Programming Assignments

Main.CourseHomework History

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May 02, 2023, at 02:37 PM by -
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Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet (1-6) and Python for (1-17). The first 6 assignments are the same problems but completed with both a Spreadsheet program (Excel or Google Sheets) and Python. Solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment.


Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet (1-6) and Python for (1-17). The first 6 assignments are the same problems but completed with both a Spreadsheet program (Excel or Google Sheets) and Python. Solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment. Join Online for homework help sessions.

May 31, 2022, at 07:27 PM by -
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Python Solutions


Python Solutions 1-2+

Python Solution 3

April 28, 2021, at 04:34 AM by -
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Excel and Python Assignments

May 07, 2019, at 04:42 AM by -
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Python Solution

May 06, 2019, at 01:21 PM by -
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Python Solution 2

May 06, 2019, at 12:51 PM by -
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Python Solution 1

May 03, 2019, at 01:53 PM by -
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Python Solution 3

May 03, 2019, at 01:17 PM by -
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Python Solution 2

May 02, 2019, at 01:56 PM by -
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Python Solution 1

May 02, 2019, at 01:12 PM by -
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Python Solution 4

May 02, 2019, at 12:37 PM by -
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Python Solution 3

May 01, 2019, at 01:37 PM by -
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Python Solution 2

May 01, 2019, at 01:18 PM by -
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Python Solution 1

May 01, 2019, at 11:48 AM by -
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Python Solution 3

April 30, 2019, at 02:27 PM by -
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Python Solution 1

April 29, 2019, at 05:02 PM by -
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Python Solution

April 26, 2019, at 09:46 AM by -
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April 26, 2019, at 09:46 AM by -
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Excel Assignments

Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another similar spreadsheet program. Microsoft Excel solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment. Python solutions are shown as examples of programming but are not required.


Excel and Python Assignments

Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet (1-6) and Python for (1-17). The first 6 assignments are the same problems but completed with both a Spreadsheet program (Excel or Google Sheets) and Python. Solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment.

April 26, 2019, at 09:43 AM by -
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Google Colab 1

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Google Colab 2

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Google Colab 3

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Google Colab 4

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Google Colab 5

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Google Colab 6

April 26, 2019, at 09:41 AM by -
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Python Solutions

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Python Solutions


Python Solution 2

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Python Solutions

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Python Solutions

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Python Solutions

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Python Solutions

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Python Solutions 1-2

Python Solution 3


Python Solutions

April 18, 2019, at 04:59 AM by -
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April 18, 2019, at 04:53 AM by -
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Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Soluiton 4


Python Solution 1

Python Solution 2

Python Solution 3

Python Solution 4

April 18, 2019, at 04:52 AM by -
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Google Colab 9 (:cell:)

April 18, 2019, at 04:51 AM by -
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Python Solutions


Python Solutions

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Python Solutions


Python Solutions

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Excel Solution 1

Excel Solution 2

Python Solutions

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Assignment #7

Google Colab 7

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Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Soluiton 4

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Assignment #8

Google Colab 8

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Python Solutions

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Assignment #9

Google Colab 9(:cell:) Generate Plots

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Python Solution 1

Python Solution 2

Python Solution 3

Python Solution 4

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Assignment #10

Google Colab 10

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Temperature Control Lab

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Python Solution 1

Python Solution 2

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Assignment #11

Google Colab 11

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Python Solutions 1-5

Python Solution 6

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Assignment #12

Google Colab 12

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Python Solutions 1-2

Python Solution 3

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Assignment #13

Google Colab 13

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Classes (collections of values and functions)

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Python Solutions 1

Python Solutions 2

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Assignment #14

Google Colab 14

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Python Solutions 1-2

Python Solution 3

Python Solution 4

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Assignment #15

Google Colab 15

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Python Solution 1

Python Solutions 2-4

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Assignment #16

Google Colab 16

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Python Solution

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Assignment #17

Google Colab 17

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Symbolic Derivatives


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Python Solution

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(:div id=hw1_2:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. constants

L = 2 # m Tplate = 343 # K v = 1.45 # m/s Twater = 294 # K mu = 9.79e-4 # Pa*s rho = 998 # kg/m^3 k = 0.601 # W/m-K cp = 4.18e3 # J/kg-K

  1. derived quantities

Re = rho*L*v/mu Pr = mu*cp/k Nu = 0.332 * Pr**(1.0/3.0) * Re**(1.0/2.0) h = Nu * k / L q = h * (Tplate-Twater)

print('Rate of Heat Transfer') print(str(q)+' W/m^2') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw1_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_3:)

(:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. calculate initial moles of N2

T = 298.15 # K P = 1.25 # atm V = 4000 # L Rg = 0.0821 # L*atm/mol/K n_N2 = P*V/(Rg*T) # moles of N2 n_N2 = n_N2 * 0.25 # moles with 25% remaining

  1. calculate N2 pressure at different V and T

n = 20 # grid points V = np.linspace(500,1000,n) T = np.linspace(100,600,n)

  1. create meshgrid

Vm,Tm = np.meshgrid(V,T)

  1. calculate pressure

Pm = n_N2 * Rg * Tm / Vm

  1. plot results

plt.figure() plt.contourf(Vm,Tm,Pm,cmap='RdBu_r') plt.colorbar() CS2 = plt.contour(Vm,Tm,Pm,[1.0,2.5],colors='k') plt.clabel(CS2, inline=1, fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('Volume (L)') plt.ylabel('Temperature (K)') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:div id=hw2_1:) (:source lang=python:) import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np

  1. import April 2018 data or get new data from

appl = pd.read_csv('') goog = pd.read_csv('')

  1. xom = pd.read_csv('')
  2. create dictionary of stocks

s = dict([('Apple',appl),('Google',goog)]) #,('ExxonMobil',xom)])

  1. print column headers and starting rows (5 is default)

print('Apple Data') print(s['Apple'].head())

  1. print column headers and ending close price (4 rows)

print('Google Data') print(s['Google']['Close'].tail(4))

