import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint import csv from gekko import GEKKO # create MPC with GEKKO m = GEKKO() m.time = [0,1,2,4,8,12,16,20] # empirical constants Kp_h1 = 1.3 tau_h1 = 18.4 Kp_h2 = 1 tau_h2 = 24.4 # manipulated variable p = m.MV(value=0,lb=1e-5,ub=1) p.STATUS = 1 p.DCOST = 0.01 p.FSTATUS = 0 # unmeasured state h1 = m.Var(value=0.0) # controlled variable h2 = m.CV(value=0.0) h2.STATUS = 1 h2.FSTATUS = 1 h2.TAU = 20 h2.TR_INIT = 1 # equations m.Equation(tau_h1*h1.dt()==-h1 + Kp_h1*p) m.Equation(tau_h2*h2.dt()==-h2 + Kp_h2*h1) # options m.options.IMODE = 6 m.options.CV_TYPE = 2 # simulated system (for measurements) def tank(levels,t,pump,valve): h1 = max(1.0e-10,levels[0]) h2 = max(1.0e-10,levels[1]) c1 = 0.08 # inlet valve coefficient c2 = 0.04 # tank outlet coefficient dhdt1 = c1 * (1.0-valve) * pump - c2 * np.sqrt(h1) dhdt2 = c1 * valve * pump + c2 * np.sqrt(h1) - c2 * np.sqrt(h2) if h1>=1.0 and dhdt1>0.0: dhdt1 = 0 if h2>=1.0 and dhdt2>0.0: dhdt2 = 0 dhdt = [dhdt1,dhdt2] return dhdt # Initial conditions (levels) h0 = [0,0] # Time points to report the solution tf = 400 t = np.linspace(0,tf,tf+1) # Set point sp = np.zeros(tf+1) sp[5:100] = 0.5 sp[100:200] = 0.8 sp[200:300] = 0.2 sp[300:] = 0.5 # Inputs that can be adjusted pump = np.zeros(tf+1) # Disturbance valve = 0.0 # Record the solution y = np.zeros((tf+1,2)) y[0,:] = h0 # Create plot plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) plt.ion() # Simulate the tank step test for i in range(1,tf): ######################### # MPC ################### ######################### # measured height h2.MEAS = y[i,1] # set point deadband h2.SPHI = sp[i]+0.01 h2.SPLO = sp[i]-0.01 h2.SP = sp[i] # solve MPC m.solve(disp=False) # retrieve 1st pump new value pump[i] = p.NEWVAL ######################### # System ################ ######################### # Specify the pump and valve inputs = (pump[i],valve) # Integrate the model h = odeint(tank,h0,[0,1],inputs) # Record the result y[i+1,:] = h[-1,:] # Reset the initial condition h0 = h[-1,:] # update plot every 5 cycles if (i%5==3): plt.clf() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(t[0:i],sp[0:i],'k-') plt.plot(t[0:i],y[0:i,0],'b-') plt.plot(t[0:i],y[0:i,1],'r--') plt.ylabel('Height (m)') plt.legend(['Set point','Height 1','Height 2']) plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(t[0:i],pump[0:i],'k-') plt.ylabel('Pump') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.draw() plt.pause(0.01) # Construct and save data file data = np.vstack((t,pump)) data = np.hstack((np.transpose(data),y)) np.savetxt('data.txt',data,delimiter=',')