Global Options | Local Options
 Type: Integer, Input
 Default Value: 1
 Description: Sensitivity Analysis

SENSITIVITY determines whether a sensitivity analysis is performed as a post-processing step. The sensitivity analysis results are accessed either through the web-interface with the SENS tab or by retrieving the sensitivity.txt or sensitivity.htm files. The sensitivity is a measure of how the FV and MV values influence the objective function, SV, and CV final values. Another file, sensitivity_all.txt contains sensitivities for all of the dependent variable values with respect to the FV and MV values.

Additional information on sensitivity calculation:

Lewis, N.R., Hedengren, J.D., Haseltine, E.L., Hybrid Dynamic Optimization Methods for Systems Biology with Efficient Sensitivities, Special Issue on Algorithms and Applications in Dynamic Optimization, Processes, 2015, 3(3), 701-729; doi:10.3390/pr3030701. Article

Safdarnejad, S. M., Gallacher, J. R., Hedengren, J. D., Dynamic Parameter Estimation and Optimization for Batch Distillation, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 86, pp. 18–32, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.12.001. Article

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