycle_time): # record time tm.append(t) # read temperatures T1.append(lab.T1) T2.append(lab.T2) # LSTM control if i>=window: T1_m = T1[i-window:i] T2_m = T2[i-window:i] else: insert1 = np.ones(window-i)*T1[0] insert2 = np.ones(window-i)*T2[0] T1_m = np.concatenate((insert1,T1[0:-1])) T2_m = np.concatenate((insert2,T2[0:-1])) Tsp1_m = 50*np.ones(window) Tsp2_m = 40*np.ones(window) Q = lstm(T1_m,Tsp1_m,T2_m,Tsp2_m) Q1.append(Q[0]); Q2.append(Q[1]) lab.Q1(Q1[-1]); lab.Q2(Q2[-1]) if i%50==0: print(' Time_____Q1___Tsp1_____T1_____Q2___Tsp2_____T2') if i%5==0: s='{:6.1f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}' print((s).format(tm[-1],Q1[-1],Tsp1_m[-1],T1[-1],\ Q2[-1],Tsp2_m[-1],T2[-1])) i+=1 lab.close() # Create Figure tmin = np.array(tm)/60.0 plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.subplot(3,1,1) plt.plot(tmin,np.ones_like(tmin)*50,'k-',label='$T_{SP,1} (^oC)$') plt.plot(tmin,T1,'b-',label='$T_1 (^oC)$') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.subplot(3,1,2) plt.plot(tmin,np.ones_like(tmin)*40,'k--',label='$T_{SP,2} (^oC)$') plt.plot(tmin,T2,'r-',label='$T_2 (^oC)$') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.subplot(3,1,3) plt.plot(tmin,Q1,'b-',label='$Q1_{LSTM}$ (%)') plt.plot(tmin,Q2,'r--',label='$Q2_{LSTM}$ (%)') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.ylim([0,100]) plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.savefig('LSTM_Control.png',dpi=300)