
Main.Objects History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

June 10, 2021, at 06:47 PM by -
Changed line 151 from:
* Thermo_* - Thermodynamic properties (* see below for specific properties)
* Thermo_* - Thermodynamic properties (* see [[Main/Compounds|Thermo information]] for specific properties)
June 10, 2021, at 06:45 PM by -
Deleted lines 154-318:

!!! Thermo objects

Thermo objects access data from the underlying thermodynamic database.  There are many compounds accessible in the database.  To reduce the size of the APMonitor executable, only some of the more common compounds are currently incorporated.  Additional compounds can be easily added but require a rebuild of the executable.

!!!! Temperature Independent Property Data

Temperature independent property data do not vary with temperature.  They are defined as constants for each of the species declared in the Compounds ... End Compounds section of the model.  If the Compounds ... End Compounds section is missing, all available compounds are included in the model.

(:table border=1 width=100%:)
(:cellnr:) thermo_mw
(:cell:) Molecular Weight
(:cell:) kg/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_tc
(:cell:) Critical Temperature
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_pc
(:cell:) Critical Pressure
(:cell:) Pa
(:cellnr:) thermo_vc
(:cell:) Critical Volume
(:cell:) m^3/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_ccf
(:cell:) Crit Compress Factor
(:cell:) unitless
(:cellnr:) thermo_mp
(:cell:) Melting Point
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_tpt
(:cell:) Triple Pt Temperature
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_tpp
(:cell:) Triple Pt Pressure
(:cell:) Pa
(:cellnr:) thermo_nbp
(:cell:) Normal Boiling Point
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_lmv
(:cell:) Liq Molar Volume
(:cell:) m^3/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_ighf
(:cell:) IG Heat of Formation
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_iggf
(:cell:) IG Gibbs of Formation
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_igae
(:cell:) IG Absolute Entropy
(:cell:) J/kmol*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_shf
(:cell:) Std Heat of Formation
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_sgf
(:cell:) Std Gibbs of Formation
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_sae
(:cell:) Std Absolute Entropy
(:cell:) J/kmol*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_hfmp
(:cell:) Heat Fusion at Melt Pt
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_snhc
(:cell:) Std Net Heat of Comb
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_af
(:cell:) Acentric Factor
(:cell:) unitless
(:cellnr:) thermo_rg
(:cell:) Radius of Gyration
(:cell:) m
(:cellnr:) thermo_sp
(:cell:) Solubility Parameter
(:cell:) (J/m^3)^0.5
(:cellnr:) thermo_dm
(:cell:) Dipole Moment
(:cell:) c*m
(:cellnr:) thermo_r
(:cell:) van der Waals Volume
(:cell:) m^3/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_q
(:cell:) van der Waals Area
(:cell:) m^2
(:cellnr:) thermo_ri
(:cell:) Refractive Index
(:cell:) unitless
(:cellnr:) thermo_fp
(:cell:) Flash Point
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_lfl
(:cell:) Lower Flammability Limit
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_ufl
(:cell:) Upper Flammability Limit
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_lflt
(:cell:) Lower Flamm Limit Temp
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_uflt
(:cell:) Upper Flamm Limit Temp
(:cell:) K
(:cellnr:) thermo_ait
(:cell:) Auto Ignition Temp
(:cell:) K

!!!! Temperature Dependent Property Data

The temperature dependent thermo objects produce values based on a specified temperature.  When a temperature dependent property object is declared, a new temperature variable will be created.  This variable can be adjusted or linked to an existing temperature of interest.

