from gekko import GEKKO import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = GEKKO(remote=False) # Create time vector: t=[0, 0.1, 0.2,...,36.9,37], [hours] tm = np.linspace(0,37,371) # Insert smaller time steps at the beginning tm = np.insert(tm,1,[0.001,0.005,0.01,0.05]) m.time = tm nt = len(tm) # Define constants and parameters ################################# # Kinetic Parameters a1 = 0.05 # Ratkowsky parameter [oC-1 h-0.5] aP = 4.50 # Growth-associated parameter for EtOh production [-] AP1 = 6.0 # Activation energy parameter for EtOh production [oC] AP2 = 20.3 # Activation energy parameter for EtOh production [oC] b1 = 0.035 # Parameter in the exponential expression of the maximum specific growth rate expression [oC-1] b2 = 0.15 # Parameter in the exponential expression of the maximum specific growth rate expression [oC-1] b3 = 0.40 # Parameter in the exponential expression of the specific death rate expression [oC-1] c1 = 0.38 # Constant decoupling factor for EtOh [gP gX-1 h-1] c2 = 0.29 # Constant decoupling factor for EtOh [gP gX-1 h-1] k1 = 3 # Parameter in the maximum specific growth rate expression [oC] k2 = 55 # Parameter in the maximum specific growth rate expression [oC] k3 = 60 # Parameter in the growth-inhibitory EtOH concentration expression [oC] k4 = 50 # Temperature at the inflection point of the specific death rate sigmoid curve [oC] Pmaxb = 90 # Temperature-independent product inhibition constant [g L-1] PmaxT = 90 # Maximum value of product inhibition constant due to temperature [g L-1] Kdb = 0.025 # Basal specific cellular biomass death rate [h-1] KdT = 30 # Maximum value of specific cellular biomass death rate due to temperature [h-1] KSX = 5 # Glucose saturation constant for the specific growth rate [g L-1] KOX = 0.0005 # Oxygen saturation constant for the specific growth rate [g L-1] qOmax = 0.05 # Maximum specific oxygen consumption rate [h-1] # Metabolic Parameters YPS = 0.51 # Theoretical yield of EtOH on glucose [gP gS-1] YXO = 0.97 # Theoretical yield of biomass on oxygen [gX gO-1] YXS = 0.53 # Theoretical yield of biomass on glucose [gX gS-1] # Physicochemical and thermodynamic parameters Chbr = 4.18 # Heat capacity of the mass of reaction [J g-1 oC-1] Chc = 4.18 # Heat capacity of cooling agent [J g-1 oC-1] deltaH = 518000 # Heat of reaction of fermentation [J mol-1 O2] Tref = 20 # Reference temperature [oC] KH = 200 # Henry's constant for oxygen in the fermentation broth [atm L mol-1] z = 0.792 # Oxygen compressibility factor [-] R = 0.082 # Ideal gas constant [L atm mol-1 oC-1] kla0 = 100 # Temperature-independent volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient [-h] KT = 360000 # Heat transfer coefficient [J h-1 m-2 oC-1] rho = 1080 # Density of the fermentation broth [g L-1] rhoc = 1000 # Density of the cooling agent [g L-1] MO = 32.0 # Molecular weight of oxygen [g mol-1] # Bioreactor design data AT = 1 # Bioreactor heat transfer area [m2] V = 1800 # Bioreactor working volume [L] Vcj = 50 # Cooling jacket volume [L] Ogasin = 0.305 # Oxygen concentration in airflow inlet [g L-1] # Define variables ################## mi = m.Var(name='mi',lb=0) # Qin is a step function: # Qin = Qin0 + 15H(t-5) + 5H(t-10) - 6H(t-20) - 14H(t-35) # where H(t-t0) heaviside function Qin_step = np.zeros(nt) Qin_step[np.where(tm>=5)] += 15 Qin_step[np.where(tm>=10)] += 5 Qin_step[np.where(tm>=20)] -= 6 Qin_step[np.where(tm>=35)] -= 14 Qin = m.Param(value=Qin_step, name='Qin') # Fixed variables, they are constant throughout the time horizon Xtin = m.FV(value=0, name='Xtin') Xvin = m.FV(value=0, name='Xvin') Qe = m.FV(value=0, name='Qe') Sin = m.FV(value=400, lb=0, ub=1500) Pin = m.FV(value=0, name='Pin') Fc = m.FV(value=40, name='Fc') Fair = m.FV(value=60000, name='Fair') Tin = m.FV(value=30, name='Tin') Tcin = m.FV(value=15, name='Tcin') Vl = m.Var(value=1000, name='Vl') # lb=-0.0, ub=0.75*V Xt = m.Var(value=0.1, name='Xt') # lb=-0.0, ub=10 Xv = m.Var(value=0.1, name='Xv') # lb=-0.0, ub=10 