import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO import time # ------------------------------------- # import or generate data # ------------------------------------- filename = 'tclab_ss_data1.csv' try: try: data = pd.read_csv(filename) except: url = '' data = pd.read_csv(url) except: # generate training data if data file not available import tclab # Connect to Arduino a = tclab.TCLab() fid = open(filename,'w') fid.write('Heater,Temperature\n') # test takes 2 hours = 40 pts * 3 minutes each npts = 40 Q = np.sin(np.linspace(0,np.pi,npts))*100 for i in range(npts): # set heater value a.Q1(Q[i]) print('Heater 1: ' + str(Q[i]) + ' %') # wait 3 minutes time.sleep(3*60) # record temperature and heater value print('Temperature 1: ' + str(a.T1) + ' degC') fid.write(str(Q[i])+','+str(a.T1)+'\n') # close file fid.close() # close connection to Arduino a.close() # read data file data = pd.read_csv(filename) # ------------------------------------- # scale data # ------------------------------------- x = data['Heater'].values y = data['Temperature'].values # minimum of x,y x_min = min(x) y_min = min(y) # range of x,y x_range = max(x)-min(x) y_range = max(y)-min(y) # scaled data xs = (x - x_min)/x_range ys = (y - y_min)/y_range # ------------------------------------- # build neural network # ------------------------------------- nin = 1 # inputs n1 = 1 # hidden layer 1 (linear) n2 = 1 # hidden layer 2 (nonlinear) n3 = 1 # hidden layer 3 (linear) nout = 1 # outputs # Initialize gekko models train = GEKKO() test = GEKKO() dyn = GEKKO() model = [train,test,dyn] for m in model: # input(s) m.inpt = m.Param() # layer 1 m.w1 = m.Array(m.FV, (nin,n1)) m.l1 = [m.Intermediate(m.w1[0,i]*m.inpt) for i in range(n1)] # layer 2 m.w2 = m.Array(m.FV, (n1,n2)) m.l2 = [m.Intermediate(sum([m.tanh(m.w2[j,i]*m.l1[j]) \ for j in range(n1)])) for i in range(n2)] # layer 3 m.w3 = m.Array(m.FV, (n2,n3)) m.l3 = [m.Intermediate(sum([m.w3[j,i]*m.l2[j] \ for j in range(n2)])) for i in range(n3)] # output(s) m.outpt = m.CV() m.Equation(m.outpt==sum([m.l3[i] for i in range(n3)])) # flatten matrices m.w1 = m.w1.flatten() m.w2 = m.w2.flatten() m.w3 = m.w3.flatten() # ------------------------------------- # fit parameter weights # ------------------------------------- m = train m.inpt.value=xs m.outpt.value=ys m.outpt.FSTATUS = 1 for i in range(len(m.w1)): m.w1[i].FSTATUS=1 m.w1[i].STATUS=1 m.w1[i].MEAS=1.0 for i in range(len(m.w2)): m.w2[i].STATUS=1 m.w2[i].FSTATUS=1 m.w2[i].MEAS=0.5 for i in range(len(m.w3)): m.w3[i].FSTATUS=1 m.w3[i].STATUS=1 m.w3[i].MEAS=1.0 m.options.IMODE = 2 m.options.SOLVER = 3 m.options.EV_TYPE = 2 m.solve(disp=False) # ------------------------------------- # test sample points # ------------------------------------- m = test for i in range(len(m.w1)): m.w1[i].MEAS=train.w1[i].NEWVAL m.w1[i].FSTATUS = 1 print('w1['+str(i)+']: '+str(m.w1[i].MEAS)) for i in range(len(m.w2)): m.w2[i].MEAS=train.w2[i].NEWVAL m.w2[i].FSTATUS = 1 print('w2['+str(i)+']: '+str(m.w2[i].MEAS)) for i in range(len(m.w3)): m.w3[i].MEAS=train.w3[i].NEWVAL m.w3[i].FSTATUS = 1 print('w3['+str(i)+']: '+str(m.w3[i].MEAS)) m.inpt.value=np.linspace(-0.1,1.5,100) m.options.IMODE = 2 m.options.SOLVER = 3 m.solve(disp=False) # ------------------------------------- # un-scale predictions # ------------------------------------- xp = np.array(test.inpt.value) * x_range + x_min yp = np.array(test.outpt.value) * y_range + y_min # ------------------------------------- # plot results # ------------------------------------- plt.figure() plt.plot(x,y,'bo',label='data') plt.plot(xp,yp,'r-',label='predict') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('y') plt.xlabel('x') plt.savefig('tclab_ss_data1.png') # ------------------------------------- # generate dynamic predictions # ------------------------------------- m = dyn m.time = np.linspace(0,600,601) # load neural network parameters for i in range(len(m.w1)): m.w1[i].MEAS=train.w1[i].NEWVAL m.w1[i].FSTATUS = 1 for i in range(len(m.w2)): m.w2[i].MEAS=train.w2[i].NEWVAL m.w2[i].FSTATUS = 1 for i in range(len(m.w3)): m.w3[i].MEAS=train.w3[i].NEWVAL m.w3[i].FSTATUS = 1 # doublet test Qd = np.zeros(601) Qd[10:200] = 80 Qd[200:400] = 20 Qd[400:] = 50 Q = m.Param() Q.value = Qd # scaled input m.inpt.value = (Qd - x_min) / x_range # define Temperature output Q0 = 0 # initial heater T0 = 23 # initial temperature # scaled steady state ouput T_ss = m.Var(value=T0) m.Equation(T_ss == m.outpt*y_range + y_min) # dynamic prediction T = m.Var(value=T0) # time constant tau = m.Param(value=120) # determine in a later exercise # additional model equation for dynamics m.Equation(tau*T.dt()==-(T-T0)+(T_ss-T0)) # solve dynamic simulation m.options.IMODE=4 m.solve() plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(m.time,Q.value,'b-',label='heater') plt.ylabel('Heater (%)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(m.time,T.value,'r-',label='temperature') #plt.plot(m.time,T_ss.value,'k--',label='target temperature') plt.ylabel('Temperature (degC)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.savefig('tclab_dyn_pred.png')