  1. basic data statistics

for i in s:

    print('Stock: ' + i)
    print(' max   : ' + str(max(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' min   : ' + str(min(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' stdev : ' + str(np.std(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' avg   : ' + str(np.mean(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' median: ' + str(np.median(s[i]['Close'])))
  1. plot data

plt.figure() sty = dict([('Apple','r--'),('Google','b:'),('ExxonMobil','k-')]) ni = 0 for i in s:

    mc = max(s[i]['Close'])

plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw2_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw2_2:) (:source lang=python:) import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. import data
  2. Time (sec), Heater 1, Heater 2, Temperature 1, Temperature 2

x = pd.read_csv('')

  1. print column headers and starting 10 rows (5 is default)

print('Data') print(x.head(10))

  1. plot data

plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.title('Temperature Control Lab') plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Temperature 1'],'r--') plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Temperature 2'],'b-') plt.ylabel('Temp (degC)') plt.legend(loc='best')

plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Heater 1'],'r--') plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Heater 2'],'b-') plt.ylabel('Heater (%)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw2_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw2_3:) (:source lang=python:) import math as m

  1. part a

help(m.cos) y = m.cos(0.5) print('cos(0.5): ' + str(y))

  1. part b

y = m.sin(30.0*(m.pi/180.0)) print('sin(30 deg): ' + str(y))

  1. part c

y = m.tan(m.pi/2.0) print('tan(pi/x): ' + str(y))

  1. part d

x = 5.0 y = max(2.0*m.sqrt(x),(x**2)/2.0, (x**3)/3.0,(x**2+x**3)/5.0) print('max value: ' + str(y))

  1. part e

x = 25 y = m.factorial(x) print('25!: ' + str(y))

  1. part f

x = 0.5

  1. if..else statement

if x<1.0:

    y = x**2


    y = m.sin(m.pi*x/2.0)
  1. same but one line

y = x**2 if x<1.0 else m.sin(m.pi*x/2.0) print('if statement result: ' + str(y))

  1. part g

x = 4.999 y = m.floor(x) print('floor(4.999): ' + str(y)) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:div id=hw3_1:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. method #1: NumPy

from numpy.linalg import solve A = b = [45.0, 30.0, 15.0, 20.0, 92.0] x = solve(A,b) print('NumPy Solution') print(x)

  1. method #2: Gekko

from gekko import GEKKO m = GEKKO() x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 = [m.Var() for i in range(5)] m.Equation(11*x1+3*x2+x4+2*x5==45) m.Equation(4*x2+2*x3+x5==30) m.Equation(3*x1+2*x2+7*x3+x4==15) m.Equation(4*x1+4*x3+10*x4+x5==20) m.Equation(2*x1+5*x2+x3+3*x4+14*x5==92) m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print(x1.value) print(x2.value) print(x3.value) print(x4.value) print(x5.value) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw3_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_2:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. method #1: NumPy

from scipy.optimize import fsolve def f(z):

    f1 = 2*x**2+y**2-1
    f2 = (0.5*x-0.5)**2+2.0*(y-0.25)**2-1
    return [f1,f2]

x,y = fsolve(f,[1,1]) print('NumPy Solution') print(x,y)

  1. method #2: Gekko

from gekko import GEKKO m = GEKKO() x,y = [m.Var(value=1) for i in range(2)] m.Equation(2*x**2+y**2==1) m.Equation((0.5*x-0.5)**2+2.0*(y-0.25)**2==1) m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print(x.value) print(y.value) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw3_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_3:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve

  1. constants

TC = 77 # degC P = 1.0 # bar a = 2.877e8 # cm^6 bar K^0.5 / mol^2 b = 60.211 # cm^3 / mol Rg = 83.144598 # cm^3 bar / K-mol

  1. derived quantities

TK = TC+273.15 # K

  1. method #1: NumPy

def f(V):

    return P - Rg*TK/(V-b)+a/(np.sqrt(TK)*V*(V+b))

V_liq = fsolve(f,82) # Liquid root V_vap = fsolve(f,28600) # Vapor root print('NumPy Solution') print(V_liq,V_vap)

  1. method #2: Gekko

from gekko import GEKKO m = GEKKO() V = m.Var(value=[82,28600]) m.Equation(P==Rg*TK/(V-b)-a/(m.sqrt(TK)*V*(V+b))) m.options.IMODE=2 m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print(V.value) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw3_4 button show="Solution 4 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_4:) (:source lang=python:) from gekko import GEKKO

  1. constants

y1 = 0.33 y2 = 1.0-y1 P = 120.0 # kPa

  1. Antoine constants
  2. Benzene

ac1 = [13.7819, 2726.81, 217.572]

  1. Toluene

ac2 = [13.9320, 3056.96, 217.625]

  1. gekko model

m = GEKKO() T = m.Var(value=100) x1,x2 = [m.Var(value=0.5,lb=0,ub=1) for i in range(2)]

  1. vapor pressure

Psat1 = m.Intermediate(m.exp(ac1[0]-ac1[1]/(T+ac1[2]))) Psat2 = m.Intermediate(m.exp(ac2[0]-ac2[1]/(T+ac2[2])))

  1. Raoult's law

m.Equation(y1*P==x1*Psat1) m.Equation(y2*P==x2*Psat2) m.Equation(x1+x2==1) m.options.IMODE=1 m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print('x1: ' + str(x1.value)) print('x2: ' + str(x2.value)) print('T: ' + str(T.value)) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:div id=hw4_1a:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

  1. import data
  2. Time (sec),Heart Rate (BPM)

url = '' x = pd.read_csv(url)

  1. print first rows

print('Data') print(x.head())

  1. extract vectors

t = x['Time (sec)'].values ym = x['Heart Rate (BPM)'].values

  1. define function for fitting

def bpm(t,c0,c1,c2,c3):

    return c0+c1*t-c2*np.exp(-c3*t)
  1. find optimal parameters

p0 = [100,0.01,100,0.01] # initial guesses c,cov = curve_fit(bpm,t,ym,p0) # fit model

  1. print parameters

print('Optimal parameters') print(c)

  1. calculate prediction

yp = bpm(t,c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3])

  1. calculate r^2

print('R^2: ' + str(r2_score(ym,yp)))