S = m.Var(value=50, name='S') # lb=+0.0, ub=10000 P = m.Var(value=0, name='P') Ol = m.Var(value=0.0065, name= 'Ol') Og = m.Var(value=0.305, name='Og') T = m.Var(value=30, name='T') # lb=20, ub=40 Tc = m.Var(value=20, name='Tc') # lb=0, ub=30 Sf_cum = m.Var(value=0, name='Sf_cum') # Define algebraic equations ############################ # Specific growth rate of cell mass mimax = m.Intermediate(((a1*(T-k1))*(1-m.exp(b1*(T-k2))))** 2) Pmax = m.Intermediate(Pmaxb + PmaxT/(1-m.exp(-b2*(T-k3)))) m.Equation(mi == mimax * (S / (KSX+S)) * (Ol/(KOX + Ol)) \ * (1 - P/Pmax) * (1 / (1+m.exp(-(100-S))))) # Specific production rate of EtOH bP = m.Intermediate(c1*m.exp(-AP1/T) - c2*m.exp(-AP2/T)) qP = m.Intermediate(aP*mi + bP) # Specific consumption rate of glucose qS = m.Intermediate(mi/YXS + qP/YPS) # Specific consumption rate of oxygen qO = m.Intermediate(qOmax*Ol/YXO/(KOX+Ol)) # Specific biological deactivation rate of cell mass Kd = m.Intermediate(Kdb + KdT/(1+m.exp(-b3*(T-k4)))) # Saturation concentration of oxygen in culture media Ostar = m.Intermediate(z*Og*R*T/KH) # Oxygen mass transfer coefficient kla = m.Intermediate(kla0*1.2**(T-20)) # Bioreactor phases equation Vg = m.Intermediate(V - Vl) # Define differential equations ############################### m.Equation(Vl.dt() == Qin - Qe) m.Equation(Vl*Xt.dt() == Qin*(Xtin-Xt) + mi*Vl*Xv) m.Equation(Vl*Xv.dt() == Qin*(Xvin-Xv) + Xv*Vl*(mi-Kd)) m.Equation(Vl*S.dt() == Qin*(Sin-S) - qS*Vl*Xv) m.Equation(Vl*P.dt() == Qin*(Pin - P) + qP*Vl*Xv) m.Equation(Vl*Ol.dt() == Qin*(Ostar-Ol) + Vl*kla*(Ostar-Ol) - qO*Vl*Xv) m.Equation(Vg*Og.dt() == Fair*(Ogasin-Og) - Vl*kla*(Ostar-Ol) + Og*(Qin-Qe)) m.Equation(Vl*T.dt() == Qin*(Tin-T) - Tref*(Qin-Qe) \ + Vl*qO*Xv*deltaH/MO/rho/Chbr - KT*AT*(T-Tc)/rho/Chbr) m.Equation(Vcj*Tc.dt() == Fc*(Tcin - Tc) + KT*AT*(T-Tc)/rhoc/Chc) m.Equation(Sf_cum.dt() == Qin*Sin) # solve ODE m.options.SOLVER= 1 m.options.IMODE = 7 m.options.NODES = 3 # m.open_folder() m.solve(disp=False) # Plot results plt.figure(1) plt.title('Total & Viable Cellular Biomass') plt.plot(m.time, Xv.value, label='Xv') plt.plot(m.time, Xt.value, label='Xt') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Biomass concentration [g/L]') plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.grid() plt.minorticks_on() plt.ylim(0) plt.xlim(m.time[0],m.time[-1]) plt.tight_layout() plt.figure(2) plt.title('Substrate (S) & Product (P) concentration') plt.plot(m.time, S.value, label='S') plt.plot(m.time, P.value, label='P') plt.legend(); plt.grid() plt.ylabel('Conc [g/L]') plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.minorticks_on() plt.ylim(0) plt.xlim(m.time[0],m.time[-1]) plt.tight_layout() plt.figure(3) plt.title('Bioreactor & Cooling jacket temperature') plt.plot(m.time, T.value, label='T') plt.plot(m.time, Tc.value, label='Tc') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Temperature [oC]') plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.grid() plt.minorticks_on() plt.ylim(0) plt.xlim(m.time[0],m.time[-1]) plt.tight_layout() fig4, ax = plt.subplots() ax.title.set_text('Dissolved & Gaseous Oxygen concentration') lns1 = ax.plot(m.time, Ol.value, label='[Oliq]', color='c') ax.set_xlabel('Time [h]') ax.set_ylabel('Oliq [g/L]', color='c') ax.minorticks_on() ax2 = ax.twinx() lns2 = ax2.plot(m.time, Og.value, label='[Ogas]', color='y') ax2.set_ylabel('Ogas [g/L]', color='y') ax2.minorticks_on() lns = lns1 + lns2 labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] ax.legend(lns, labs, loc='best') ax.grid() fig4.tight_layout() plt.figure(4) plt.figure(5) plt.title('Feeding Policy') plt.plot(m.time, Qin.value, label='Qin') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Qin [L/h]') plt.xlabel('Time [h]') plt.grid() plt.minorticks_on() plt.ylim(0) plt.xlim(m.time[0],m.time[-1]) plt.tight_layout() plt.figure(6) plt.title('Check >=0 Constraints') plt.plot(tm,bP.value,label='bP') plt.plot(tm,mi.value,label='mi') plt.legend(); plt.grid()