Cell Culture

The following is a model of the cultivation of isolated plant cells in suspension culture. It is derived from the model found in:

Munack A., Posten C. (1989): Design of optimal dynamical experiments for parameter estimation, Proceedings of the Americal Control Conference, Vol. 4, 2010-2016.


! APMonitor Modeling Language
! https://www.apmonitor.com

! Cultivation of isolated plant cells in suspension culture 
! Munack A., Posten C. (1989): Design of optimal dynamical experiments for 
!   parameter estimation, Proceedings of the Americal Control Conference,
!   Vol. 4, 2010-2016. 
Model cells
    romax = 85
    yco = 0.897
    ypx = 0.0673
    vl = 1
    kl = 0.0137
    os = 86.2
    rsmax = 0.0352
    ks = 0.186
    ko = 6.32
    yxs = 5.6
    mum = 0.118
    rf = 0.05
  End Parameters

    x = 4
    s = 50
    p = 5
    o = 0.022
    c = 1.059
  End Variables

    rs = rsmax * s / (ks + s)
    mu = yxs*rs - mum
    ro = romax * o / (ko + o)
    rc = yco*ro
  End Intermediates

    $x = mu * x
    $s = -rs*x + 10*rf
    $p = ypx*mu*x
    ro * x = (os - o)*kl*vl
    c = rc * x / vl
  End Equations
End Model
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