  1. plot data and prediction

plt.figure() plt.title('Heart Rate Regression') plt.plot(t/60.0,ym,'r--',label='Measured') plt.plot(t/60.0,yp,'b-',label='Predicted') plt.ylabel('Rate (BPM)') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_1b button show="Solution 1 (Python GEKKO)":)

(:div id=hw4_1b:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

  1. import data
  2. Time (sec),Heart Rate (BPM)

url = '' x = pd.read_csv(url)

  1. print first rows

print('Data') print(x.head())

  1. extract vectors

t = np.array(x['Time (sec)']) ym = np.array(x['Heart Rate (BPM)'])

  1. GEKKO model

m = GEKKO()

  1. parameters

tm = m.Param(value=t) c0 = m.FV(value=100) c1 = m.FV(value=0.01) c2 = m.FV(value=100) c3 = m.FV(value=0.01) c0.STATUS=1 c1.STATUS=1 c2.STATUS=1 c3.STATUS=1

  1. variables

bpm = m.CV(value=ym) bpm.FSTATUS=1

  1. regression equation


  1. regression mode

m.options.IMODE = 2

  1. optimize


  1. print parameters

print('Optimal parameters') print(c0.value[0]) print(c1.value[0]) print(c2.value[0]) print(c3.value[0])

  1. calculate r^2

print('R^2: ' + str(r2_score(ym,bpm)))

  1. plot data and prediction

plt.figure() plt.title('Heart Rate Regression') plt.plot(t/60.0,ym,'r--',label='Measured') plt.plot(t/60.0,bpm,'b-',label='Predicted') plt.ylabel('Rate (BPM)') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_2:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

  1. import data
  2. time (min),y

url = '' x = pd.read_csv(url)

  1. print first rows

print('Data') print(x.head())

  1. extract vectors

t = x['time (min)'].values ym = x['y'].values

  1. define function for fitting

def yfcn(t,tau,theta):

    n = len(t)
    res = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(n):
        if i>=theta:
            res[i] = 5.0*(1.0-np.exp(-(t[i]-theta)/tau))
    return res
  1. find optimal parameters

c,cov = curve_fit(yfcn,t,ym)

  1. print parameters

print('Optimal parameters') tau = c[0] theta = c[1] print(c)

  1. calculate prediction

yp = yfcn(t,tau,theta)

  1. calculate r^2

print('R^2: ', r2_score(yp,ym))

  1. plot data and prediciton

plt.figure() plt.title('Step Test Regression') plt.plot(t,ym,'ro',label='Measured') plt.plot(t,yp,'b-',label='Predicted') plt.ylabel('Response') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_3:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. generate 1000 random numbers
  2. with Poisson distribution and lambda=1

n = 1000 lam = 1 x = np.random.poisson(lam,n)

  1. count number in each bin

bins=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6] hist, _ = np.histogram(x, bins)

  1. plot histogram data[0:-1],hist,label='1000 samples') plt.xlabel('bin') plt.ylabel('count') plt.title('Poisson Distribution (lambda=1)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:div id=hw5_1ab:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO from scipy.integrate import odeint

  1. number of time points

n = 15

  1. final time

tf = 7.0

  1. initial concentration

Ca0 = 5.0

  1. constants

k = 1 # 1/s

  1. method #1 Analytical solution
  2. Ca(t) = Ca(0) * exp(-k*t)

t = np.linspace(0,tf,n) Ca_m1 = Ca0 * np.exp(-k*t)

  1. method #2 Euler's method

Ca_m2 = np.empty(n) Ca_m2[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t[i] - t[i-1]
    Ca_m2[i] = Ca_m2[i-1] - k * Ca_m2[i-1] * dt
  1. method #3: GEKKO solution
  2. create new gekko model

m = GEKKO()

  1. integration time points

m.time = t

  1. variables

Ca = m.Var(value=Ca0)

  1. differential equation


  1. set options

m.options.IMODE = 4 # dynamic simulation m.options.NODES = 3 # collocation nodes

  1. simulate ODE


  1. method #4: ODEINT from SciPy

def dCadt(t,Ca):

    return -k * Ca

Ca_m4 = odeint(dCadt,t,Ca0)

  1. plot results

plt.figure(1) plt.plot(t,Ca_m1,'r-',label='Ca (Analytical)') plt.plot(t,Ca_m2,'ko',label='Ca (Euler)') plt.plot(t,Ca,'b--',label='Ca (GEKKO)') plt.plot(t,Ca,'ys',label='Ca (ODEINT)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.ylabel(r'$C_a (kmol/m^3)$') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw5_1c button show="Solution 1c (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_1c:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO from scipy.integrate import odeint

  1. number of time points

n = 15

  1. final time

tf = 7.0

  1. initial concentration

Ca0 = 5.0

  1. constants

k = 1 # 1/s

  1. method #1 Analytical solution
  2. Ca(t) = Ca(0) * exp(-k*t)

t = np.linspace(0,tf,n) Ca_m1 = Ca0 * np.exp(-k*t)

  1. method #2 Euler's method

t2 = np.arange(0,tf,0.5) n = len(t2) Ca_m2 = np.empty_like(t2) Ca_m2[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t2[i] - t2[i-1]
    Ca_m2[i] = Ca_m2[i-1] - k * Ca_m2[i-1] * dt

t3 = np.arange(0,tf,1.5) n = len(t3) Ca_m3 = np.empty_like(t3) Ca_m3[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t3[i] - t3[i-1]
    Ca_m3[i] = Ca_m3[i-1] - k * Ca_m3[i-1] * dt

t4 = np.arange(0,tf,2.1) n = len(t4) Ca_m4 = np.empty_like(t4) Ca_m4[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t4[i] - t4[i-1]
    Ca_m4[i] = Ca_m4[i-1] - k * Ca_m4[i-1] * dt
  1. plot results

plt.figure(1) plt.plot(t,Ca_m1,'r-',label='Ca (Analytical)') plt.plot(t2,Ca_m2,'k.-',label='Ca (Euler 0.5)') plt.plot(t3,Ca_m3,'bo-',label='Ca (Euler 1.5)') plt.plot(t4,Ca_m4,'y--',label='Ca (Euler 2.1)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.ylabel(r'$C_a (kmol/m^3)$') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw5_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_2:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO

  1. final time

tf = 3.0

  1. constants

k1 = 1.0 # L/mol-s k2 = 1.5 # L/mol-s

  1. GEKKO solution
  2. create new gekko model

m = GEKKO()

  1. integration time points

m.time = np.arange(0,tf+0.01,0.2)

  1. variables

Ca = m.Var(value=1.0) Cb = m.Var(value=1.0) Cc = m.Var(value=0.0) Cd = m.Var(value=0.0) S = m.Var(value=1.0)

  1. differential equations

m.Equation(Ca.dt()==-k1*Ca*Cb) m.Equation(Cb.dt()==-k1*Ca*Cb-k2*Cb*Cc) m.Equation(Cc.dt()== k1*Ca*Cb-k2*Cb*Cc) m.Equation(Cd.dt()== k2*Cb*Cc) m.Equation(S==Cc/(Cc+Cd))

  1. set options

m.options.IMODE = 4 # dynamic simulation m.options.NODES = 3 # collocation nodes

  1. simulate ODE


  1. plot results

plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(m.time,Ca,'r-',label='Ca',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(m.time,Cb,'k.-',label='Cb',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(m.time,Cc,'b--',label='Cc',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(m.time,Cd,'y:',label='Cd',linewidth=3.0) plt.ylabel('Conc (mol/L)') plt.legend(loc='best')

plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(m.time,S,'k-',label='Selectivity',linewidth=2.0) plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:div id=hw6_2:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np

r = 5 # m h = 10 # m F = 15 # m^3/min t = 180 # min

V_tank = np.pi * r**2 * h # m^3 V_crude_oil = F * t # m^3

if V_crude_oil > V_tank:

    print('Tank Overfilled by '           + str(V_crude_oil-V_tank) + ' m^3')


    print('Not Overfilled') 

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

Python Assignments

MathCAD Assignments

April 18, 2019, at 04:31 AM by -
Added line 133:
Changed lines 141-171 from:

Excel Solution 2

Excel Solution 3

Python CL1

  • (:toggle hide hw1_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_2:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. constants

L = 2 # m Tplate = 343 # K v = 1.45 # m/s Twater = 294 # K mu = 9.79e-4 # Pa*s rho = 998 # kg/m^3 k = 0.601 # W/m-K cp = 4.18e3 # J/kg-K

  1. derived quantities

Re = rho*L*v/mu Pr = mu*cp/k Nu = 0.332 * Pr**(1.0/3.0) * Re**(1.0/2.0) h = Nu * k / L q = h * (Tplate-Twater)

print('Rate of Heat Transfer') print(str(q)+' W/m^2') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)


Excel Solution 2

Excel Solution 3

Python Solutions

Added lines 149-151:
Added lines 153-155:
Changed lines 157-165 from:

Excel Solution 1

Excel Solution 2

Excel Solution 3

Python Solutions

Added line 167:
Added line 169:
Changed lines 171-291 from:

Excel Solution 1

Excel Solution 2

Excel Solution 3

Excel Solution 4

Python Solutions

(:cellnr:) Assignment #4

Excel Template

HR Data

Dynamic Data (:cell:) Data Regression (:cell:) Excel Solution 1

Excel Solution 2

Excel Solution 3

Python Solutions

(:cellnr:) Assignment #5 (:cell:) Differential Equation Solution (:cell:) Excel Solution 1

Excel Solution 2

Python Solutions

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

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(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

Added lines 293-295:
April 18, 2019, at 04:21 AM by -
Added lines 145-169:
  • (:toggle hide hw1_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_2:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. constants

L = 2 # m Tplate = 343 # K v = 1.45 # m/s Twater = 294 # K mu = 9.79e-4 # Pa*s rho = 998 # kg/m^3 k = 0.601 # W/m-K cp = 4.18e3 # J/kg-K

  1. derived quantities

Re = rho*L*v/mu Pr = mu*cp/k Nu = 0.332 * Pr**(1.0/3.0) * Re**(1.0/2.0) h = Nu * k / L q = h * (Tplate-Twater)

print('Rate of Heat Transfer') print(str(q)+' W/m^2') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

April 18, 2019, at 04:20 AM by -
Changed lines 136-137 from:
Changed lines 140-142 from:
  • Excel Solution 2
  • Excel Solution 3
  • Python CL1

Excel Solution 2

Excel Solution 3

Python CL1

April 18, 2019, at 04:19 AM by -
Added lines 5-119:

(:html:) <style type="text/css"> div.table-title {

   display: block;
  margin: auto;
  max-width: 600px;
  width: 100%;


.table-title h3 {

   color: #fafafa;


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  background: white;
  border-collapse: collapse;
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  box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  animation: float 5s infinite;


th {

  border-bottom:4px solid #9ea7af;
  border-right: 1px solid #343a45;


th:first-child {



th:last-child {



tr {

  border-top: 1px solid #C1C3D1;
  border-bottom-: 1px solid #C1C3D1;


tr:hover td {

  border-top: 1px solid #22262e;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #22262e;


tr:first-child {



tr:last-child {



tr:nth-child(odd) td {



tr:last-child td:first-child {



tr:last-child td:last-child {



td {

  border-right: 1px solid #C1C3D1;


td:last-child {

  border-right: 0px;


th.text-left {

  text-align: left;


th.text-center {

  text-align: center;


th.text-right {

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td.text-left {

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td.text-right {

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} </style> (:htmlend:)

Added lines 123-154:

(:table border=0 frame=hsides width=95%:)

(:cell width=25%:) Assignment (:cell width=35%:) Knowledge Building (:cell width=30%:) Solutions

(:cellnr:) Assignment #1 (:cell:)


  • Excel Solution 2
  • Excel Solution 3
  • Python CL1

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)

(:cellnr:) (:cell:) (:cell:)


April 17, 2019, at 03:18 AM by -
Changed line 297 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw3_4 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)
  • (:toggle hide hw3_4 button show="Solution 4 (Python)":)
May 25, 2018, at 06:01 AM by -
Changed lines 765-766 from:
  • Solutions (1-5), Solution 6
  • Solutions 1-5, Solution 6
Changed line 769 from:
  • Solutions
  • Solutions 1-2, Solution 3
May 21, 2018, at 05:15 PM by -
Changed line 761 from:
  • Solution 2
  • Solution 1, Solution 2
May 17, 2018, at 02:15 PM by -
Changed lines 760-761 from:
  • Temperature Control Lab
  • Solution 2
May 08, 2018, at 02:44 PM by -
Added line 336:
  • Python Solution 1
May 08, 2018, at 02:42 PM by -
Changed line 376 from:
  1. plot data and prediciton
  1. plot data and prediction
Changed line 446 from:
  1. plot data and prediciton
  1. plot data and prediction
May 07, 2018, at 02:53 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:

Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another similar spreadsheet program. Microsoft Excel solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment. Python solutions are shown as a reference and introduction to programming but are not required.


Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another similar spreadsheet program. Microsoft Excel solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment. Python solutions are shown as examples of programming but are not required.

May 07, 2018, at 02:51 PM by -
Deleted lines 720-725:
  • (:toggle hide hw6_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw6_1:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

May 07, 2018, at 02:50 PM by -
Changed lines 300-329 from:

from gekko import GEKKO

  1. constants

y1 = 0.33 y2 = 1.0-y1 P = 120.0 # kPa

  1. Antoine constants
  2. Benzene

ac1 = [13.7819, 2726.81, 217.572]

  1. Toluene

ac2 = [13.9320, 3056.96, 217.625]

  1. gekko model

m = GEKKO() T = m.Var(value=100) x1,x2 = [m.Var(value=0.5,lb=0,ub=1) for i in range(2)]

  1. vapor pressure

Psat1 = m.Intermediate(m.exp(ac1[0]-ac1[1]/(T+ac1[2]))) Psat2 = m.Intermediate(m.exp(ac2[0]-ac2[1]/(T+ac2[2])))

  1. Raoult's law

m.Equation(y1*P==x1*Psat1) m.Equation(y2*P==x2*Psat2) m.Equation(x1+x2==1) m.options.IMODE=1 m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print('x1: ' + str(x1.value)) print('x2: ' + str(x2.value)) print('T: ' + str(T.value))

Changed lines 336-337 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw4_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_1:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_1a button show="Solution 1 (Python curve_fit)":)

(:div id=hw4_1a:)

Changed lines 339-384 from:

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

  1. import data
  2. Time (sec),Heart Rate (BPM)

url = '' x = pd.read_csv(url)

  1. print first rows

print('Data') print(x.head())

  1. extract vectors

t = x['Time (sec)'].values ym = x['Heart Rate (BPM)'].values

  1. define function for fitting

def bpm(t,c0,c1,c2,c3):

    return c0+c1*t-c2*np.exp(-c3*t)
  1. find optimal parameters

p0 = [100,0.01,100,0.01] # initial guesses c,cov = curve_fit(bpm,t,ym,p0) # fit model

  1. print parameters

print('Optimal parameters') print(c)

  1. calculate prediction

yp = bpm(t,c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3])

  1. calculate r^2

print('R^2: ' + str(r2_score(ym,yp)))

  1. plot data and prediciton

plt.figure() plt.title('Heart Rate Regression') plt.plot(t/60.0,ym,'r--',label='Measured') plt.plot(t/60.0,yp,'b-',label='Predicted') plt.ylabel('Rate (BPM)') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(loc='best')

Changed lines 387-388 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw4_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_2:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_1b button show="Solution 1 (Python GEKKO)":)

(:div id=hw4_1b:)

Changed lines 390-454 from:

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

  1. import data
  2. Time (sec),Heart Rate (BPM)

url = '' x = pd.read_csv(url)

  1. print first rows

print('Data') print(x.head())

  1. extract vectors

t = np.array(x['Time (sec)']) ym = np.array(x['Heart Rate (BPM)'])

  1. GEKKO model

m = GEKKO()

  1. parameters

tm = m.Param(value=t) c0 = m.FV(value=100) c1 = m.FV(value=0.01) c2 = m.FV(value=100) c3 = m.FV(value=0.01) c0.STATUS=1 c1.STATUS=1 c2.STATUS=1 c3.STATUS=1

  1. variables

bpm = m.CV(value=ym) bpm.FSTATUS=1

  1. regression equation


  1. regression mode

m.options.IMODE = 2

  1. optimize


  1. print parameters

print('Optimal parameters') print(c0.value[0]) print(c1.value[0]) print(c2.value[0]) print(c3.value[0])

  1. calculate r^2

print('R^2: ' + str(r2_score(ym,bpm)))

  1. plot data and prediciton

plt.figure() plt.title('Heart Rate Regression') plt.plot(t/60.0,ym,'r--',label='Measured') plt.plot(t/60.0,bpm,'b-',label='Predicted') plt.ylabel('Rate (BPM)') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(loc='best')

Changed lines 457-458 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw4_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_3:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_2:)

Changed lines 460-511 from:

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

  1. import data
  2. time (min),y

url = '' x = pd.read_csv(url)

  1. print first rows

print('Data') print(x.head())

  1. extract vectors

t = x['time (min)'].values ym = x['y'].values

  1. define function for fitting

def yfcn(t,tau,theta):

    n = len(t)
    res = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(n):
        if i>=theta:
            res[i] = 5.0*(1.0-np.exp(-(t[i]-theta)/tau))
    return res
  1. find optimal parameters

c,cov = curve_fit(yfcn,t,ym)

  1. print parameters

print('Optimal parameters') tau = c[0] theta = c[1] print(c)

  1. calculate prediction

yp = yfcn(t,tau,theta)

  1. calculate r^2

print('R^2: ', r2_score(yp,ym))

  1. plot data and prediciton

plt.figure() plt.title('Step Test Regression') plt.plot(t,ym,'ro',label='Measured') plt.plot(t,yp,'b-',label='Predicted') plt.ylabel('Response') plt.xlabel('Time (min)') plt.legend(loc='best')

Changed lines 514-519 from:

(:div id=hw5_1:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_3:)

Changed lines 517-536 from:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. generate 1000 random numbers
  2. with Poisson distribution and lambda=1

n = 1000 lam = 1 x = np.random.poisson(lam,n)

  1. count number in each bin

bins=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6] hist, _ = np.histogram(x, bins)

