
Connections are processed after the objects and variables are parsed. Connections are the merging of two variables or objects with the same root names. The wildcard operator (*) instructs the parser to connect objects that have the same elements. Connections are a complete merging of two variables or objects. Once the variable is connected to another, the variable is only listed as an alias. Any other references to the connected value are referred to the principal variable. The principal variable that remains after a connection is the variable on the left side of the connection. The variable on the right side of the connection is referencable in other parts of the model, but will not appear in the solution files.

Connections are declared in the Connections ... End Connections section of the model file. The connections may be defined in one section or in multiple declarations throughout the model. The connections are processed after the parameter, variable, and object creation but before the initialization of the values.


 ! Example variable declarations and connections
 Model example
   End Variables

     var[1] = var[2]
     example.var[3] = example.var[4]
     var[1] = set.*  ! connects set.1 and set.2 to var[1]
   End Connections
 End Model
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