APM.SPC_CHART - APMonitor Option

Global Options | Local Options
 Type: Integer, Input
 Default Value: 0
 Description: Statistical Process Control chart
              1=add +/- 3 set point limits (red lines)
              2=add +/- 2 set point limits (yellow lines)
              3=add +/- 1 set point limits (green lines)

SPC_CHART is a web-interface trend option to create Statistical Process Control (SPC) style charts for Controlled Variables (CVs). When SPC_CHARTS=0, there are no additional limits placed on the trend. As SPC_CHARTS is increased by 1, there are additional ranges added to the CV plots. With a level of 1, new lines at +/- 3 SPHI-SPLO are added to the plot as red upper and lower control limits. With a level of 2, new lines at +/- 2 SPHI-SPLO are added to the plot as yellow upper and lower control limits. With a level of 1, new lines at +/- 1 SPHI-SPLO are added to the plot as green upper and lower control limits. Each level adds an additional two lines.

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