Dynamic Optimization

Machine Learning and Dynamic Optimization is a graduate level course on the theory and applications of numerical solutions of time-varying systems with a focus on engineering design and real-time control applications. Concepts taught in this course include physics-based and empirical modeling, machine learning classification and regression, nonlinear programming, estimation, and advanced control methods such as model predictive control.

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 John D. Hedengren
 Office: 801-422-2590, 330L EB
 Cell: 801-477-7341
 Contact: john.hedengren [at] byu.edu

John Hedengren leads the BYU PRISM group with interests in combining data science, optimization, and automation with current projects in hybrid nuclear energy system design and unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry. He earned a doctoral degree at the University of Texas at Austin and worked 5 years with ExxonMobil Chemical prior to joining BYU in 2011.

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