(:table border=1 width=100%:)
(:cellnr:) thermo_sd
(:cell:) Solid Density
(:cell:) kmol/m^3
(:cellnr:) thermo_ld
(:cell:) Liquid Density
(:cell:) kmol/m^3
(:cellnr:) thermo_svp
(:cell:) Solid Vapor Pressure
(:cell:) Pa
(:cellnr:) thermo_lvp
(:cell:) Liquid Vapor Pressure
(:cell:) Pa
(:cellnr:) thermo_hvap
(:cell:) Heat of Vaporization
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_scp
(:cell:) Solid Heat Capacity
(:cell:) J/kmol*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_lcp
(:cell:) Liquid Heat Capacity
(:cell:) J/kmol*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_igcp
(:cell:) Ideal Gas Heat Capacity
(:cell:) J/kmol*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_svc
(:cell:) Second Virial Coefficient
(:cell:) m^3/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_lv
(:cell:) Liquid Viscosity
(:cell:) Pa*s
(:cellnr:) thermo_vv
(:cell:) Vapor Viscosity
(:cell:) Pa*s
(:cellnr:) thermo_sk
(:cell:) Solid Thermal Conductivity
(:cell:) W/m*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_lk
(:cell:) Liq Thermal Conductivity
(:cell:) W/m*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_vk
(:cell:) Vap Thermal Conductivity
(:cell:) W/m*K
(:cellnr:) thermo_st
(:cell:) Surface Tension
(:cell:) N/m
(:cellnr:) thermo_sh
(:cell:) Solid Enthalpy
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_lh
(:cell:) Liq Enthalpy
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_vh
(:cell:) Vap Enthalpy
(:cell:) J/kmol
July 22, 2019, at 11:03 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
[[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Python GEKKO]] has [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#equation-functions|equation functions]] and [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|pre-built objects]]. Some of the pre-built objects and equation functions are:
[[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Python GEKKO]] has [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#equation-functions|equation functions]] and [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|pre-built objects]]. GEKKO has objects in the [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/brain.html|Deep Learning (Brain)]] and [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/chemical.html|Thermo & Flowsheet Chemical]] libraries. Some of the other pre-built objects and equation functions are:
June 02, 2019, at 09:36 PM by -
Added line 24:
* '''if3(cond,x1,x2)''' switch between x1 (cond<0) and x2 (cond>=0)
March 27, 2019, at 06:50 PM by -
Changed line 157 from:
Thermo objects access data from the underlying thermodynamic database.  There are over 1700 compounds accessible in the database.  To reduce the size of the APMonitor executable, only some of the more common compounds are currently incorporated.  Additional compounds can be easily added but require a rebuild of the executable.
Thermo objects access data from the underlying thermodynamic database.  There are many compounds accessible in the database.  To reduce the size of the APMonitor executable, only some of the more common compounds are currently incorporated.  Additional compounds can be easily added but require a rebuild of the executable.
March 25, 2019, at 03:47 AM by -
Added line 31:
* '''pwl''' piece-wise linear function
Added line 41:
* '''vsum(x)''' vertical sum of a single variable in the data direction
February 14, 2019, at 03:25 PM by -
Added line 12:
* '''Array(type,size)''' array of GEKKO objects
Added lines 41-42:
In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html|Python GEKKO]], objects are defined as components of the model as ''m.object_name()''.
Deleted lines 44-45:
In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html|Python GEKKO]], objects are defined as components of the model such as ''m.abs3()''.
Added lines 58-81:

'''Python GEKKO Example Usage (Array, abs3, sum)'''