  1. plot histogram data[0:-1],hist,label='1000 samples') plt.xlabel('bin') plt.ylabel('count') plt.title('Poisson Distribution (lambda=1)') plt.legend(loc='best')

Changed lines 539-540 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw5_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_2:)


(:div id=hw5_1ab:)

Changed lines 546-601 from:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO from scipy.integrate import odeint

  1. number of time points

n = 15

  1. final time

tf = 7.0

  1. initial concentration

Ca0 = 5.0

  1. constants

k = 1 # 1/s

  1. method #1 Analytical solution
  2. Ca(t) = Ca(0) * exp(-k*t)

t = np.linspace(0,tf,n) Ca_m1 = Ca0 * np.exp(-k*t)

  1. method #2 Euler's method

Ca_m2 = np.empty(n) Ca_m2[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t[i] - t[i-1]
    Ca_m2[i] = Ca_m2[i-1] - k * Ca_m2[i-1] * dt
  1. method #3: GEKKO solution
  2. create new gekko model

m = GEKKO()

  1. integration time points

m.time = t

  1. variables

Ca = m.Var(value=Ca0)

  1. differential equation


  1. set options

m.options.IMODE = 4 # dynamic simulation m.options.NODES = 3 # collocation nodes

  1. simulate ODE


  1. method #4: ODEINT from SciPy

def dCadt(t,Ca):

    return -k * Ca

Ca_m4 = odeint(dCadt,t,Ca0)

  1. plot results

plt.figure(1) plt.plot(t,Ca_m1,'r-',label='Ca (Analytical)') plt.plot(t,Ca_m2,'ko',label='Ca (Euler)') plt.plot(t,Ca,'b--',label='Ca (GEKKO)') plt.plot(t,Ca,'ys',label='Ca (ODEINT)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.ylabel(r'$C_a (kmol/m^3)$') plt.legend(loc='best')

Changed lines 604-609 from:

(:div id=hw6_1:)

  • (:toggle hide hw5_1c button show="Solution 1c (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_1c:)

Changed lines 607-660 from:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO from scipy.integrate import odeint

  1. number of time points

n = 15

  1. final time

tf = 7.0

  1. initial concentration

Ca0 = 5.0

  1. constants

k = 1 # 1/s

  1. method #1 Analytical solution
  2. Ca(t) = Ca(0) * exp(-k*t)

t = np.linspace(0,tf,n) Ca_m1 = Ca0 * np.exp(-k*t)

  1. method #2 Euler's method

t2 = np.arange(0,tf,0.5) n = len(t2) Ca_m2 = np.empty_like(t2) Ca_m2[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t2[i] - t2[i-1]
    Ca_m2[i] = Ca_m2[i-1] - k * Ca_m2[i-1] * dt

t3 = np.arange(0,tf,1.5) n = len(t3) Ca_m3 = np.empty_like(t3) Ca_m3[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t3[i] - t3[i-1]
    Ca_m3[i] = Ca_m3[i-1] - k * Ca_m3[i-1] * dt

t4 = np.arange(0,tf,2.1) n = len(t4) Ca_m4 = np.empty_like(t4) Ca_m4[0] = Ca0 # kmol/m^3 for i in range(1,n):

    dt = t4[i] - t4[i-1]
    Ca_m4[i] = Ca_m4[i-1] - k * Ca_m4[i-1] * dt
  1. plot results

plt.figure(1) plt.plot(t,Ca_m1,'r-',label='Ca (Analytical)') plt.plot(t2,Ca_m2,'k.-',label='Ca (Euler 0.5)') plt.plot(t3,Ca_m3,'bo-',label='Ca (Euler 1.5)') plt.plot(t4,Ca_m4,'y--',label='Ca (Euler 2.1)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.ylabel(r'$C_a (kmol/m^3)$') plt.legend(loc='best')

Changed lines 663-664 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw6_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw6_2:)

  • (:toggle hide hw5_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_2:)

Changed lines 666-744 from:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gekko import GEKKO

  1. final time

tf = 3.0

  1. constants

k1 = 1.0 # L/mol-s k2 = 1.5 # L/mol-s

  1. GEKKO solution
  2. create new gekko model

m = GEKKO()

  1. integration time points

m.time = np.arange(0,tf+0.01,0.2)

  1. variables

Ca = m.Var(value=1.0) Cb = m.Var(value=1.0) Cc = m.Var(value=0.0) Cd = m.Var(value=0.0) S = m.Var(value=1.0)

  1. differential equations

m.Equation(Ca.dt()==-k1*Ca*Cb) m.Equation(Cb.dt()==-k1*Ca*Cb-k2*Cb*Cc) m.Equation(Cc.dt()== k1*Ca*Cb-k2*Cb*Cc) m.Equation(Cd.dt()== k2*Cb*Cc) m.Equation(S==Cc/(Cc+Cd))

  1. set options

m.options.IMODE = 4 # dynamic simulation m.options.NODES = 3 # collocation nodes

  1. simulate ODE


  1. plot results

plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(m.time,Ca,'r-',label='Ca',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(m.time,Cb,'k.-',label='Cb',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(m.time,Cc,'b--',label='Cc',linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(m.time,Cd,'y:',label='Cd',linewidth=3.0) plt.ylabel('Conc (mol/L)') plt.legend(loc='best')

plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(m.time,S,'k-',label='Selectivity',linewidth=2.0) plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

(:div id=hw6_1:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw6_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw6_2:) (:source lang=python:) import numpy as np

r = 5 # m h = 10 # m F = 15 # m^3/min t = 180 # min

V_tank = np.pi * r**2 * h # m^3 V_crude_oil = F * t # m^3

if V_crude_oil > V_tank:

    print('Tank Overfilled by '           + str(V_crude_oil-V_tank) + ' m^3')


    print('Not Overfilled') 
May 07, 2018, at 02:45 PM by -
Changed lines 266-294 from:

import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve

  1. constants

TC = 77 # degC P = 1.0 # bar a = 2.877e8 # cm^6 bar K^0.5 / mol^2 b = 60.211 # cm^3 / mol Rg = 83.144598 # cm^3 bar / K-mol

  1. derived quantities

TK = TC+273.15 # K

  1. method #1: NumPy

def f(V):

    return P - Rg*TK/(V-b)+a/(np.sqrt(TK)*V*(V+b))

V_liq = fsolve(f,82) # Liquid root V_vap = fsolve(f,28600) # Vapor root print('NumPy Solution') print(V_liq,V_vap)

  1. method #2: Gekko

from gekko import GEKKO m = GEKKO() V = m.Var(value=[82,28600]) m.Equation(P==Rg*TK/(V-b)-a/(m.sqrt(TK)*V*(V+b))) m.options.IMODE=2 m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print(V.value)

May 07, 2018, at 02:44 PM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:

Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another equivalent spreadsheet program. Python solutions are also shown as a reference and introduction but not required.


Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another similar spreadsheet program. Microsoft Excel solutions are shown for each problem but should only be used as a learning resource, not to merely complete the assignment. Python solutions are shown as a reference and introduction to programming but are not required.

Changed line 12 from:
  • Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Excel Solution 2, Solution 3
Changed line 63 from:




Changed line 65 from:

CS2 = plt.contour(Tm,Vm,Pm,[1.0,2.5],colors='k')


CS2 = plt.contour(Vm,Tm,Pm,[1.0,2.5],colors='k')

Changed lines 67-68 from:

plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Volume (L)')


plt.xlabel('Volume (L)') plt.ylabel('Temperature (K)')

Changed line 76 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Excel Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
Added lines 80-119:

import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np

  1. import April 2018 data or get new data from

appl = pd.read_csv('') goog = pd.read_csv('')

  1. xom = pd.read_csv('')
  2. create dictionary of stocks

s = dict([('Apple',appl),('Google',goog)]) #,('ExxonMobil',xom)])

  1. print column headers and starting rows (5 is default)

print('Apple Data') print(s['Apple'].head())

  1. print column headers and ending close price (4 rows)

print('Google Data') print(s['Google']['Close'].tail(4))

  1. basic data statistics

for i in s:

    print('Stock: ' + i)
    print(' max   : ' + str(max(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' min   : ' + str(min(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' stdev : ' + str(np.std(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' avg   : ' + str(np.mean(s[i]['Close'])))
    print(' median: ' + str(np.median(s[i]['Close'])))
  1. plot data

plt.figure() sty = dict([('Apple','r--'),('Google','b:'),('ExxonMobil','k-')]) ni = 0 for i in s:

    mc = max(s[i]['Close'])

plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.legend(loc='best')

Added lines 125-151:

import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. import data
  2. Time (sec), Heater 1, Heater 2, Temperature 1, Temperature 2

x = pd.read_csv('')

  1. print column headers and starting 10 rows (5 is default)

print('Data') print(x.head(10))

  1. plot data

plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.title('Temperature Control Lab') plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Temperature 1'],'r--') plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Temperature 2'],'b-') plt.ylabel('Temp (degC)') plt.legend(loc='best')

plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Heater 1'],'r--') plt.plot(x['Time (sec)'],x['Heater 2'],'b-') plt.ylabel('Heater (%)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best')

Added lines 157-197:

import math as m

  1. part a

help(m.cos) y = m.cos(0.5) print('cos(0.5): ' + str(y))

  1. part b

y = m.sin(30.0*(m.pi/180.0)) print('sin(30 deg): ' + str(y))

  1. part c

y = m.tan(m.pi/2.0) print('tan(pi/x): ' + str(y))

  1. part d

x = 5.0 y = max(2.0*m.sqrt(x),(x**2)/2.0, (x**3)/3.0,(x**2+x**3)/5.0) print('max value: ' + str(y))

  1. part e

x = 25 y = m.factorial(x) print('25!: ' + str(y))

  1. part f

x = 0.5

  1. if..else statement

if x<1.0:

    y = x**2


    y = m.sin(m.pi*x/2.0)
  1. same but one line

y = x**2 if x<1.0 else m.sin(m.pi*x/2.0) print('if statement result: ' + str(y))

  1. part g

x = 4.999 y = m.floor(x) print('floor(4.999): ' + str(y))

Changed lines 203-204 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3, Solution 4
  • Excel Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3, Solution 4
  • (:toggle hide hw3_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_1:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. method #1: NumPy

from numpy.linalg import solve A = b = [45.0, 30.0, 15.0, 20.0, 92.0] x = solve(A,b) print('NumPy Solution') print(x)

  1. method #2: Gekko

from gekko import GEKKO m = GEKKO() x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 = [m.Var() for i in range(5)] m.Equation(11*x1+3*x2+x4+2*x5==45) m.Equation(4*x2+2*x3+x5==30) m.Equation(3*x1+2*x2+7*x3+x4==15) m.Equation(4*x1+4*x3+10*x4+x5==20) m.Equation(2*x1+5*x2+x3+3*x4+14*x5==92) m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print(x1.value) print(x2.value) print(x3.value) print(x4.value) print(x5.value) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw3_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_2:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. method #1: NumPy

from scipy.optimize import fsolve def f(z):

    f1 = 2*x**2+y**2-1
    f2 = (0.5*x-0.5)**2+2.0*(y-0.25)**2-1
    return [f1,f2]

x,y = fsolve(f,[1,1]) print('NumPy Solution') print(x,y)

  1. method #2: Gekko

from gekko import GEKKO m = GEKKO() x,y = [m.Var(value=1) for i in range(2)] m.Equation(2*x**2+y**2==1) m.Equation((0.5*x-0.5)**2+2.0*(y-0.25)**2==1) m.solve(disp=False) print('Gekko Solution') print(x.value) print(y.value) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw3_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_3:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw3_4 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw3_4:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

Changed lines 278-279 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Excel Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
  • (:toggle hide hw4_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_1:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_2:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw4_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw4_3:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

Changed lines 300-301 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2
  • Excel Solution 1, Solution 2
  • (:toggle hide hw5_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_1:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw5_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw5_2:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

Changed lines 316-328 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2
  • Excel Solution 1, Solution 2
  • (:toggle hide hw6_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw6_1:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw6_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw6_2:) (:source lang=python:)

(:sourceend:) (:divend:)

May 07, 2018, at 02:33 PM by -
Added lines 6-7:

Complete the following assignments with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or another equivalent spreadsheet program. Python solutions are also shown as a reference and introduction but not required.

