# The parabolic PDE equation describes the evolution of temperature # for the interior region of the rod. This model is modified to make # one end of the device fixed and the other temperature at the end of the # device calculated. import numpy as np from gekko import GEKKO import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation # Steel temperature profile # Diameter = 3 cm # Length = 10 cm seg = 100 # number of segments T_melt = 1426 # melting temperature of H13 steel pi = 3.14159 # pi d = 3 / 100 # diameter (m) L = 10 / 100 # length (m) L_seg = L / seg # length of a segment (m) A = pi * d**2 / 4 # cross-sectional area (m) As = pi * d * L_seg # surface heat transfer area (m^2) heff = 5.8 # heat transfer coeff (W/(m^2*K)) keff = 28.6 # thermal conductivity in H13 steel (W/m-K) rho = 7760 # density of H13 steel (kg/m^3) cp = 460 # heat capacity of H13 steel (J/kg-K) Ts = 23 # temperature of the surroundings (°C) m = GEKKO() # create GEKKO model tf = 3000 nt = int(tf/30) + 1 dist = np.linspace(0,L,seg+2) m.time = np.linspace(0,tf,nt) T1 = m.MV(ub=T_melt) # temperature 1 (°C) T1.value = np.ones(nt) * 23 # start at room temperature T1.value[10:] = 80 # step at 300 sec T = [m.Var(23) for i in range(seg)] # temperature of the segments (°C) T2 = m.MV(ub=T_melt) # temperature 2 (°C) T2.value = np.ones(nt) * 23 # start at room temperature T2.value[50:] = 100 # step at 300 sec # Energy balance for the segments # accumulation = # (heat gained from upper segment) # - (heat lost to lower segment) # - (heat lost to surroundings) # Units check # kg/m^3 * m^2 * m * J/kg-K * K/sec = # W/m-K * m^2 * K / m # - W/m-K * m^2 * K / m # - W/m^2-K * m^2 * K # first segment m.Equation(rho*A*L_seg*cp*T[0].dt() == \ keff*A*(T1-T[0])/L_seg \ - keff*A*(T[0]-T[1])/L_seg \ - heff*As*(T[0]-Ts)) # middle segments m.Equations([rho*A*L_seg*cp*T[i].dt() == \ keff*A*(T[i-1]-T[i])/L_seg \ - keff*A*(T[i]-T[i+1])/L_seg \ - heff*As*(T[i]-Ts) for i in range(1,seg-1)]) # last segment m.Equation(rho*A*L_seg*cp*T[-1].dt() == \ keff*A*(T[-2]-T[-1])/L_seg \ - keff*A*(T[-1]-T2)/L_seg \ - heff*As*(T[-1]-Ts)) # simulation m.options.IMODE = 4 m.solve() # plot results plt.figure() tm = m.time / 60.0 plt.plot(tm,T1.value,'k-',lw=2,label=r'$T_{left}\,(^oC)$') plt.plot(tm,T[5].value,':',color='yellow',label=r'$T_{5}\,(^oC)$') plt.plot(tm,T[15].value,'--',color='red',label=r'$T_{15}\,(^oC)$') plt.plot(tm,T[25].value,'--',color='green',label=r'$T_{50}\,(^oC)$') plt.plot(tm,T[45].value,'-.',color='gray',label=r'$T_{85}\,(^oC)$') plt.plot(tm,T[95].value,'-',color='orange',label=r'$T_{95}\,(^oC)$') plt.plot(tm,T2.value,'b-',lw=2,label=r'$T_{right}\,(^oC)$') plt.ylabel(r'$T\,(^oC$)') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.xlim([0,50]) plt.legend(loc=4) plt.savefig('heat.png') # create animation as heat.mp4 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) fig.set_dpi(300) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # store results in d d = np.empty((seg+2,len(m.time))) d[0] = np.array(T1.value) for i in range(seg): d[i+1] = np.array(T[i].value) d[-1] = np.array(T2.value) d = d.T k = 0 def animate(i): global k k = min(len(m.time)-1,k) ax1.clear() plt.plot(dist*100,d[k],color='red',label=r'Temperature ($^oC$)') plt.text(1,100,'Elapsed time '+str(round(m.time[k]/60,2))+' min') plt.grid(True) plt.ylim([20,110]) plt.xlim([0,L*100]) plt.ylabel(r'T ($^oC$)') plt.xlabel(r'Distance (cm)') plt.legend(loc=1) k += 1 anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,animate,frames=len(m.time),interval=20) # requires ffmpeg to save mp4 file # available from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ # add ffmpeg.exe to path such as C:\ffmpeg\bin\ in # environment variables try: anim.save('heat.mp4',fps=10) except: print('requires ffmpeg to save mp4 file') plt.show()