(:source lang=python:)
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO()
x1 = m.Param(-2)
x2 = m.Param(-1)
x3 = np.linspace(0,1,6)
x4 = m.Array(m.Param,3)
y4 = m.Array(m.Var,3)
for i in range(3):
    y4[i] = m.abs3(x4[i])
# create variable
y = m.Var()
# y = 0.6 =          -2 -1  + 3      + 0.6
m.Equation(y == sum([x1,x2]) + sum(x3) + sum(y4))
m.solve() # solve
print('x1: ' + str(x1.value))
print('x2: ' + str(x2.value))
print('y: '  + str(y.value))
February 14, 2019, at 03:10 PM by -
Added line 36:
* '''sum''' summation of elements in a list or numpy array
February 14, 2019, at 03:08 PM by -
Changed line 8 from:
* '''abs2(x)''' absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* '''abs2(x)''' absolute value with MPCC
Added lines 25-28:
* '''max2(x1,x2)''' maximum value with MPCC
* '''max3(x1,x2)''' maximum value with binary variable for switch
* '''min2(x1,x2)''' minimum value with MPCC
* '''min3(x1,x2)''' minimum value with binary variable for switch
Changed line 30 from:
* '''sign2(x)''' signum operator with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* '''sign2(x)''' signum operator with MPCC
February 14, 2019, at 02:18 PM by -
Added lines 26-27:
* '''sign2(x)''' signum operator with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* '''sign3(x)''' signum operator with binary variable for switch
February 14, 2019, at 01:40 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|Python GEKKO]], some of the objects and functions are:
[[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Python GEKKO]] has [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#equation-functions|equation functions]] and [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|pre-built objects]]. Some of the pre-built objects and equation functions are:
February 14, 2019, at 01:13 PM by -
Added line 58:
(:source lang=python:)
Added line 76:
February 14, 2019, at 01:12 PM by -
Changed lines 300-301 from:
(:table border=1 width=100% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
(:source lang=python:)
Changed line 422 from:
February 14, 2019, at 01:11 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:
Some pre-built objects are available in the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor language to facilitate flowsheets of processing equipment while others are to simplify model building.
Objects are available in Python GEKKO and the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor language to simplify the description of complex models.
February 14, 2019, at 01:09 PM by -
February 14, 2019, at 01:07 PM by -
Changed lines 7-33 from:
* abs(x) absolute value |x|
* abs2(x) absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* abs3(x) absolute value with binary variable for switch
* acos(x) inverse cosine, cos^-1(x)
* acosh(x) inverse hyperbolic cosine, cosh^-1(x)
* arx auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* asin(x) inverse sine, sin^-1(x)
* asinh(x) inverse hyperbolic sine, sinh^-1(x)
* atan(x) inverse tangent, tan^-1(x)
* atanh(x) inverse hyperbolic tangent, tanh^-1(x)
* bspline bspline for 2D data
* cos(x) cosine
* cspline cubic spline for 1D data
* erf(x) error function
* erfc(x) complementary error function
* exp(x) e^x
* log(x) log_e (x), natural log
* log10(x) log_10 (x), log base 10
* periodic periodic (initial=final) for dynamic problems
* sin(x) sine
* sinh(x) hyperbolic sine
* sqrt(x) square root
* state_space continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space
* tan(x) tangent
* tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent

'''Python GEKKO Example (abs3)'''
* '''abs(x)''' absolute value |x|
* '''abs2(x)''' absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* '''abs3(x)''' absolute value with binary variable for switch
* '''acos(x)''' inverse cosine, cos^-1(x)
* '''acosh(x)''' inverse hyperbolic cosine, cosh^-1(x)
* '''arx''' auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* '''asin(x)''' inverse sine, sin^-1(x)
* '''asinh(x)''' inverse hyperbolic sine, sinh^-1(x)
* '''atan(x)''' inverse tangent, tan^-1(x)
* '''atanh(x)''' inverse hyperbolic tangent, tanh^-1(x)
* '''bspline''' bspline for 2D data
* '''cos(x)''' cosine
* '''cspline''' cubic spline for 1D data
* '''erf(x)''' error function
* '''erfc(x)''' complementary error function
* '''exp(x)''' e^x
* '''log(x)''' log_e (x), natural log
* '''log10(x)''' log_10 (x), log base 10
* '''periodic''' periodic (initial=final) for dynamic problems
* '''sin(x)''' sine
* '''sinh(x)''' hyperbolic sine
* '''sqrt(x)''' square root
* '''state_space''' continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space
* '''tan(x)''' tangent
* '''tanh(x)''' hyperbolic tangent

'''Python GEKKO Example Usage
February 14, 2019, at 01:05 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:
In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html|Python GEKKO]], objects are defined as components of the model.
!!! Python GEKKO Object Library

In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|Python GEKKO]], some of the objects and functions are:

* abs(x) absolute value |x|
* abs2(x) absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* abs3(x) absolute value with binary variable for switch
* acos(x) inverse cosine, cos^-1(x)
* acosh(x) inverse hyperbolic cosine, cosh^-1(x)
* arx auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* asin(x) inverse sine, sin^-1(x)
* asinh(x) inverse hyperbolic sine, sinh^-1(x)
* atan(x) inverse tangent, tan^-1(x)
* atanh(x) inverse hyperbolic tangent, tanh^-1(x)
* bspline bspline for 2D data
* cos(x) cosine
* cspline cubic spline for 1D data
* erf(x) error function
* erfc(x) complementary error function
* exp(x) e^x
* log(x) log_e (x), natural log
* log10(x) log_10 (x), log base 10
* periodic periodic (initial=final) for dynamic problems
* sin(x) sine
* sinh(x) hyperbolic sine
* sqrt(x) square root
* state_space continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space
* tan(x) tangent
* tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent

'''Python GEKKO Example (abs3)'''

In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html|Python GEKKO]], objects are defined as components of the model such as ''m.abs3()''.

