Solve Differential Equations in MATLAB

Main.MatlabDynamicSim History

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June 21, 2020, at 04:11 AM by -
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Large-scale Dynamic Simulation

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This 5 minute tutorial gives step-by-step instructions on how to simulate dynamic systems. Dynamic systems may have differential and algebraic equations (DAEs) or just differential equations (ODEs) that cause a time evolution of the response. The tutorial covers the same problem in both MATLAB and Python.


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This tutorial gives step-by-step instructions on how to simulate dynamic systems. Dynamic systems may have differential and algebraic equations (DAEs) or just differential equations (ODEs) that cause a time evolution of the response. The tutorial covers the same problem in both MATLAB and Python.

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This same example problem is also demonstrated with Spreadsheet Programming and in the Python programming language.

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This same example problem is also demonstrated with Spreadsheet Programming and in the Python programming language. Another example problem demonstrates how to calculate the concentration of CO gas buildup in a room.

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Additional Material

  • Case Study on CO Buildup in a Room
May 20, 2014, at 06:15 AM by -
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(:title Solve Differential Equations in MATLAB:) (:keywords introduction, MATLAB, differential equations, spreadsheet, nonlinear, university course:) (:description Solve Differential Equations in MATLAB - Problem-Solving Techniques for Chemical Engineers at Brigham Young University:)

This 5 minute tutorial gives step-by-step instructions on how to simulate dynamic systems. Dynamic systems may have differential and algebraic equations (DAEs) or just differential equations (ODEs) that cause a time evolution of the response. The tutorial covers the same problem in both MATLAB and Python.

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MATLAB offers several solvers to numerically simulate the solution of sets of differential equations. Below are two examples of solving a first-order decay with different solvers in MATLAB. The objective is to fit the differential equation solution to data by adjusting unknown parameters until the model and measured values match.

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The second example demonstrates how this same problem is solved with APM MATLAB.

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This same example problem is also demonstrated with Spreadsheet Programming and in the Python programming language.


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