from gekko import GEKKO import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Initialize Model m = GEKKO() # Define constants #Reflux Ratio rr=m.Param(value=0.7) # Feed flowrate (mol/min) Feed=m.Const(value=2) # Mole fraction of feed x_Feed=m.Const(value=.5) #Relative volatility = (yA/xA)/(yB/xB) = KA/KB = alpha(A,B) vol=m.Const(value=1.6) # Total molar holdup on each tray atray=m.Const(value=.25) # Total molar holdup in condenser acond=m.Const(value=.5) # Total molar holdup in reboiler areb=m.Const(value=.1) # mole fraction of component A x=[] for i in range(32): x.append(m.Var(.3)) # Define intermediates # Distillate flowrate (mol/min) D=m.Intermediate(.5*Feed) # Liquid flowrate in rectification section (mol/min) L=m.Intermediate(rr*D) # Vapor Flowrate in column (mol/min) V=m.Intermediate(L+D) # Liquid flowrate in stripping section (mol/min) FL=m.Intermediate(Feed+L) # vapor mole fraction of Component A # From the equilibrium assumption and mole balances # 1) vol = (yA/xA) / (yB/xB) # 2) xA + xB = 1 # 3) yA + yB = 1 y=[] for i in range(32): y.append(m.Intermediate(x[i]*vol/(1+(vol-1)*x[i]))) # condenser m.Equation(acond*x[0].dt()==V*(y[1]-x[0])) # 15 column stages n=1 for i in range(15): m.Equation(atray * x[n].dt() ==L*(x[n-1]-x[n]) - V*(y[n]-y[n+1])) n=n+1 # feed tray m.Equation(atray * x[16].dt() == Feed*x_Feed + L*x[15] - FL*x[16] - V*(y[16]-y[17])) # 14 column stages n=17 for i in range(14): m.Equation(atray * x[n].dt() == FL*(x[n-1]-x[n]) - V*(y[n]-y[n+1])) n=n+1 # reboiler m.Equation(areb * x[31].dt() == FL*x[30] - (Feed-D)*x[31] - V*y[31]) # steady state solution m.solve() print(x) # with RR=0.7 # switch to dynamic simulation m.options.imode=4 nt = 61 m.time=np.linspace(0,60,61) # step change in reflux ratio rr_step = np.ones(nt) * 0.7 rr_step[10:] = 3.0 rr.value=rr_step m.solve() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(m.time,x[0].value,'r--',label='Condenser') plt.plot(m.time,x[5].value,'b:',label='Tray 5') plt.plot(m.time,x[10].value,'g--',label='Tray 10') plt.plot(m.time,x[15].value,'r-',label='Tray 15') plt.plot(m.time,x[20].value,'y-',label='Tray 20') plt.plot(m.time,x[25].value,'b-',label='Tray 25') plt.plot(m.time,x[31].value,'k-',label='Reboiler') plt.ylabel('Composition') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(m.time,rr.value,'r.-',label='Reflux Ratio') plt.ylabel('Reflux Ratio') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('Time (min)')