Added lines 52-53:
!!! APMonitor Object Library
Deleted lines 75-106:
!!! Python GEKKO Object Library

In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|Python GEKKO]], some of the objects and functions are:

* abs(x) absolute value |x|
* abs2(x) absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* abs3(x) absolute value with binary variable for switch
* acos(x) inverse cosine, cos^-1(x)
* acosh(x) inverse hyperbolic cosine, cosh^-1(x)
* arx auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* asin(x) inverse sine, sin^-1(x)
* asinh(x) inverse hyperbolic sine, sinh^-1(x)
* atan(x) inverse tangent, tan^-1(x)
* atanh(x) inverse hyperbolic tangent, tanh^-1(x)
* bspline bspline for 2D data
* cos(x) cosine
* cspline cubic spline for 1D data
* erf(x) error function
* erfc(x) complementary error function
* exp(x) e^x
* log(x) log_e (x), natural log
* log10(x) log_10 (x), log base 10
* periodic periodic (initial=final) for dynamic problems
* sin(x) sine
* sinh(x) hyperbolic sine
* sqrt(x) square root
* state_space continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space
* tan(x) tangent
* tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent

!!! APMonitor Object Library

Deleted line 117:
February 14, 2019, at 01:02 PM by -
Changed lines 3-12 from:
In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|Python GEKKO]], some of the objects are:

* abs2 = absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* abs3
= absolute value with binary variable for switch
* arx 
= auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* bspline = bspline for 2D data
* cspline = cubic spline for 1D data
* periodic = periodic
(initial=final) for dynamic problems
* state_space = continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space

In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html|Python GEKKO]], objects are defined as components of the model.

(:source lang=python:)
from gekko import GEKKO
# define new GEKKO model
# variable
x = m.Var(-0.5)
# calculate y=abs(x) with abs3
= m.abs3(x)
# solve with APOPT (MINLP solver)
# print solution
print('x: ' + str(x.value))
print('y: ' + str

Changed lines 42-72 from:
!!! Object Library
!!! Python GEKKO Object Library

In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|Python GEKKO]], some of the objects and functions are:

* abs(x) absolute value |x|
* abs2(x) absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* abs3(x) absolute value with binary variable for switch
* acos(x) inverse cosine, cos^-1(x)
* acosh(x) inverse hyperbolic cosine, cosh^-1(x)
* arx auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* asin(x) inverse sine, sin^-1(x)
* asinh(x) inverse hyperbolic sine, sinh^-1(x)
* atan(x) inverse tangent, tan^-1(x)
* atanh(x) inverse hyperbolic tangent, tanh^-1(x)
* bspline bspline for 2D data
* cos(x) cosine
* cspline cubic spline for 1D data
* erf(x) error function
* erfc(x) complementary error function
* exp(x) e^x
* log(x) log_e (x), natural log
* log10(x) log_10 (x), log base 10
* periodic periodic (initial=final) for dynamic problems
* sin(x) sine
* sinh(x) hyperbolic sine
* sqrt(x) square root
* state_space continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space
* tan(x) tangent
* tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent

!!! APMonitor Object Library
February 14, 2019, at 12:56 PM by -
Changed line 39 from:
* [[Apps/MpecExamples|Abs - Absolute value (MPEC)]]
* [[Apps/MpecExamples|Abs - Absolute value]]
February 14, 2019, at 12:53 PM by -
Changed lines 1-13 from:
Pre-build objects are available in the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor language to facilitate flowsheets of chemical processing equipment.  Objects are defined in the ''Objects ... End Objects'' section of the model file.  New instances of an object are defined by declaring a new object name equal to the parent object type.
Some pre-built objects are available in the %blue%A%red%P%black%Monitor language to facilitate flowsheets of processing equipment while others are to simplify model building.

