% APM Load Model File % % response = apm_load(server,app,filename) % % Function apm_load uploads the model file (apm) to the web-server % with the following arguments: % % server = address of server % app = application name % filename = model filename % % A response is returned indicating whether the file was % uploaded successfully to the server % function [response] = apm_load(server,app,filename) % load model fid=fopen(filename,'r'); tline = []; while 1 aline = fgets(fid); if ~ischar(aline), break, end tline = [tline aline]; end fclose(fid); % send to server once for every 2000 characters ts = size(tline,2); block = 2000; cycles = ceil(ts/block); for i = 1:cycles, if i<cycles, apm_block = ['apm ' tline((i-1)*block+1:i*block)]; else apm_block = ['apm ' tline((i-1)*block+1:end)]; end response = apm(server,app,apm_block); end response = 'Successfully loaded APM file';