import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint def tank(h,t): # constants c1 = 0.13 c2 = 0.20 Ac = 2 # m^2 # inflow qin = 0.5 # m^3/hr # outflow qout1 = c1 * h[0]**0.5 qout2 = c2 * h[1]**0.5 # differential equations dhdt1 = (qin - qout1) / Ac dhdt2 = (qout1 - qout2) / Ac # overflow conditions if h[0]>=1 and dhdt1>=0: dhdt1 = 0 if h[1]>=1 and dhdt2>=0: dhdt2 = 0 dhdt = [dhdt1,dhdt2] return dhdt # integrate the equations t = np.linspace(0,10) # times to report solution h0 = [0,0] # initial conditions for height y = odeint(tank,h0,t) # integrate # plot results plt.figure(1) plt.plot(t,y[:,0],'b-') plt.plot(t,y[:,1],'r--') plt.xlabel('Time (hrs)') plt.ylabel('Height (m)') plt.legend(['h1','h2'])