In [[https://gekko.readthedocs.io/en/latest/model_methods.html?highlight=objects#pre-built-objects|Python GEKKO]], some of the objects are:

* abs2 = absolute value with MPCC (continuous first/second deriv)
* abs3 = absolute value with binary variable for switch
* arx  = auto-regressive exogenous input (time series) model
* bspline = bspline for 2D data
* cspline = cubic spline for 1D data
* periodic = periodic (initial=final) for dynamic problems
* state_space = continuous/discrete and dense/sparse state space

In APMonitor, objects
are defined in the ''Objects ... End Objects'' section of the model file.  New instances of an object are defined by declaring a new object name equal to the parent object type.
Changed line 28 from:
* ARX, Linear Time Invariant Model
* [[Apps/ARXTimeSeries|ARX, Linear Time Invariant Model]]
Added line 66:
* VSum - Summation of a single variable in data dimension
Added line 28:
* ARX, Linear Time Invariant Model
October 17, 2018, at 03:58 AM by -
Changed lines 28-29 from:
* [[Main/ObjectCspline|Cubic spline]]
* [[Main/ObjectBspline|Basis spline (b-spline)]]
* [[Main/ObjectCspline|Cubic spline (c-spline)
Added line 5:
 ! example use of ABS as MPEC
Changed line 7 from:
   c = abs
   a = abs
Added lines 10-22:
  x = a.x
  y = a.y
 End Connections

  x = -5
 End Parameters

 End Variables
Added lines 5-8:
  c = abs
 End Objects

Changed lines 11-12 from:
The object library consists of chemical processing equipment such as feed streams, reactors, pumps, mixers, flash columns, vessels, and distillation stages.  It also includes other elements that support distributed control system emulation such as a LAG and a PID controller.
The object library consists of common mathematical functions and chemical processing equipment such as feed streams, reactors, pumps, mixers, flash columns, vessels, and distillation stages.  It also includes other elements that support distributed control system emulation such as a LAG and a PID controller.
Added line 14:
* [[Main/ObjectCspline|Cubic spline]]
June 16, 2015, at 06:50 PM by -
Deleted lines 0-1:
!! Objects
Changed line 55 from:
(:table border=1 width=80%:)
(:table border=1 width=100%:)
Changed line 155 from:
(:table border=1 width=80%:)
(:table border=1 width=100%:)
Changed line 228 from:
(:table border=1 width=50% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
(:table border=1 width=100% align=left bgcolor=#EEEEEE cellspacing=0:)
May 28, 2014, at 11:03 PM by -
Changed line 23 from:
* LTI - Linear time-invariant, discrete or continuous
* [[Apps/LinearStateSpace|LTI - Linear time-invariant, discrete or continuous]]
Changed line 34 from:
* PWL - Piece-wise Linear
* [[Apps/PiecewiseLinear|PWL - Piece-wise Linear]]
May 28, 2014, at 11:01 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:
* Abs - Absolute value (MPEC)
* [[Apps/MpecExamples|Abs - Absolute value (MPEC)]]
Changed lines 27-28 from:
* Max - Maximum value (MPEC)
* Min - Minimum value (MPEC)
* [[Apps/MpecExamples|Max - Maximum value (MPEC)]]
* [[Apps/MpecExamples|Min - Minimum value (MPEC)]]
Changed line 30 from:
* Periodic - Periodic boundary condition
* [[Apps/PeriodicBoundaryConditions|Periodic - Periodic boundary condition]]
Changed line 37 from:
* Sign - Number Sign (-1 or 1)
* [[Apps/MpecExamples|Sign - Number Sign (-1 or 1)]]
Changed line 353 from:
May 28, 2014, at 10:58 PM by -
Added line 30:
* Periodic - Periodic boundary condition
May 24, 2014, at 04:43 PM by -
Added lines 218-223:


!! Example - Mixer Application

* %list list-page% [[https://apmonitor.com/online/view_pass.php?f=mixer.apm | Solve Mixer Example Problem]]
August 06, 2012, at 11:56 PM by -
Added line 41:
* Sum - Summation of multiple parameters and/or variables
June 17, 2012, at 05:45 AM by -
Added line 41:
* Table - Data table that creates parameters or initializes variables
May 24, 2012, at 11:49 PM by -
Added lines 200-208:
(:cellnr:) thermo_sh
(:cell:) Solid Enthalpy
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_lh
(:cell:) Liq Enthalpy
(:cell:) J/kmol
(:cellnr:) thermo_vh
(:cell:) Vap Enthalpy
(:cell:) J/kmol