May 07, 2018, at 02:29 PM by -
Changed line 76 from:

(:div id=hw1_3:)


(:div id=hw2_1:)

Changed line 81 from:

(:div id=hw1_3:)


(:div id=hw2_2:)

Changed line 86 from:

(:div id=hw1_3:)


(:div id=hw2_3:)

May 07, 2018, at 02:29 PM by -
Changed lines 35-70 from:
  • (:toggle hide hw1_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_3:)

(:source lang=python:) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  1. calculate initial moles of N2

T = 298.15 # K P = 1.25 # atm V = 4000 # L Rg = 0.0821 # L*atm/mol/K n_N2 = P*V/(Rg*T) # moles of N2 n_N2 = n_N2 * 0.25 # moles with 25% remaining

  1. calculate N2 pressure at different V and T

n = 20 # grid points V = np.linspace(500,1000,n) T = np.linspace(100,600,n)

  1. create meshgrid

Vm,Tm = np.meshgrid(V,T)

  1. calculate pressure

Pm = n_N2 * Rg * Tm / Vm

  1. plot results

plt.figure() plt.contourf(Tm,Vm,Pm,cmap='RdBu_r') plt.colorbar() CS2 = plt.contour(Tm,Vm,Pm,[1.0,2.5],colors='k') plt.clabel(CS2, inline=1, fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Volume (L)') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

Added lines 75-89:
  • (:toggle hide hw2_1 button show="Solution 1 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_3:) (:source lang=python:) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw2_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_3:) (:source lang=python:) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

  • (:toggle hide hw2_3 button show="Solution 3 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_3:) (:source lang=python:) (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

May 07, 2018, at 02:26 PM by -
Added lines 11-34:
  • (:toggle hide hw1_2 button show="Solution 2 (Python)":)

(:div id=hw1_2:) (:source lang=python:)

  1. constants

L = 2 # m Tplate = 343 # K v = 1.45 # m/s Twater = 294 # K mu = 9.79e-4 # Pa*s rho = 998 # kg/m^3 k = 0.601 # W/m-K cp = 4.18e3 # J/kg-K

  1. derived quantities

Re = rho*L*v/mu Pr = mu*cp/k Nu = 0.332 * Pr**(1.0/3.0) * Re**(1.0/2.0) h = Nu * k / L q = h * (Tplate-Twater)

print('Rate of Heat Transfer') print(str(q)+' W/m^2') (:sourceend:) (:divend:)

May 03, 2018, at 07:28 PM by -
Changed line 23 from:
  • Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
May 01, 2018, at 02:32 PM by -
Changed line 15 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
May 01, 2018, at 12:56 PM by -
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  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
May 01, 2018, at 12:55 PM by -
Changed line 12 from:
Changed line 15 from:
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
  • Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3
June 13, 2017, at 05:46 PM by -
Changed line 85 from:
  • Solutions 1-7 and 8-10 (Python)
  • Solutions 1-7 and 8-10 (Python)
June 13, 2017, at 04:13 PM by -
Changed lines 85-86 from:
  • Solutions 1-7 (Python)
  • Solutions 8-10 (Python)
  • Solutions 1-7 and 8-10 (Python)
June 13, 2017, at 04:11 PM by -
Added lines 85-86:
  • Solutions 1-7 (Python)
  • Solutions 8-10 (Python)
June 13, 2017, at 02:33 PM by -
Changed lines 83-84 from:
May 01, 2017, at 11:16 PM by -
Changed line 58 from:
May 01, 2017, at 11:15 PM by -
Changed line 78 from:
  • Symbolic Derivatives
  • Symbolic Derivatives and Integrals
May 01, 2017, at 11:14 PM by -
Changed lines 8-9 from:
  • Conditions and Functions
Changed lines 13-14 from:
  • Generate Plots and Data Analysis
Changed line 18 from:
  • Solve Equations
Changed line 22 from:
  • Regression
Changed line 26 from:
  • Differential Equations
Changed line 30 from:
  • VBA Macros
Changed lines 36-37 from:
Changed lines 41-42 from:
  • Loops and Arrays
Changed line 46 from:
  • Plot Data and Correlations
Changed line 50 from:
  • User input, loops, ODEs, and plotting
Changed line 54 from:
  • Debugging
Changed line 58 from:
  • File Input and Ouput
Changed line 62 from:
  • Classes (collections of values and functions)
  • Classes (collections of values and functions)
Changed line 66 from:
  • Solve Equations (fsolve)
Changed line 70 from:
  • Integration, interpolation, and regression
Changed line 74 from:
  • Solve differential equations (odeint)
Changed line 78 from:
  • Symbolic solutions (sympy)
  • Symbolic Derivatives
May 01, 2017, at 11:01 PM by -
Changed lines 7-17 from:
May 01, 2017, at 09:21 PM by -
Changed line 22 from:
  • Conditionals, Functions
May 01, 2017, at 09:18 PM by -
Changed line 22 from:
  • Conditionals, Functions, Loops
  • Conditionals, Functions
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May 01, 2017, at 09:09 PM by -
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January 24, 2017, at 04:17 PM by -
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January 05, 2017, at 01:03 AM by -
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January 05, 2017, at 12:34 AM by -
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January 05, 2017, at 12:23 AM by -
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January 04, 2017, at 05:52 PM by -
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January 04, 2017, at 05:52 PM by -
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January 04, 2017, at 05:14 PM by -
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January 04, 2017, at 04:41 PM by -
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January 02, 2017, at 08:48 PM by -
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January 02, 2017, at 08:10 PM by -
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Changed lines 46-47 from:
  • Solutions
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  • Solutions
Changed lines 53-55 from:
  • Solutions 1-6
  • Solutions 7-9
Deleted line 57:
August 30, 2016, at 07:47 PM by -
Added lines 1-54:

(:title Programming Assignments:) (:keywords homework, nonlinear, optimization, engineering optimization, Excel, Mathcad, Visual Basic, MATLAB, differential, algebraic, modeling language, university course:) (:description Assignments for Problem-Solving Techniques for Chemical Engineers at Brigham Young University:)

Excel Assignments

Python Assignments

MathCAD Assignments