% APM Load T0 File % File is typically either: % Steady State with ss.t0, mpu.t0, rto.t0, % Dynamic with sim.t0, est.t0, ctl.t0, % Sequential with sqs.t0 % Warmstart with warm.t0 % Lagrange mult with lam.t0 function [response] = t0_load(server,app,filename) % extract mode by removing .t0 mode = strrep(filename,'.t0',''); % load model fid=fopen(filename,'r'); tline = []; while 1 aline = fgets(fid); if ~ischar(aline), break, end % remove any double quote marks aline = [strrep(aline,'"',' ')]; tline = [tline aline]; end fclose(fid); % remove newline characters from response newline = sprintf('\r'); % clear any prior file url_base = [deblank(server) '/online/apm_t0.php']; params = {'p',app,'a','clear','f',mode}; response = urlread(url_base,'get',params); response = strrep(response,newline,''); % send to server once for every 2000 characters ts = size(tline,2); block = 2000; cycles = ceil(ts/block); for i = 1:cycles, if i<cycles, t0_block = tline((i-1)*block+1:i*block); else t0_block = tline((i-1)*block+1:end); end params = {'p',app,'a',t0_block,'f',mode}; response = urlread(url_base,'get',params); response = strrep(response,newline,''); end response = 'Successfully loaded T0 file';